Stupidity Was The Other Plague We Mismanaged

Having failed to prevent or contain it, aggressive stupidity is now washing over us.

Harvey Updyke Dead at 71

Roll Damn Tide.

high-resolution photo of post, road, street, spring, green, letter, color, communication, blue, box, mailbox, mail, art, mailboxes, message, postal, letters, postbox, shape, contact, letterbox, postage, mailing, correspondence, urban area, e mail high-resolution photo of post, road, street, spring, green, letter, color, communication, blue, box, mailbox, mail, art, mailboxes, message, postal, letters, postbox, shape, contact, letterbox, postage, mailing, correspondence, urban area, e mail

Trump Donor Destroying Post Office

The President may be right on voting by mail.

Congressional Republican Leadership Reject Trump’s Election Delay

McConnell and McCarthy both reject the notion of a delay.

Herman Cain Dead from Covid-19

The one-time candidate for the GOP presidential nomination is dead at 74.

Trump Muses on Twitter about Delaying the Election

Trump’s irresponsibility continues.

Pentagon Training IDs Press as ‘Adversaries’

The reporting demonstrates the uncomfortable truth.

President Know Nothing

The absurdity of this presidency illustrated yet again.

Harris’ VP Chances Redux Redux

An ambitious veepable. What a concept!

Masks Biggest Factor in US Coronavirus Debacle

We were much slower and have higher non-conformity than countries that have it under control.

Wednesday’s Forum

Biden Gains Ground in Battleground Polls

The latest Morning Consult numbers are more bad news for Trump.

Big League Insecurity

Trump made up an invitation to throw out the first pitch.

Richmond Police Claim White Supremacists Behind BLM Riots

The ‘outside agitators’ trope strikes again.

Harris’ VP Chances Redux

She would hardly be the first running mate who criticized the nominee in a debate.

Kamala Harris in front of American Flag Kamala Harris in front of American Flag

Harris’ VP Chances

Are “trust issues” in the way?

When Equality is Unequal

Black football players at Iowa complain they were treated differently—and also the same.

I Have Seen the Future of Work and it Sucks

A world in which we’re all contractors is a dystopian utopia.

In Response to John Podhoretz’s Latest Column

Shame on him for defending authoritarian actions.

Cops Aren’t Soldiers

The similarities are obvious. The differences are more important.

Casinos Open, Churches Closed

A bizarre but possibly correct ruling by the Supreme Court.

Photos for May

Credit Where Credit is Due

Partial credit at best, however.

Is Email That Bad?

A new company has reinvented the communication tool that people love to hate.

Rich Old People Got a Tax Break

An unintended consequence of the Cares Act.

Toxic Hand Sanitizer!

Apparently, we’re not supposed to drink the stuff.

A Simple Comparison

A thought experiment on what we have seen in Portland.

Person Woman Man Camera TV

We can’t punish every politician with a mental problem, but some are clearly unfit for office.

Daily Covid Deaths Back to Four Digits

Deaths are on the rise.

Democrats Likely to Retake Senate

A hundred days out, a wave election is the best bet.

What Trump Leaves Behind

A lousy column indirectly makes an important point.

A Photo for Friday

“In Process”

Police Shouldn’t Be Anonymous

Cops aren’t soldiers or spies but fellow citizens.

62% of Americans Afraid to Share Political Views

An interesting if frustrating new survey from Cato.

Portland Mayor Tear-Gassed

Federal agents deployed nonlethal force against peaceful demonstrators.

DC Area Schools Not Opening

The lousy hybrid option has been scrapped in favor of a worthless virtual one.

Cops Should Not Look Like Soldiers

Pentagon officials are speaking out about the militarization of police.

White House Coronavirus Update Briefing President Donald J. Trump, joined by Vice President Mike Pence and members of the White House COVID-19 Coronavirus task force, delivers remarks and answers questions from members of the press during a coronavirus update briefing Thursday, April 16, 2020, in the James S. Brady White House Press Briefing Room. (Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian) White House Coronavirus Update Briefing President Donald J. Trump, joined by Vice President Mike Pence and members of the White House COVID-19 Coronavirus task force, delivers remarks and answers questions from members of the press during a coronavirus update briefing Thursday, April 16, 2020, in the James S. Brady White House Press Briefing Room. (Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian)

No, This is not a Pivot

Trump and virus politics.

Non-Violent Protests

At what point does a demonstration become something else?