Lesser-Known Candidates for President

Vermin Supreme and Paperboy Love Prince have as good a chance as Vivek Ramaswamy.

I Was Right All Along, Except When I Was Wrong

Looking back at my predictions about the 2020 Democratic race.

Kamala Harris in front of American Flag Kamala Harris in front of American Flag

Harris Endorses Biden

The Democratic wagons continue to circle around Biden.

Joementum Kills Brokered Convention Dream

Nate Silver now gives Biden an 87% chance of winning the nomination outright.

A Democratic Turnout Problem?

Evidence from the four early states is not looking promising.

The Most Important Rule Of Surviving A Political Campaign Is: Don’t Quit!

The final delegate count may well be skewed.

The Down Side of Early Voting

Many people have voted for candidates who aren’t running anymore.

Tom Steyer Drops Out

The billionaire has decided to stop tilting at windmills.

Joe Biden Makes it a Two-Man Race

The 78-year-old is the Comeback Kid. And the only chance of preventing a Bernie Sanders nomination.

Steyer as South Carolina Spoiler

The vanity candidate may impact the race.

Is Sanders Inevitable?

There’s no way to catch him in a six-candidate field.

Money Could Decide Super Tuesday

Competing in fourteen states plus overseas territories in one day is expensive.

Democracy is Hurting Democrats

The wrong people are choosing the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee.

Are Biden and Warren Toast?

Two early frontrunners are being written off.

Has the Democratic Race Changed?

Is there a new frontrunner?

DNC Making Up Rules as it Goes

Proposed mid-stream changes could help Bloomberg, hurt Sanders, and divide the party.

The Bad Ideas of Tom Steyer

Term limits and referenda may sound good, but they are terrible ideas

Democratic Debate Stage Set To Shrink Again

Next week’s Democratic debate could have as few as five candidates.

Pete Buttigieg Raises $24.8 Million In Final Quarter Of 2019

Pete Buttigieg had a very successful fundraising quarter at the same time he is rising in the polls.

Top Hawaii Democrat Calls On Tulsi Gabbard To Resign

Tulsi Gabbard is under fire back home for her vote on impeachment and for missing votes on the House floor.

Sixth Democratic Debate Draws Lowest Viewer Numbers Yet

Thursday night’s Democratic debate drew the lowest numbers of any of this season’s debates.

Rivals Focus On Buttigieg In Sixth Democratic Debate

A much smaller debate stage led to a much better debate last night.

Previewing The Sixth Democratic Debate

It’s time for the last Democratic debate of 2019, and the stage will be smaller than it has at any time in the past.

The Democratic Field Is Becoming Less Diverse, Who’s To Blame?

With Kamala Harris”s exit from the race, some are raising questions about why minority candidates have failed to break through in a party that has a very diverse base.

Kamala Harris Drops Out of Presidential Race

Kamala Harris, whose campaign has been floundering for months, is out of the race for the Democratic Presidential Nomination.

Kamala Harris in front of American Flag Kamala Harris in front of American Flag

The Wheels Are Coming Off Of Kamala Harris’s Campaign

Kamala Harris’s once-promising campaign is nearing the end whether the candidate or her supporters wish to admit it or not.

Poll Shows Four-Way Battle In New Hampshire

The latest poll out of New Hampshire shows four candidates at the top in a very close race.

Andrew Yang Boycotting MSNBC Over Debate Speaking Time

Andrew Yang is upset about the fact that he’s largely being ignored at the Democratic debates. He’s right, but that’s at least partly his fault.

Mike Bloomberg Is Running For President.

After flirting with the idea many times over the past decade and a half, Mike Bloomberg is officially running for President.

Viewership For Fifth Democratic Debate Drops Significantly

Wednesday night’s debate drew the smallest television audience of any of the debates so far.

Democrats Clash In Fifth Debate

The fifth Democratic debate brought some candidate clashes, but hardly the no-holds-barred type of event you might expect for this late in the pre-primary process.

Previewing The Fifth Democratic Debate

Taking a look at the state of the race as Democratic prepare to clash in tonight’s fifth debate.

Biden’s South Carolina Firewall

Former Vice-President Joe Biden continues to hold a strong lead in South Carolina even while slipping in other early states.

Kamala Harris’s Campaign Appears To Be Falling Apart

After a promising start, Kamala Harris’s campaign appears to be in crisis mode.

Pete Buttigieg Takes The Lead In Bellwether Iowa Poll

More good news for Mayor Pete.

Pete Buttigieg Surges In New Iowa Poll

A new poll shows Pete Buttigieg surging in Iowa, where the Caucuses are 92 days away.

Does Michael Bloomberg “Radiate Electability”?

One political scientist says yes. A bunch of others say wait, what?

Michael Bloomberg Poll Numbers . . . Interesting

The newest entrant is outperforming most rivals but is intensely disliked.

Biden, Warren Lead Race For Democratic Nomination

Two weeks after the most recent debate, Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren are pulling ahead in the polls.

Democrats Down To The Final Five?

Based on a number of factors, it appears that the Democratic field for 2020 has shrunk from more than 20 to just 5 viable candidates. Is there room for more?

DNC Sets Criteria For December Debate

The stage for the sixth Democratic debate in December is likely to be much smaller.

Post-Debate National Polls Show Biden Rebounding

The first round of polls after last week’s debate has good news for the former Vice-President.

Fourth Democratic Debate Garners 8.3 Million Voters

The fourth Democratic debate saw a viewership dip from September, but there are likely some good reasons for that.

Warren Comes Under Fire In Fourth Democratic Debate

Elizabeth Warren took most of the fire during last night’s fourth Democratic debate, which will likely go a long way toward winnowing down a crowded field.

Previewing The Fourth Democratic Debate

With twelve Democrats set to clash tonight in Ohio, it’s time to take a look at the state of the race.

Stage Set For Twelve Person Debate

The next Democratic Debate will have the most people on stage at one time of any debate so far.

Democrats Tighten Criteria for November And December Debates

The criteria for the November and December debate will make it much harder for some Democrats to get on the national stage. That isn’t a bad thing.

Biden And Warren In Dead Heat In Latest Iowa Poll

The latest Des Moines Register poll puts Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren at the top of the pack in the Hawkeye State.

Democratic Race Mostly Unchanged By Third Presidential Debate

For the most part, the third debate appears to have had little immediate impact on the race for the Democratic nomination.

Third Democratic Debate Draws 14 Million Viewers

After falling for the second debate, ratings were back near record levels for the third debate.