Posts by James Joyner

James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor and Department Head of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.

Nerdiest Joke Ever?

Paul Grenfell nominates this vanity plate of a Volkswagon Beetle (affectionately known as a “Bug”) with vanity plate “Feature”

Alcohol Tax Weirdness

Taxes on wine, beer, and spirits vary wildly from state-to-state and even within each state.

Lindsey Graham: Joe Biden as Good a Man as God Ever Created

In an era of incredibly polarized politics and 24/7/365 campaign mode, it’s refreshing to see politicians treat each other as human beings now and again.

Supreme Court Approves States Outsourcing Redistricting to Commissions

SCOTUS has upheld the use of election commissions to draw Congressional district lines.

A New Era for Conservatives?

The events of the past two weeks could allow the Republican Party to move forward.

The Law of the Land is the Law of the Land

There’s a lot of pandering and outright nonsense in the wake of the Supreme Court’s legalization of gay marriage.

The Supreme Court as Sitting Constitutional Convention

Debating the proper role of the judiciary.

Andrew Sullivan on Gay Marriage Ruling

Andrew Sullivan, perhaps the man most responsible for putting the notion of marriage equality into the national debate, has come out of his blogging retirement to weigh in on yesterday’s historic ruling.

Supreme Court Rules Constitution Guarantees Gay Marriage

The US Supreme Court has ruled 5-4 that the U.S. Constitution contains a right to same-sex marriage.

America’s Changing Demographics

The latest Census data show a changing America.

Idiot Congressman Wants to Force Supreme Court Justices into ObamaCare Exchanges

A Congressman wants to force Supreme Court Justices to get their health care through the ObamaCare exchange.

Why a Record Number of Republicans Are Running in 2016

Matthew Dickinson takes a stab at explaining “Why So Many Republicans Are Running in 2016.”

What Gun Laws Would Help?

David Frum calls for several measures to reduce gun violence.

Does The United States Really Have More Mass Shootings Than Other Countries?

PolitiFact rates President Obama’s claim that other countries don’t have mass shootings at rates comparable to America”Mostly False.”

Walmart, Kmart, and Sears Remove Confederate Flag From Stores; Amazon, eBay Undecided

The Confederate battle flag is suddenly toxic.

Does It Matter Whether Charleston Was Terrorism?

The debate is ultimately academic.

Army Drops ‘Army Strong’ for . . . Nothing

The nine-year-old ‘Army Strong’ ad campaign is ended.

Was China OPM Hack Fair Game?

Was this simply ordinary intelligence collection? Or something more insidious?

The Return of the Liberals

More Democrats are calling themselves “liberal” than they have in years. Republicans, too.

MARSOC Now Officially ‘Marine Raiders’

Marine special operations forces have called themselves “Raiders” for years. Now it’s official.

Joyner on Federal News Radio

I was on yesterday afternoon’s edition of Federal News Radio’s “In Depth” with Francis Rose discussing my recent piece in The National Interest on military retirement reform.

Arlington Assholes Up Bullshit Fine For Swearing in Public

It could cost you $250 to say “F- Arlington” if you happen to be in Arlington when you say it.

Radical Overhaul of Military Pension System Doesn’t Go Far Enough

My latest for The National Interest, “America’s Military Needs a New Retirement Plan,” has posted.

Obamas Host Prince and Stevie Wonder at White House ‘On Their Own Dime’

The president is getting flack for holding a private party at his house.

Site Proves Racism Isn’t Really the Problem; Commenters Prove Otherwise

A black leader is running a billboard campaign to improve his community. Racism ensues.

Mitt Romney: Kingmaker?

Mitt Romney decided not to run in 2016 but he’s very much in the race.

Man Complains Airline Made Him Pay to Sit Next to His Kid

We have unreasonable expectations for airlines.

Jawbone Sues Fitbit Over Patent Infringement

Jawbone is suing Fitbit for infringing a patent that should never have been granted.

Americans Becoming Vastly More Accepting of Homosexuality

Americans are growing more tolerant of gays and gay marriage, with irrelevant exceptions.

Stealing a College Education

Lee Siegel takes to the NYT to explain “Why I Defaulted on My Student Loans.”

Too Much PII

Dave Schuler proposes a “radical idea” to safeguard individual privacy “in the wake of the hacking of Sony and the multiple credit card exploits over the last year or so.”

Why Aren’t Racehorses Getting Faster?

Humans have been getting progressively bigger, faster, and stronger. Not so horses.

Why is Harvard Subsidized by the Taxpayer?

A wealthy alumnus has given Harvard $400 million, sparking a heated debate.

New York Teachers’ Exam Ruled Racially Biased

Being required to demonstrate competency in liberal arts to teach is racially discriminatory, a federal judge has ruled.

Air Force Says ISIS Has Poor OPSEC, Demonstrating Poor OPSEC

An Air Force general is bragging about a targeting technique being used against ISIS.

Transgender Historical Revisionism

Does an individual’s changed gender identity alter history?

Elon Musk Beneficiary of $4.9 Billion in Government Subsidies

Billionaire wunderkind Elon Musk has had a lot of help from taxpayers.

Domestic Spying ‘Suspended’ But Almost Certainly Continues Unabated

Don’t believe everything you read in the papers.

Bernie Sanders ‘Gaining Momentum’ and Drawing ‘Overflow Crowds’

The New York Times really, really wants a horse race for the Democratic nomination.

Beau Biden, Vice President’s Son, Dead at 46

Beau Biden, the former attorney general of Delaware and son of Vice President Joe Biden, has died of brain cancer at the age of 46.

FCC May Ban Robocalls, Including Polling

The FCC appears set to “encourage” telephone companies to install robocall blocking technology. Pollsters are panicking.

Marine Fighting for Right to Post Bible Verses in Violation of Direct Orders

A woman discharged from the Marine Corps for violating multiple direct orders is fighting to the highest military court.

Networks to Limit Republican Debate Field

With 14 candidates vying for the Republican nomination, TV execs are scrambling to make the debates watchable.

Fixing the Firewalled News Problem

There’s a better way to finance news than hiding it behind paywalls.

Lindsey Graham Wants To Kill Americans Without Inconvenience of Trial

Lindsey Graham says that, if elected president, he would summarily kill anyone thinking about joining ISIS.

How Will ‘Mad Men’ End?

The final episode airs tonight. How will Matt Weiner will wrap it up?

Tsarnaev Jurors Were Pro-Death Penalty

The gang at The Week are surprised that “Only jurors who were open to the death penalty were chosen for the Tsarnaev trial.”