Posts by James Joyner

James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor and Department Head of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.

Rand Paul Wins Meaningless CPAC Straw Poll: A Family Tradition

Rand Paul is carrying on a family tradition, winning the CPAC straw poll won many times by his father Ron.

Leonard Nimoy, Star Trek’s Spock, Dead at 83

Leonard Nimoy, the actor who became a household name as Mr. Spock with the “Star Trek” television series and movies, has died at 83.

Will Clinton Foundation Be A Liability For Hillary Clinton?

Do the nonprofit’s foreign donors create a conflict of interest?

The Internet is Getting Faster


ISIS is What it Says it Is

The Atlantic has a fascinating cover story by Graeme Wood titled “What ISIS Really Wants.”

Arnaud de Borchgrave Dead at 88

The intrepid foreign correspondent and editor Arnaud de Borchgrave has died, aged 88, of cancer.

Brian Williams and the Pressures of War Correspondents

There’s no excuse for the former NBC anchor’s lies. But there are reasons.

Denmark Terror Attacks and Machine-Gun Censorship

Yet another attack on religious freedom in Europe.

Barbara Bush Changes Mind on ‘Enough Bushes’

Lest there be any doubt, Barbara Bush wouldn’t mind a third POTUS in the family.

Oregon Gets First Openly Bisexual Governor in American History

Oregon Secretary of State Kate Brown (D) will become the first openly bisexual governor in U.S. history when Gov. John Kitzhaber (D) resigns Wednesday

Rand Paul’s Biology ‘Degree’

The Kentucky Senator and medical doctor claims an undergraduate degree he doesn’t have.

Nasty Weather

Winds gusting to 55 mph took the power out last night around 730 pm and it cycled off and on throughout the night.

Vint Cerf Warns of Forgotten Century From Bit Rot

One of the pioneers of the Internet warns that we’re in danger of losing entire generations’ worth of history because of digitization.

FRANCE 24 | Screen grab of map showing areas controlled by the Islamic State group in Syria and Iraq 14 October 2014 FRANCE 24 | Screen grab of map showing areas controlled by the Islamic State group in Syria and Iraq 14 October 2014

Authorizations to Unlimited Military Force

Daniel Larison is far less ambivalent about our war on ISIL than me.

Obama’s ISIL AUMF A Convenient (But Necessary) Excuse

Explaining my ambivalence around the latest escalation in our intervention.

Crafting Defense Strategy from an Astrategic Security Strategy

The last of my four pieces analyzing the revised National Security Strategy has posted at RealClearDefense.

Obama’s National Security Strategy Is Better Than His ‘National Security Strategy’

My latest for War on The Rocks, “IS OBAMA REAL(IST) CONFUSED?”

Jon Stewart Leaving Daily Show

Jon Stewart is stepping down as the host of Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show” after sixteen years.

The Domestic Side of National Security

Another commentary on the National Security Strategy, this one at The Hill.

Obama’s National-Security Wish List

The first installment of my analysis of the National Security Strategy.

The Anti-Vaccination Thing

The debate over whether kids need to be vaccinated against communicable diseases baffles me.

The Original ‘Star Wars’ Film

Opening crawl of 1977 version

Why Congress is AWOL on National Security Policy

Has the legislative branch abdicated its responsibility in US foreign policy?

Jeb Bush Was a Naughty Boy

So what?

We Won’t Have Mitt Romney to Kick Around Anymore

After weeks of giving every indication that he’s running for president yet again, Mitt Romney has announced that he’s not a candidate for 2016.

Code Pink Scum interrupt Henry Kissinger Code Pink Scum interrupt Henry Kissinger

John McCain Calls Hearing Protesters ‘Low-Life Scum’

John McCain is not a fan of Code Pink.

Mitt Romney to Announce 2016 Plans Today

Mitt Romney is set to make an announcement at 11 Eastern today. [UPDATE: He’s out!]

Andrew Sullivan Calling it Quits

Andrew Sullivan has “decided to stop blogging in the near future.”

Are 80 People Richer Than Half the World? Not Really.

While the issue of income inequality is quite real, Oxfam’s numbers are not.

Pope: Don’t Breed Like Rabbits. Or Use Birth Control.

Pope Francis continues his world tour and has issued a paradox from his private jet.

Mitt Romney Touts Anti-Poverty Platform

Mitt Romney certainly seems to be running for president again. And he’s now on at least his third reinvention.

ISIS Gaining Ground . . . But We’ve Stopped Their Momentum!

ISIS owns more territory than it did when the US bombing campaign began.

Joe Paterno’s Wins Restored

A victory for evil.

Pope Francis: One Cannot Make Fun of Faith

Pope Francis has earned a reputation as a liberal in comparison to recent predecessors but he’s no liberal.

Obama’s Missed Opportunity

My latest for The National Interest, “Obama’s Paris Blunder: Part of a Much Bigger Problem,” has posted.

Next Charlie Hebdo Cover Has Muhammad Saying ‘Je suis Charlie’

Their editor and nine colleagues dead, their offices destroyed, the newspaper is not missing a beat.

German Newspaper Firebombed After Republishing Charlie Hebdo Images

The terrorism wave that began with the massacre at the Charlie Hebdo offices has not ended with the killing of the perpetrators. A follow-on attack has occurred in Germany and there are reports of “sleeper cells” being activated in France.

Petraeus Committed Felonies, FBI Finds

David Petraeus provided highly classified secrets to his mistress. Will he be charged?

Catholic League President Blames Charlie Hebdo Publisher for Own Death

Bill Donohue rightly condemns insulting Muslims—but goes way too far.

Terror Attack Kills 11 at French Satirical Newspaper Charlie Hebdo

At least 11 are dead and 10 wounded in an attack on free expression.

Boehner Strips Foes of Plum Posts

You come at the king, you best not miss.

ESPN’s Conflict of Interest

Can ESPN cover sports while partnering with the sports leagues?

Bring Back the BCS!

Some preliminary thoughts on the inaugural college playoff system.

Airlines Want You Miserable and It Serves You Right

JetBlu is joining the competition in charging bag fees and cramming in more seats.

US Ground Troops Fighting ISIL

The ground troops that United States has not sent into Iraq to fight ISIL are reportedly in Iraq fighting ISIL.

Russia Invades Ukraine, Hookers Raise Prices

Talk about your second- and third-order effects.