Gingrich 2012: Will The GOP End Up Nominating The Unelectable Candidate?

Newt Gingrich is leading the GOP field, but losing to President Obama, but Republican voters don’t seem to care.

About that Gingrich Marijuana Quote…

Usually if a quote is too good to be true, it is.

Citizens United And The Foolish Attack On Corporate Personhood

A new set of proposed Constitutional Amendments reveals that many people still don’t understand what Citizens United was about.

The Other Jobs Crisis

You’d think that in today’s world employers wouldn’t have trouble finding qualified employees. You’d be wrong.

Michael Bloomberg For President? Why?

Once again, pundits are suggesting that New York’s Michael Bloomberg might run for President. Though nobody seems to be able to explain why.

Eurozone Too Big To Save?

“The debt crisis is burrowing ever deeper, like a worm, and is now reaching Germany.”

Blaming Grover Norquist

Grover Norquist has become the target of blame for problems that are far more deep than just one man.

Obama’s Second Term

“Democratic” pollsters Pat Caddell and Doug Schoen argue that President Obama should decline to run for re-election.

Will Jon Huntsman Get A Second Look, Or Even A First, From Conservatives?

Jon Huntsman’s campaign has never really gotten off the ground. Will conservatives start taking him more seriously?

Why More Americans Don’t Major in Math and Science

A dwindling proportion of students are majoring in STEM fields. They’re likely making the wise choice.

Accusations Starting To Hurt Cain In The Polls

Polls are starting to show signs that the sexual harassment allegations are starting to hurt Herman Cain.

Defense and State Reining in CIA Drone War

The CIA’s drone war in Pakistan has gotten so out of hand that the Pentagon and State Department are reigning it in.

Beer Don’t Get No Respect

Why does wine get so much more written treatment than beer?

USAJobs Website Fiasco

The Feds fired Monster and now USAJobs is a disaster

Rick Perry’s Not Really Flat Flat Tax Plan

Rick Perry’s tax plan isn’t very impressive.

Rick Perry: Talking About The President’s Birth Certificate Is “Fun”

On the day his campaign is set to make a major economic roll out, Rick Perry went the birther route again.

Reassessing Occupy Wall Street And The 99%’ers

Some on the right are giving Occupy Wall Street and The 99%’ers a second look.

Herman Cain Tries, And Fails, To Defend 9-9-9

Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 double talk is starting to show

Moving Goalposts of American Conservatism

Rush Limbaugh, who three years ago said Mitt Romney embodied all three legs of the conservative stool today declared that Romney is not a conservative. He was right both times.

Wall Street Journal Circulation Scam

Rupert Murdoch’s publishing empire is being rocked by a second scandal, this one a scheme to inflate the circulation figures of the Wall Street Journal.

Herman Cain: New Republican Frontrunner?!

Herman Cain is leading Mitt Romney in two respected polls.

Bad Economy Effects Last a Lifetime

Damage from starting one’s career during a recession can persist over one’s entire working life.

Christie Now Allegedly “Seriously Considering” Presidential Race

And, the week closes out with another round of rumors about New Jersey’s Governor.

Conservative Pundits Continue Their Obsession With Chris Christie

Some pundits on the right can’t seem to quit Chris Christie.

Mitt Romney Unveils Economic Plan To Mixed Reviews

Mitt Romney’s jobs plan is detailed, but it doesn’t seem to be impressing anyone.

President Obama’s Job Ratings Sink Amid Economic Pessimism

With most of the public looking at the future and not seeing anything good, the President is suffering

Biofuel vs. Food

The Western fetish for turning cheap, efficient food into expensive, inefficient fuel is threatening the food supply–as is the European superstition against genetically modified foods.

Journalists Lean Left

America’s journalists are far more liberal than America.

Obama’s Jobs Plan: Deja Vu All Over Again?

Details of the President’s jobs plan are starting to leak out, and they’re not looking impressive.

Rick Perry’s Crony Capitalism

Rick Perry’s vision of capitalism doesn’t exactly comply with what Adam Smith had in mind.

Trying to State the Texas Jobs Issue as Simply as Possible

What’s the bottom line in the Texas jobs discussion?

Charts of the Day: Miracles Edition

More on Texas and jobs.

Assessing Rick Perry’s Vulnerabilities

Rick Perry may be much less than meets the eye.

Government Fighting Back Against S&P?

Is S&P’s downgrade of the US bond rating “free speech” and thereby protected by the Constitution?

Downgrading Standard & Poors

While it’s hard to argue with S&P’s political analysis, its economic judgment is a head-scratcher.

Debt Deal Reveals GOP Split On Defense Spending

The cuts to Pentagon spending in the new debt deal are further revealing a split in the GOP over foreign policy and military spending.

POL 101 and the Debt Ceiling Debate

Yes, the President is a key actor in the debt ceiling debate. However, the actual decision is a congressional one.

Debt Ceiling Kabuki Theater Update

It hasn’t been a very productive weekend in Washington, D.C.

Military Gay Ban Ending in September

The ban on gays openly serving in the military will end in September, nine months after President Obama signed the repeal into law.

On Debt Deal, Americans Want Compromise Not Grandstanding

Three new polls provide a warning to both sides of the debt negotiations, but mostly to Republicans.