Biden’s Supreme Court Plan

Some interesting, if unworkable, ideas.

Democrats Looking to Strike Back at Supreme Court

Impeach the Justices! Pack the Court!

Trump Fatigue

Fighting a cult of personality is exhausting.

Dozens Quitting Congress

Take this job and shove it. I ain’t workin’ here no more.

The Senate Dress Code

Much ado about nothing?

A Different Democracy, Indeed

A trip through comparative democratic reform.

Is Mitch McConnell Still Fit to Lead?

It’s time for transparency on the Republican Leader’s health.

Age Limits? (not Term Limits)

It is something we need to think about.

Age, Illness, and American Politics

The controversies over our geriatric Congress continue.

The Chaos is the Point

The anti-McCarthy holdouts have no end game.

GOP Clown Show Continues

After two days of futility, a deal is coming together to make futility permanent.

Back to Court Expansion

Two members of the presidential commission reach the conclusion that expansion is needed.

Back to SCOTUS Reform and “Legitimacy”

Doing nothing is still a choice, and the legitimacy crisis is here, like it or not.

Governor McConaughey?

A new poll from Texas give us a chance to think about parties and nominations in the US.

Gridlock is not a Feature, it is a Bug

Gridlock doesn’t mean government stops. It just shifts who is governing.

Biden Open to SCOTUS Expansion

After weeks of evasion, the frontrunner hints at a compromise policy.

Chris Rock and Political Reform

Having the topic of political reform start to seep into pop culture is a good thing.

Supreme Court Reform Bill

An interesting but unlikely-to-pass bill is about to be introduced.

Term Limits and Political Science

The literature on term limits is not a favorable one.

The Bad Ideas of Tom Steyer

Term limits and referenda may sound good, but they are terrible ideas

California Supreme Court Strikes Down Tax Return Disclosure Law

The California Supreme Court has struck down a state law purporting to require a candidate for President to release their tax returns,

Jon Huntsman Enters Race For Utah Governor

Former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman is running to get his old job back.

Federal Judge Blocks California Law Requiring Disclosure Of Candidate Tax Returns

Late last week, a Federal Judge in California placed on hold a state law requiring candidates to provide copies of their tax returns.

Federal Judge Blocks Law Requiring Candidates To Release Tax Returns

Late last week, a Federal Judge blocked a California law requiring candidates for President and other offices to make copies of their tax returns public.

Trump Campaign Sues To Block California Law Requiring Release Of Tax Returns

The Trump campaign and several other parties have filed lawsuits challenging California’s new law requiring candidates for President to release copies of their tax returns.

Jon Huntsman Resigns As Ambassador To Russia Ahead Of Possible Return To Politics

Jon Huntsman has resigned as Ambassador to Russia ahead of an anticipated bid to return as Utah’s Governor, a position he held 11 years ago.

Ginsburg Offers Praise For Gorsuch And Kavanaugh

Justice Ginsburg has some kind words for her two newest co-workers, perhaps to the surprise of many of Ginsburg’s own supporters.

RBG Speaks Out Against Court Packing Schemes

Ruth Bader Ginsburg isn’t very impressed by the proposals made by several liberal politicians lately to increase the size of the Supreme Court to counterbalance the conservative tilt created by the Gorsuch and Kavanaugh confirmations.

California Lawmakers Pass Bill Requiring Candidates To Release Tax Returns

California’s legislature has passed a law purporting to require candidates for President to release copies of their tax returns, but it’s likely to face legal challenges if it becomes law.

Bernie Sanders Wants to ‘Rotate’ Conservatives Off Supreme Court

The Vermont Senator has a bizarre alternative to court packing.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders On The Way Out

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders is leaving office at the end of the month.

The Do Nothing Senate

Other than confirming a lot of Trump Judges, the Senate has not been getting much work done so far this year.

California Becomes Latest State To Try To Force Trump To Disclose Tax Returns

California is the latest state to try to force all Presidential candidates, including the President, to release their tax returns as a condition for getting on the ballot. It’s not at all clear that this is permitted under the Constitution.

Democrats Trying to Block Trump from 2020 Ballot

Ballot measures across the country would deny access to those who refuse to release tax returns.

John Hickenlooper, Former Colorado Governor, Enters Presidential Race

Former Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper is the latest entrant into an already crowded Democratic field.

Washington Governor Jay Inslee Is Running For President

Washington Governor Jay Inslee is running for the Democratic nomination for President on a platform primarily focused on climate change. Whether that helps distinguish him from a growing field of candidates remains to be seen.

Anthony Weiner Released From Prison

The ignominious saga of Anthony Weiner appears to have reached its end.

A Suggested Response to GOP Abuses

Jacob T. Levy has a column worth a read.

Pelosi Near Deal To Secure Leadership, But It Includes Term Limits

Nancy Pelosi is apparently close to a deal with dissident Democrats that will keep her in power until at least 2022.

Leave Notorious RBG Alone

Once again, people on the left are complaining that Ruth Bader Ginsburg didn’t retire when they wanted her to.

Bill Nelson Looking Vulnerable In Florida

Rick Scott is pulling in impressive fundraising numbers, giving Democrats reason to worry that they’ll have another Senate seat to worry about in November.

How’s That ‘Living Constitution’ Working Out for You?

Progressive enthusiasm for the notion that our governing framework is dynamic and ought be constantly updated by the judiciary is waning.

Tim Pawlenty Running For Minnesota Governor Again

Tim Pawlenty is attempting a comeback in Minnesota. It won’t be easy.

Vladimir Putin “Wins” “Election” For Fourth Term In Office

To nobody’s surprise, Vladimir Putin has won re-election to another term as Russia’s President.

Russians Voting to Give Putin Another 6 Years

A contest with no serious challenger will make him the longest-serving Russian leader since Stalin.

Some Maryland Legislators Want To Require Candidates For President To Release Taxes

Maryland’s legislature is considering a law that would require candidates for President to release their tax returns. It’s probably not Constitutional.

Xi Jinping Solidifies His Hold On Power In China

China’s Xi Jinping solidified his hold on power well into the next decade over the weekend.

Another Roy Moore Accuser Steps Forward As Senate Republicans Turn Against Him

Another Alabama woman accuses Roy Moore of sexually assaulting him when she was a teenager.