Unemployment Forecast Bad News For Obama

President Obama is likely join the ranks of the unemployed come noon on January 20, 2013 if a Fed forecast is right.

Federal Reserve Foresees Slow Growth, High Unemployment Through 2012

The latest forecast from the Federal Reserve foresees stagnant growth and high unemployment for the next two years.

What If Hillary Were President?

Dana Milbank asks, “Would we be better off under a President Hillary Clinton?” His affirmative answer isn’t very convincing.

Finally, A Jobs Report With Some Good News

There’s some good news in the October jobs report.

What, Exactly, Is The Federal Reserve Up To?

The Federal Reserve is injecting $ 600,000,000,000 into the economy, primarily in the hope that it will boost stock prices and, in turn, the economy. It might work, but if it doesn’t the consequences could be severe.

The 2010 Midterms: A View From Across The Pond

The British press takes a look at America’s Midterm Elections.

Obama Backlash in Context

If the polling is anywhere close to accurate, a Republican wave will come crashing down today, repudiating the first two years of the Obama administration. What does it mean?

Slow Economic Growth: The New Normal?

Another round of GDP growth figures are out, and they show that the U.S. economy continues to grow far slower than necessary to sustain job growth. Is this a temporary problem, or something we can expect to live with for the foreseeable future?

When It Comes To Ideological Purity, Democrats Can Be As Dumb As Republicans

A call for ideological purity in the Democratic Party in today’s New York Times demonstrates that Democrats can be just as foolish as Republicans.

Two Incomes Better Than One!

According to some new studies by crack economists, it’s helpful to have a spouse bringing in some money if you happen to lose your job.

Report: Unemployment Crisis May Last Until 2020

If job growth continues at the anemic pace that it has been on in 2010, it could be quite some time before we return to the “Good Old Days” of 5% unemployment.

September Jobs Report Confirms Economy Remains Anemic

Another month, another bad jobs report.

Soldiers: Not Poor, Stupid Hicks

Yet another study shows what any of us who’ve ever spent any time around soldiers already knew: Our Army is not comprised of stupid people who couldn’t find a decent job.

Schwarzenegger: Obama Will Win in 2012

Arnold Schwarzenegger predicts President Obama’s re-election. Historically, that’s the safe bet.

Structural Unemployment a Myth?

Paul Krugman says there’s zero evidence for structural causes for unemployment. It’s just a demand problem. How do we spark demand, then?

Caption Contest Winners

The Cheeburger Cheeburger Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Is America Too Genteel?

David Brooks blames our economic woes on a change from a culture that valued productive work to one of gentility. And Bill Cosby.

Bad News For Democrats In The Buckeye State

Ohio has long been a bellwethers state and, if a new statewide poll is any indication, it looks to be ready to hand the Democrats a very bad defeat in November.

Hillary Clinton 2012 Ad Running

The first ad of the 2012 presidential cycle has aired, by some dentist touting Hillary Clinton. She’s not running. Could she?

Another Month, Another Anemic Jobs Report

The August jobs numbers may be “better than expected,” but they still aren’t all that great.

2010 vs. 1994 Revisted, Part The Second

Another political analyst is out with a 2010 prediction that should make Democrats very nervous.

Public Opinion On Health Care Reform Turning Negative Again

The perfect storm of a bad economy and a new, massive, unpopular government entitlement program may be combing to cause serious damage to Democrats in November.

Back to the Nevada Polls

The Nevada Senate race is, in many ways, a three-way in which none of the above could be a spoiler for Angle.

Fear And The Housing Market

For many reasons, the housing market is unlikely to fully recover for the foreseeable future.

2nd Quarter GDP Growth Revised Downward To 1.6%

Another set of bad economic numbers are out today, and one wonders when we’ll start getting the good news.

Boehner To Obama: Fire Your Economic Advisers

House Minority John Boehner is getting a lot of attention for calling for mass firings at the White House. The real news, though, is that his speech is shifting the focus of the political conversation back to the economy. Which is just what the GOP needs.

“Ground Zero Mosque” Debate: Distraction, Or Fundamentally Important ?

Glenn Greenwald argues that the “Ground Zero Mosque” debate is about more than just a “mosque” near Ground Zero. He’s right, but that also means the debate is likely to get uglier.

Dumbest GOP Meme Yet: Does The President Deserve A Vacation ?

The Obama’s are vacationing on Martha’s Vineyard again this year so, of course, it’s time for people to say stupid things about Presidential leisure activities again.

Mitch Daniels for President?

Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels is superbly qualified for the presidency. But our system virtually assures that he won’t be a serious contender for the job.

Obama’s Approval Numbers Continue To Fall

If the President looks worried, he has a pretty good reason.

Obama: Don’t Raise Taxes During Recession

A year ago, President Obama was emphatically against raising taxes during the recession — even on the rich.

Harry Reid’s Campaign Against Sharron Angle Having An Impact

Harry Reid has spent the summer trying to portray is opponent as a kook. So far, it’s working.

Unemployment and Education

Unemployment is not equally distributed in America.

McMahon, Buck, Bennet Win, Georgia Governor’s Race Too Close To Call

Another round of primaries last night made the playing field for November just a little bit clearer to see.

Hiring Workers Too Expensive!

Are government imposed mandates making it impossible for businesses to justify hiring new workers?

Unemployment Paradox: Vacant Jobs Unfilled

Despite 9.5% unemployment, American firms are struggling to find qualified applicants for job openings.

Republicans Avoiding Gay Marriage Ruling

The Republican Party is keeping relatively quiet on the Proposition 8 ruling. That’s a good idea.

Michelle Obama’s $ 375,000 Vacation

The First Family can go on vacation, but politics never does.

Another Anemic Employment Report Confirms: No Recovery Summer

Another bad jobs report demonstrates that the “recovery” is an illusion for many people.

Christina Romer Leaving White House

Council of Economic Advisors chair Christina Romer becomes the latest senior official to leave the Obama White House.

The Politics Of The California Gay Marriage Decision

What impact will Judge Walker’s decision on Proposition 8 have on politics in 2010 and beyond ?

Democrats’ “New” Strategy: Blame Bush

The Democrats are pulling a trick from the Reagan playbook for the fall campaign. They might want to rethink that.

Chelsea Clinton Wedding Outrage

Should anyone care that Chelsea Clinton’s wedding was ridiculously lavish?