NATO: “High Probability” Russia Will Invade Ukraine

The rebels in eastern Ukraine continue to suffer setbacks, and Russia is massing troops on the border again.

Hillary Clinton Attacks Foreign Policy She Helped Create And Implement

Does Hillary Clinton remember that she was Secretary of State for four years?

The Case Against American Action In Iraq

Iraq’s problems cannot be fixed by the United States.

Obama’s Iraq Policy Is Open-Ended, Directionless, And Likely To Fail

President Obama doesn’t seem to have any idea what he wants to do in Iraq.

U.S. Airstrikes Hit ISIS In Northern Iraq

For the second time in just over ten years, the United States is involved in military action in Iraq.

Viet Xuan Luong Becomes First Vietnamese-American General

Viet Xuan Luong pins on a brigadier general’s star today, becoming the first Vietnamese-American officer to achieve that rank.

GOP Congressman: DREAMers Cannot Be Trusted To Serve In The Military

Once again, Republicans demonstrate why they have problems with Latino voters.

As Gaza War Winds Down, What Happens Next?

The war in Gaza seems to be winding down, but the underlying issues remain.

Bill Clinton On Eve Of 9/11: I Passed On Killing Bin Laden Because Civilians Would Have Died

Some words from the past, apparently uttered mere hours before the world changed forever.

C.I.A. Admits Spying On Senate, Senate Finally Outraged About Surveillance

The C.I.A. has admitted spying on Senate investigators.

US No Safer Than on 9/11 Says DIA Chief

LTG Michael Flynn says the United States is no safer after 13 years of war

The Failures Of Obama’s Leadership

Fairly or not, the President has created the impression that he is not a good leader, and there’s not much he can do about it at this point.

Americans Divided On Israel’s Actions In Gaza

A new poll shows that Americans are divided over Israel’s actions in Gaza, but this most likely will not impact relations between the two countries.

In Defense of Professional Military Education

My latest for RealClearDefense: “Senator Walsh’s Unrepresentative Black Mark on Professional Military Education”

Military Enlistment Rates by State and Region

The South and Southwest have a much higher military enlistment rate than the Northeast.

The Solar Storm That Nearly Destroyed Civilization As We Know It

Just about two years ago, we dodged a bullet. We might not be so lucky next time.

Commandant of the Marine Corps, Gen. James F. Amos, addresses a crowd of U.S. Marines and Sailors at Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan Dec. 23. Amos expressed his admiration to the service members for their accomplishments and dedication to supporting the ongoing counterisurgency mission, especially while deployed during the holiday season. Commandant of the Marine Corps, Gen. James F. Amos, addresses a crowd of U.S. Marines and Sailors at Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan Dec. 23. Amos expressed his admiration to the service members for their accomplishments and dedication to supporting the ongoing counterisurgency mission, especially while deployed during the holiday season.

The Commandant Didn’t Say What Everyone Says He Said

My latest for War on the Rocks: “Don’t Believe Everything You Read in the Papers.”

On Foreign Policy, Conservatives Should Leave Ronald Reagan Behind

Relying on the policies of a man who was President in a very different time is not a substitute for a rational foreign policy.

Iran’s Nuclear Program And The Incentives Created By U.S. Policy

George Will has come under criticism for pointing out what seems to be an undeniable fact.

Despite A Plethora Of World Crises, Americans Oppose Greater Foreign Intervention

Crisis seems to be brewing all over the world, but the American people aren’t persuaded that it’s necessary for the United States to act.

A Partisan Divide Over Israel? Not Really.

Recent polls notwithstanding, Republicans and Democrats remain largely in lockstep when it comes to U.S. policy toward Israel.

Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 And The Future Of The Conflict In Ukraine

Yesterday’s events are likely to be a game changer, but how the game plays out depends largely on how Europe reacts.

U.S. Intelligence Sources Confirm Malaysia Airlines Flight Hit By Surface-To-Air Missile

Someone took down a Boeing 777 over Ukraine today.

Malaysia Airlines 777 Crashes In Eastern Ukraine, May Have Been Shot Down

Another incident involving a Malaysia Airlines 777, but this one could be far more serious.

Rand Paul, Rick Perry Spar Over Foreign Policy

Rick Perry and Rand Paul are highlighting what looks to be a coming battle inside the GOP over foreign policy.

Sending Europe Mixed Messages

My latest for The National Interest, “Europe’s Free Ride on the American-Defense Gravy Train,” has posted.

All of America’s Secrets on Amazon Cloud

The US intelligence community is gambling that it can be more efficient through a public-private partnership than going it alone.

Government Spied on American Muslims Who May or May Not Be Bad Guys

The NSA and FBI are doing more spy stuff.

Yes, We Spy On Germany. Big Deal.

There’s a new round of allegations about American spying on Germany.

Israel Intensifies Attacks On Gaza, Hints At Ground Invasion

Things look to be going from bad to worse in Gaza.

Law Enforcement or War? Both!

My latest collaboration with Butch Bracknell, “Ahmed Abu Khattala and the Miranda-Rights Question,” has posted in The National Interest.

The Supreme Court’s Most Important Decision Wasn’t Hobby Lobby

Hobby Lobby Is an important decision, but it’s one that the Supreme Court handed down a week earlier that will have the widest impact.

Americans Disapprove Of Obama’s Handling Of Iraq, And Of The Idea of Intervening In Iraq

Americans disapprove of how the President is handling Iraq, but they don’t like what his critics are proposing either.

Islam And World War One

The First World War played an intriguing role in the birth of the radical Islam we are dealing with today.

SOCOM Chief’s Rise Not Swift At All

And odd report from Washington Post and Stars and Stripes.

Abu Khattala Will Be Tried In A Criminal Court, As He Should Be

The justice system works, there’s no need to scrap it.