Donald Trump and Joe Biden portrait style Donald Trump and Joe Biden portrait style

Judging Presidential Debates

Their feelings don’t care about your facts.

President Joe Biden boards Marine One at the Wall Street Landing Zone in Manhattan, Wednesday, September 20, 2023 en route to JFK International Airport in Queens, New York. The Statue of Liberty can be seen in the background. President Joe Biden boards Marine One at the Wall Street Landing Zone in Manhattan, Wednesday, September 20, 2023 en route to JFK International Airport in Queens, New York. The Statue of Liberty can be seen in the background.

Old Man Biden and Young Would-Be Voters

The President has tepid support in the 18-29 demographic.

Dianne Feinstein, 1933-2023

A trailblazer is gone at 90.

Jimmy Buffett, 1946-2023

The Gulf and Western singer, songwriter, and mogul has died at 76.

Watergate at 50

Half a century have passed since a botched burglary changed history.

President Joe Biden delivers remarks on Earth Day prior to signing an executive order strengthening the nation’s forests, resilience to extreme weather events, and local economies, Friday, April 22, 2022, at Seward Park in Seattle. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz) President Joe Biden delivers remarks on Earth Day prior to signing an executive order strengthening the nation’s forests, resilience to extreme weather events, and local economies, Friday, April 22, 2022, at Seward Park in Seattle. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)

The Messaging is Medium

The Democrats have lots of problems. Salesmanship is pretty far down the list.

Bob Beckel, 1948-2022

The Democratic strategist and longtime talking head is gone at 73.

Vice President Kamala Harris talks on the phone with French President Emmanuel Macron Monday, Feb. 15, 2021, at the Blair House in Washington, D.C. Vice President Kamala Harris talks on the phone with French President Emmanuel Macron Monday, Feb. 15, 2021, at the Blair House in Washington, D.C.

Kamala Harris’ Frustrating Start?

A weird new narrative has emerged.

Walter Mondale, 1928-2021

Jimmy Carter’s Vice President and the 1984 Democratic nominee has died at 93.

Two Parties, Not Two Countries

We’ve just had an election, not psychoanalysis.

Comparative Approval Ratings

Is Trump really an outlier?

Biden’s Veep Search

Every Democratic woman seems to be under consideration.

Joe Biden as the Next George H.W. Bush?

Dan Drezner makes an interesting comparison.

Nevada Debate Reflections

The clear winner was Donald Trump.

Brokered Convention Fantasies: 2020 Edition

It’s time to start speculating about a brokered convention again,even though it probably isn’t going to happen.

Late-Entering Presidential Candidates Rarely Win

History shows us that candidates who enter the race for President late rarely do well, and rarely manage to win.

Jimmy Carter’s Rennaissance?

Some 2020 Democratic hopefuls are turning to a surprising source for counsel.

Trump Could Win Re-Election

Larry Sabato lays out a quite plausible path.

Is Joe Biden Out Of Step In An Increasingly Hyperpartisan America?

In what was basically a throwaway line, Joe Biden said something nice about Mike Pence. The reaction from his fellow Democrats says a lot about our current political culture, and none of it is good.

Second Impartial Named Witness Denies Knowledge of Kavanaugh Accusation

Christine Blasey Ford put “two teenagers” at the party where she alleges a rape attempt occurred. Neither remembers any such party.

Tim Pawlenty Fails In Comeback Effort, Confirming That The GOP Is Trump’s Party

Former Republican Governor Tim Pawlenty failed in his comeback effort last night, confirming yet again that the GOP is now the Trump Party.

Democrats Already Gearing Up For 2020 Battles

The midterm elections are still four months away, but Democrats are already making moves to prepare for the race for their party’s Presidential nomination in 2020.

Charles Krauthammer Dies of Cancer, Aged 68

A towering figure gone much too soon.

Charles Krauthammer Announces He Is Dying Of Cancer

Political columnist and commentator Charles Krauthammer has weeks to live.

Gary Cohn Resigns as Trump Economic Advisor

The chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisors is out after failing to convince the boss not to impose tariffs.

Minnesota Governor Names Lt. Governor Tina Smith To Replace Al Franken.

As expected, Minnesota’s Governor has named his Lt. Governor to replace Al Franken in the Senate.

There Is No Civil War, Republicans And Conservatives Have Already Surrendered

Forget all the talk about a civil war in the Republican Party, the truth is that Republicans and conservatives have already surrendered to Trump and Bannon.

John Glenn, First American To Orbit Earth, Dies At 95

Godspeed, John Glenn.

Donald Trump Falsely Claims He Won The Electoral Vote By A Landslide

Donald Trump claims he won an Electoral College landslide. This is a bald-faced lie.

Was Bernie Sanders The Ralph Nader Of 2016?

One professor is suggesting that Bernie Sanders played a role in 2016 similar to the one that Ralph Nader did in 2000. It doesn’t pass even cursory examination.

I’m A Political Junkie, But 2016 Has Burned Me Out

I’ve been something of a political news junkie for 40 years now. This year has burned me out.

Most Damaging Presidential Run, Ever?

Has any major party nominee for president ever damaged his reputation in this manner?

Wisconsin Unlikely To Go Republican In 2016

Republican hopes that Wisconsin might go Republican this year seem to be slipping away.

Evaluating Hillary’s Short List For Running Mates

A purported ‘short list’ of potential running mates for Hillary Clinton is out. Here’s how the candidates stack up.

Gary Johnson, Bill Weld, and the ‘Libertarian Party’

With two former Republican governors running under its banner, is there such a thing as a “Libertarian Party”?

No, Ben Carson Is Not Being Subjected To ‘Unfair’ Scrutiny

Ben Carson and his supporters would have you believe that he is being subjected to unprecedented and unfair scrutiny. That assertion is completely false.

Bad News For Hillary Clinton, Or Much Ado About Nothing In New Battleground Polls?

Polling in three battleground states shows Hillary Clinton slightly trailing three top Republicans, but it means far less than you might think.

Martin O’Malley To Enter Presidential Race

Maryland’s former Governor will announce his candidacy for President next week. Don’t expect him to go very far.

Republicans Should Be Careful In Bringing Up Hillary Clinton’s Age

A Presidential candidate’s health and fitness for office are legitimate issues. When it comes to bringing up Hillary Clinton’s age in the context of 2016,, though, Republicans need to proceed with caution.

Mitt Romney 2016

A certain wealthy man with good hair is doing very well in a meaningless poll.

The GOP’s Battle Plan Against Hillary: Arguing That “She’s Old?”

The GOP is going to have to come up with a lot more than just age if they end up facing off against Hillary Clinton in 2016.


Michael Kinsley contends “Being against marriage equality doesn’t make you a monster.”

Ted Cruz For President?

Is someone who’s only be a Senator for just over 100 days a serious contender for the Republican nomination in 2016?

Obama’s Second Term Honeymoon Looks To Be Over

President Obama’s job approval numbers have fallen off from their post-election highs. But, does it matter?

The Incredible Shrinking Mitt Romney

Less than two weeks after he lost the election, the GOP is acting as if Mitt Romney never existed.

Romney Won The Debate, But Will It Matter?

Mitt Romney won the debate last night, but it’s not at all clear that this will matter at all.