Posts by James Joyner

James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor and Department Head of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.

NATO Condemns Syria; It’ll End There

My latest for The National Interest, “Ankara Puts NATO on Speed Dial,” has been posted.

The SEC’s Dominance of College Sports

How dominant is the Southeastern Conference? It’s won more titles in the big sports since 2005 than all other conferences combined.

Government Advertising to Boost Food Stamp Enrollment

Byron York reacts to a CNNMoney story titled “Government wants more people on food stamps” by snarking, “And Democrats reacted angrily when Gingrich called Obama ‘food stamp president.'”

Supreme Court Upholds Arizona Immigration Checks (For Now)

The US Supreme Court has upheld the most controversial provisions of Arizona’s immigration law.

Does the Constitution Matter?

It’s a wonder the Constitution gets followed at all.

Congress and Insider Trading

Congressmen are investing hundreds of millions of dollars in stock in companies over which they have oversight. And it’s perfectly legal.

Queen Updates Order of Precedence and Who Must Bow to Whom

Marrying Prince William gave Kate Middleton fame, fortune, and a path to being the queen of England. Also, apparently, constant humiliation.

Why NATO Won’t Go To War Over Syria Shooting Down Turkish Jet

Following yesterday’s shoot-down of a Turkish F-5 by Syria has once again raised the specter of NATO action under Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty. It’s not going to happen.

Mary Cheney Gay Marries (And No One Cares)

Mary Cheney has married longtime partner Heather Poe.

10 Best Chinese Restaurants in America

David Chan has eaten at more than 6000 Chinese restaurants. He says the best are all in California and most opened in the last decade.

LeBron James Gets His Title

Will winning a championship finally overshadown “The Decision” and erase the NBA’s best player’s reputation as a choke artist?

Friedman Finds His 3rd Party Candidate: Obama

Thomas Friedman continues his quixotic quest for a third party. His candidate: a fantasy Barack Obama.

Texas Man Who Killed Daughter’s Molester Won’t Be Charged

A grand jury found that beating a child molester to death is an authorized use of deadly force.


Mitch Daniels Next Purdue President: Is He Qualified?

Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels will become president of Purdue University upon completion of his term in January. The faculty is apprehensive because Daniels has not had an academic career.

Where Are The Women?

What hath a fury greater than a woman scorned? Hundreds of scorned women with Twitter accounts.

Mormonism Sure Is Weird

Jeffrey Goldberg asks, “What if Mitt Romney were Jewish?”

Obama Plays 100th Round of Golf as President, Should Play More

Americans should be thankful when our presidents take time off.

George Will’s Less Than Lapidary Column

The 1976 Pulitizer prize winner is phoning it in.

Anti-Mormon Sentiment Increasing

The “Mormon Question” that has long plagued Mitt Romney is being raised again by a new study showing the sentiment rising among liberals and non-believers.

Saudi Crown Prince Nayef Dies

Saudi Arabia’s monarchy has suffered the loss of Crown Prince Nayef, the successor 88-year-old King Abdullah.

Millionaires Club Has Lots of Turnover

Few people earn a million dollars in a year. Fewer still do it more than once.

Obama to Ignore Immigration Law, Pretend DREAM Act Passed

Frustrated by its inability to get laws passed through Congress, the Obama administration has decided to stop following laws already passed by Congress.

Belief in God Low Among Young Americans

A third of Americans under the age of 30 doubt the existence of God, compared to 14 percent 25 years ago.

Are Special Forces Special Enough?

US Army Special Forces are the best we have at working with far-flung villagers. Are they good enough?

Lying and Political Campaigns

The Republican nominee gets some backhanded praise from an unlikely source, MoJo blogger Kevin Drum.

Black Mormons Torn Between Romney And Obama?!

When I saw the headline “Black Mormons Face Tough Election Choice Between Romney And Obama,” I naturally presumed it would lead to a parody news piece in The Onion.

Dream Team at 20

GQ has a great look back at the 1992 USA Olympic basketball team titled “The Dream Will Never Die: An Oral History of the Dream Team.”

Airline Fees: What’s Reasonable?

Chuck Shumer wants to force airlines to let families sit together for free.

David Cameron Forgot Daughter at Pub

British Prime Minister David Cameron accidentally left his 8-year-old daughter at a pub.

Personal Fitness Infomercials

Physical fitness and weight loss infomercials have gone from promising ease to promising a grueling challenge. What happened?

Journalists As Opposition Researchers

Jonathan Chait makes an astute observation about the media’s role in meme generation.

Don Rickles Makes Racist, Unfunny Obama Joke

Insult comic Don Rickles told a joke about President Obama being a janitor. Like most of Rickles’ material over the last several decades, it wasn’t funny.

‘Car Talk’ Duo Retires After 25 Years

Tom and Ray Magliozzi are retiring their “Car Talk” act after 25 years but NPR will keep the show running indefinitely by repackaging old clips.

Janet Wolfenbarger, Air Force’s First Female Four Star, Takes Material Command

In March, Janet Wolfenbarger became the first female four-star general in Air Force history. Now, she’s assumed command of all Air Force weapons programs.

Did Obama Make a Blow Job Joke? No, Of Course Not.

The crack investigative team at BuzzFeed is living up to its name with a story headlined “Did President Obama Just Make A Blowjob Joke?”

2012 Race Down to Seven Battleground States?

While the news media is focused on sixteen battleground states, the professionals running the Obama and Romney campaigns are focused on a much narrower list.

Intellectual Honesty in American Politics: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

A Bill Clinton parody account created by the Romney campaign is both clever and yet another sign of what’s wrong with American politics.

Why Doesn’t The Middle Class Revolt?

Why isn’t the American middle class and working class angrier at the 1 percent?

The Wire: The Musical

Funny or Die gives us “The Wire: The Musical.”

Bill Ayers’ Barbecue and Other Things That Won’t Decide the Election

Republicans apparently think that re-running the 2008 campaign, just more efficiently or more ruthlessly, will work this time. Here’s why it won’t.

Pentagon Donates 2 Better-Than-Hubble Telescopes to NASA

NASA was in need of new telescopes and got a helping hand from their good pals at the DoD.

Military Health Crisis Mirrors America’s

Health care is eating up 10 percent of the Pentagon’s budget and rising fast.

Washington Privatizes Liquor Sales, Jacks Up Costs

Washington has become the first state in decades to privatize its state-run liquor stores. They’ve coupled this with onerous fees on private distributors.

Taking Power Away From Doctors Makes Medical Care More Efficient

In, “Squeezing out the doctor,” The Economist looks at the future of medicine and sees a declining role for physicians.

Obama Donor Dropoff

87% of those who gave at least $200 to Barack Obama in 2008 have not yet done so in 2012.

How Obama Became a Hawk

The president has come a long way from his days as a “liberal law professor who campaigned against the Iraq war.”