Posts by James Joyner

James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor and Department Head of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.

Obama Unloads Immigration Detention Centers Ahead of Sequester

Hundreds of illegal immigrants have been released from detention ahead of possible budget cuts.

Jack Lew’s Bonus

There’s an innocent explanation for giving a huge bonus to a financial exec going into government. And it still stinks.

When Can Government Force You to Violate Religious Beliefs?

A federal judge poses an interesting question in a case over Obama’s contraceptive mandate.

Census to Stop Counting Negroes

In a bold move, the Census Bureau has removed “Negro” from its racial categories.

Drink More Wine: It’s Science

A diet rich in olive oil, nuts, beans, fish, fruits and vegetables, and wine is good for your heart.

DC Politics and the Myth of Scheming

The Chinese are hacking Washington institutions to unearth the secret plan under which the town operates.

Sherlock Holmes Is Public Domain–Or Is It?

“Who owns Sherlock Holmes?” The answer is . . . complicated.

Emory President Extols 3/5 Compromise

Emory’s James Wagner sees the 3/5 Compromise as the price for achieving a more perfect union.

Bloomberg Big Soda Ban Dumber Than We Thought

The Big Gulp ban won’t ban Big Gulps. But it’ll ban 2-liter Cokes with your pizza and pitchers at Chuck E. Cheese.

The Sequester, Moving Goalposts, and the 2012 Elections

Ezra Klein argues that the voters already decided how the sequestration fight should play out.

Die Hard’s Enduring Appeal

An excellent essay by Adam Sternbergh “On the Enduring Appeal of ‘Die Hard.'”

Sequestration Hype

The Obama administration is promising massive cuts in public-facing services in the face of minuscule “cuts” to the budget.

Apple Sued over iPad Planned Obsolescence

A Brazilian group is suing Apple for making its iPads better too quickly.

AP Stylebook Declares Husband, Wife Gender Neutral

The Associated Press’ clear guidelines are unclear.

George Will Discovers Solitary Confinement

George Will declares solitary confinement tantamount to torture.

Ignorance of the Law is No Excuse

You can go to jail for running afoul of laws you had no way of knowing existed.

952 Days Since Congress Passed Major Law

t’s been more than two-and-a half years since the United States passed major legislation.

PhD Scientist Glut (Not POLITICAL Scientist; We Already Knew That)

Calls for more American kids to pursue STEM careers ignores the hiring realities.

Why Do Airline Seats Recline?

Reclining your seat comes at the expense of your fellow traveler’s knees. Why is it an option?

The Supreme Court on Tuesday sided with a drug-sniffing German shepherd named Aldo, above, in ruling that police do not have to extensively document a dog’s expertise to justify relying on the animal to search someone’s vehicle. The Supreme Court on Tuesday sided with a drug-sniffing German shepherd named Aldo, above, in ruling that police do not have to extensively document a dog’s expertise to justify relying on the animal to search someone’s vehicle.

Drug Sniffing Dogs Create Probable Cause Where None Existed Says Supreme Court

The Fourth Amendment got even weaker yesterday.

Supreme Court to Rule on Individual Contribution Limits

The Supreme Court has agreed to decide whether limits on contributions to political candidates is Constitutional.

Reggae Turns 40 (In America, At Least)

Jimmy Cliff’s “The Harder They Come” popularized reggae in America 40 years ago this month.

Jack Eskridge, Designer of Dallas Cowboys Logo, Dies at 89

The Cowboys’ first equipment manager and designer of the iconic blue star logo has died.

Ted Cruz Unites Both Parties in Belief Ted Cruz a Jerk

Senator Ted Cruz has alienated his colleagues in record time.

Rahm Emanuel 2016?

Rahm Emanuel is reportedly considering a 2016 presidential run. It’s a thin report.

Obama’s Drone Fantasy

While I’m sure President Obama has fantasies of launching drones on Congress, it’s not over his drone policy.

Ezra Klein’s Meteoric Rise

How he went from Juicebox Mafia member to the most important young journalist in DC.

Republican Obsolescence: Ideas, Not Technology

NYT Magazine asks “Can the Republicans be Saved From Obsolescence?”

Oscar Pistorius Arrested for Murder

Olympic paralympic champion Oscar Pistorius has been arrested after the fatal shooting of his girlfriend.

Distinguished Warfare Medal for Armchair Warriors

American troops may now earn the fourth highest combat medal from the comfort of their desk chair.

Counting Hispanics

We’re having trouble counting Hispanics. Should we be trying?

Obama and Biden Target All The Demos

Obama To Hold Google+ Hangout After State Of The Union; Biden to take gun questions from Field & Stream.

Employers Screwing Workers To Sidestep ObamaCare Mandates

Employers have to provide health coverage for those who work 30 hours a week. Guess what?

Meritocracy Paradox

The main who coined the word “meritocracy” meant it as a pejorative term.

Why Pope Benedict is Resigning

Pope Benedict XVI explains that he’s just too sick and tired to stay on as pontiff.

The Hagel Fishing Expedition

The smear campaign against defense secretary nominee Chuck Hagel has taken a bizarre turn.

Naps, Breaks, and Vacations Key to Productive Workforce

Tony Schwartz says, “Relax! You’ll Be More Productive.”

John Karlin, Telephone Innovator, Dies at 94

John Karlin, an industrial psychologist for Bell Labs that you’ve probably never heard of, has died aged 94.

Poor Pay High Taxes, If We Redefine ‘Taxes’

The American tax code contains perverse incentives and barriers to getting out of poverty.

Short-sightedness Isn’t Hypocrisy

MSNBC’s Krystal Ball isn’t being hypocritical in trusting Obama to decide which Americans to kill even though she wouldn’t have trusted Bush. But she’s being short-sighted.

US Government Can Kill Citizens But Not Strip Their Citizenship

It’s easier for your government to kill you than strip you of your citizenship.

Presidential Killing Powers Need Checks and Balances

“Killing Americans,” my latest for The National Interest, has posted.

The Army’s Leadership Problem

Tim Kane continues his campaign against the US military’s antiquated personnel system.

City Paints Handicapped Spot Around Car, Tows It

A Tel Aviv woman found her car towed and a handicapped parking space painted around where she’d left it.

Plastic Bag Bans Have Unintended Consequences

Ramesh Ponnuru considers “The Disgusting Consequences of Plastic-Bag Bans.”

Traffic Costs Americans $121 Billion Annually

Americans waste $121 billion a year because of traffic congestion.