Senate To Consider Syria AUMF With Time Limits, No Ground Troops

A proposed Syria authorization being considered in the Senate places several limits on Presidential authority to act, but it’s unclear if those limits can actually work.

“The current institutional equilibrium has led to a perverse place”

Will Congress now take some responsibilty?

Obama Won’t Go To Congress, Because History Has Taught Him He Doesn’t Have To

Presidents have gotten away with ignoring Congress when it comes to foreign military adventures for a very long time.

Brits v. the Yanks

An Example of How Institutions Matter.

U.S. Says That Syria Has Used Chemical Weapons, Will Reportedly Start Arming Rebels

The U.S. is now confirming that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons. What’s next?

Conservative Media Its Own Worst Enemy

Conservatives complaining about biased coverage from the liberal media should instead look in the mirror.

The Cult Of Barack Obama’s Presidency

Like the men who came before him, Barack Obama has vastly increased the powers of his office. Someone should have asked him about that last night.

A Romney Critic’s Case Against Obama

Mitt Romney is a deeply flawed candidate, but that doesn’t mean the President is any better.

Rand Paul Rips Mitt Romney’s Statements On Presidential War Powers

Rand Paul calls Mitt Romney out over his comments about Presidential War Powers.

Mitt Romney Has Some Very Disturbing Opinions On Presidential War Powers

Mitt Romney believes he could take America to war without Congressional involvement.

Is it Too Hard to Amend the Constitution? A Brief Response

Yes, it is too hard to amend. A few quick thoughts on the subject.

President Obama Much Bigger Fan of Executive Power Than Senator Obama

Charlie Savage documents a major shift in Barack Obama’s philosophy of presidential authority.

War And The Presidency

According to some historians, a President isn’t truly great unless he involves America in a bloody and destructive war.

Republican Candidates Love The Imperial Presidency

Not surprisingly, most of the Republican candidates for President aren’t too keen on reducing the excessive growth in Executive Branch power.

Killing Gaddafi Doesn’t Make President Obama’s Actions In Libya Legal Or Justified

Gaddafi is dead, but it was still wrong for the United States to get involved in Libya.

Obama Sending Troops to Fight Lord’s Resistance Army

Obama is trying to get into Guinness under “US President with Most Simultaneous Wars”

Are our Problems Based in Leadership or Institutions?

Where should we look to understand the failings of the government?

The Death Of Anwar Al-Awlaki And The Imperial Presidency

Giving the President the unchecked power to kill American citizens raises some serious red flags.

Success In Libya Does Not Justify An Unnecessary, Improper Decision By President Obama

Success in Libya does not make the American mission any less unjustified than it was on the day President Obama announced it.

Libya and the Credit Due

Steve Benen has coined the phrase “Thank America Last” to describe those avoiding praise of President Obama for success in Libya.

America Carrying Load in Libya While Pretending Otherwise

The US handing Libya over to NATO is “like Beyonce saying she’s ceding control to Sasha Fierce!” – Jon Stewart

The Unconstitutional Constitution

While the Constitutionality of the War Powers Act is indeed dubious, the fact that it was passed over Nixon’s veto isn’t the reason.

House Votes to Continue Libya Policy

Yes, you read that correctly.

House Refuses To Authorize Libyan War, Then Refuses To Defund Libyan War

Congress had a chance to send a strong message to the Executive Branch today. They failed.

Congress and Libya

Is Congress set to vote to authorize military action in Libya?

Opposing Dumb, Unnecessary Wars Is Not “Isolationism”

Contrary to what Senator McCain, seeking realism in military policy does not make one an isolationist.

Obama Overruled Lawyers on Libya

President Obama overruled his top legal advisors in deciding that the Libya operation does not amount to “hostilities” under the War Powers Act.

White House’s ‘Libya Isn’t A War-War’ Defense Not Going Over Well In Congress

The White House’s assertion that Libya isn’t covered by the War Powers Act isn’t being accepted on Capitol Hill.

President Obama To Congress: War Powers Act Doesn’t Apply To Libya

The Obama Administration tells Congress that it doesn’t need to comply with the War Powers Act because the Act does not apply to the mission in Libya.

Ten Congressmen Sue President Obama Over Libya Mission, War Powers Act

Dennis Kucinich and nine other Members of Congress are suing the President. They won’t get very far.

Looking to the Founders

Sandy Levinson suggests that there is a key lesson from the Founders that we ignore.

Boehner Gives Obama Until Friday To Justify Libya Mission

The House GOP and the White House moved one step closer to a constitutional confrontation, but is it much ado about nothing?

Congress vs. Obama on Libya

The War Powers Act’s 90 day limit is in sight. Will Congress force the president’s hand?

The Constitutionally Dubious War Powers Act

Clearly there’s a large ambiguity in the Constitutional gap between the two separate war-related powers of Congress and the Executive. The WPA can be seen as an attempt to resolve it but can’t if it’s unconstitutional.

America’s Newest Secret War, Or The Same One We’ve Been Fighting For Ten Years?

American drone strikes in Yemen are intensifying. Is this a new war. or just the same one we’ve been fighting since October 2001?

House Bars Ground Troops in Libya

The House of Representatives has voted 416-5 for a resolution prohibiting President Obama from sending ground troops to Libya

Obama Administration Tells Congress War Powers Act Doesn’t Apply To Libya Mission

The Obama Administration is offering an odd explanation for why it doesn’t need to comply with the War Powers Act.

Don’t Blame Obama For The Death Of The War Powers Act

It has now been 60 days since American involvement in Libya commenced. Congress has failed to act, and that’s their fault.

Obama Killed The War Powers Act? No, Congress Did

Once again, Congressional abdication has led to an Executive Branch power grab.

War Powers Act and Illegal Wars

Is the war in Libya illegal?

Authorization For Libyan War Set To Expire Next Week, Don’t Expect Anyone To Do Anything About It

The 60 day deadline for Presidential discretion under the War Powers Act will expire next week. Congress won’t do anything about it.