Two-Thirds Of New Hampshire Republicans Support Donald Trump’s Muslim Immigration Ban

As if to further demonstrate just how fair off the rails the GOP has gotten, Donald Trump’s unconstitutional, wrong-headed, racist notions are supported by wide majorities in the party that still claims to the by the “Party of Lincoln.”

U.S. To Deploy Troops To Combat Areas In Afghanistan, Reversing Policy

American forces will be deployed to a combat area in southern Afghanistan, reversing current policy and calling the President’s promised withdrawal date into even further doubt.

Tensions Rise Between Saudi Arabia And Iran In Wake Of Saudi Executions

The execution of a prominent Shi’ite cleric has led to a rapid deterioration of the relationship between Saudi Arabia and Iran.

Donald Trump’s Anti-Muslim Rhetoric Shows Up In Al Qaeda Recruitment Video

The anti-Muslim rhetoric Donald Trump has been using on the campaign trail has shown up in a recruitment video for an al Qaeda off-shoot group.

Another Poll Shows Republicans Support Donald Trump’s ‘Ban All Muslims’ Immigration Plan

Heading into another Presidential debate, a new poll shows that Republicans are very receptive to Donald Trump’s proposal to ban Muslim immigration to the U.S.

Paris, San Bernardino, And The Dangers Of An Anti-Muslim Backlash

As we deal with the fall out from the attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, we need remember the years after September 11th, 2001 and avoid holding an entire religion responsible for the actions of fanatics.

No, We Shouldn’t Use The No-Fly List To Decide Who Can’t Buy A Gun

The no-fly list is a flawed, arbitrary mess that has kept innocent people from flying for years. Using it to deny people rights recognized by the Constitution is, quite honestly, insane.

San Bernardino Shooter Reportedly ‘Radicalized,’ Wife Pledged Support To ISIS, Before Attack

The probability that the shootings in San Bernardino were at least inspired by ISIS and/or other Jihadist terror networks is increasing.

Our Feckless Congress Is Shirking Its Constitutional Duties On The War Against ISIS

Yesterday, the British Parliament debated the expansion of that nation’s military strikes against ISIS. For more than a year, our cowardly Congress has failed to even hold one debate or vote on America’s role in that conflict.

Poll Finds American Fearful Of Terrorism, Distrustful Of Obama And Syrian Refugees

A new poll taken in the wake of the Paris attacks finds Americans increasingly fearful of ISIS attacks in the U.S., opposed to the admission of Syrian refugees, and not very confident in President Obama’s ability to deal with the ISIS threat.

ISIS is Winning

The United States and Europe are giving everything the perpetrators of the Paris attacks hoped for.

Up To 170 Taken Hostage In Hotel In Capital Of Mali

An apparent ongoing terrorist attack in Central Africa.

Donald Trump: I’d Be Okay With Closing Mosques And Requiring Muslims To Carry Special Identification

Donald Trump’s demagoguery and disdain for individual liberty enters a new phase.

What, Exactly, Does Uttering The Words “Radical Islamic Terrorism” Accomplish?

Republicans insist that uttering the words “Radical Islamic Terrorism” is somehow important in the fight against ISIS and other terror networks, but it is entirely unclear what doing so would accomplish.

Even After Paris, A Syrian No-Fly Zone Is A Foolish Idea

In the wake of the attacks in Paris, there’s a strong impulse to do “something,” but that doesn’t mean we should do something utterly foolish. And a no-fly zone would be utterly foolish.

France Strikes ISIS As Investigation Into Paris Attacks Continues

France launched its first attacks against ISIS even as the investigation into Friday’s attacks continues, but it’s not clear that the retaliation really accomplished anything.

Attack on France Is an Attack on the United States

We are legally, morally, and practically obligated to respond. Let’s not do so stupidly.

Democrats Debate In The Shadow Of The Paris Attacks, And Iowa Football

A Saturday night debate wasn’t likely to get much attention to begin with. A Saturday night debate in the wake of a major terrorist attack, and a major football game for Iowa’s premier college football team, likely got even less attention. That’s probably good news for Hillary Clinton, and bad news for her two remaining rivals.

Consensus Continues To Grow That Russian Airliner Was Taken Out By A Bomb

The investigation continues, but the consensus seems to be growing that Metrojet 9268 was taken out by a bomb.

U.S. Intelligence: Russian Passenger Jet Likely Brought Down Over Sinai Peninsula By A Bomb

American intelligence officials are saying that a Russian passenger jet that went down over Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula was most likely brought down by a bomb.

President Obama Likely To Leave World In As Bad A Shape As He Found It, If Not Worse

President Obama came to office inheriting the legacy of one unnecessary war, and another that had faded from memory. He will leave office with Iraq and Syria in crisis, Europe uneasy, Yemen and Libya unstable breeding grounds for terrorism, and China doing whatever it is they’re doing.

Third Republican Debate: CNBC Loses, Rubio and Christie Win

The worst-moderated debate thus far may have reordered the field.

Obama Considering Plan To Keep U.S. Troops In Afghanistan Past 2016

President Obama is reportedly considering a plan that would keep up to 5,000 American troops in Afghanistan past the withdrawal date he had already set.

Neither The United States Nor Russia Have A Coherent Policy In Syria

With Russia now launching its own airstrikes in Syria, it’s become obvious that U.S. policy in the Syrian Civil War is irrational and contradictory. And Russia’s policy isn’t any better.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Goo Goo Ga Joob Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Jeb Bush Is Willfully Blind To The Truth About The Iraq War

Like many Republicans, Jeb Bush continues to be willfully blind to the truth about the Iraq War.

Our Ally Turkey Joins Fight Against ISIL, Killing Our Allies Against ISIL Rather Than ISIL

Turkey has finally joined in the US-led coalition against ISIL. Unfortunately, it’s killing the main ground force fighting ISIL.

Does It Matter Whether Charleston Was Terrorism?

The debate is ultimately academic.

George W. Bush Wants To Send Combat Troops To Iraq Again

Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice, shame on us.

Patriot Act Lapses, Civilization Still Stands

Many provisions of the Patriot Act lapsed at midnight, but apparently the world hasn’t ended.

The Triumph Of Bureaucracy: Al Qaeda’s Job Application

Who knew terrorists had an H.R. Department?

Lindsey Graham Wants To Kill Americans Without Inconvenience of Trial

Lindsey Graham says that, if elected president, he would summarily kill anyone thinking about joining ISIS.

Two Gunmen Killed In Apparent Attempted Attack On Anti-Islam Event In Texas

Two men were killed last night before they could carry out what appears to be a planned attack on an anti-Islam event in Texas.

U.S. Forces In Afghanistan Involved In More Than Just Counterterrorism Despite Obama’s Promises

U.S forces in Afghanistan have been involved in missions that go far beyond the counterterror mission the Obama Administration said they would be limited to.

After Railing Against Loretta Lynch, Ted Cruz Misses The Vote On Her Confirmation

For months, Ted Cruz said the nomination of Loretta Lynch must be blocked. Then, he failed to show up when the Senate voted on her nomination.

Two Hostages, Including One American, Killed In Raid On Al Qaeda Targets

An attack on al Qaeda outposts in January resulted in the death of two hostages, but also resulted in the death of two high value al Qaeda targets.

On Foreign Policy, Jeb Bush Would Be Another George W. Bush

Like nearly all of his fellow Republicans, Jeb Bush has adopted the disastrous foreign policy views that typified his brother’s Presidency.

America’s Top Law Firms Have Declined To Defend Bans On Same-Sex Marriage

Many of America’s top law firms have declined to accept cases defending bans on same-sex marriage, and that’s okay.

Sen. Tom Cotton Thinks War Against Iran Would Be Easy And Painless

One freshman Senator seems to think that war with Iran would be easy, just like Republicans used to think that war against Iraq would be easy.

Ben Carson Flunks Foreign Policy, History

Ben Carson doesn’t seem to know much about foreign policy or history. And he doesn’t belong on anyone’s list of serious Presidential candidates.

ISIS is What it Says it Is

The Atlantic has a fascinating cover story by Graeme Wood titled “What ISIS Really Wants.”

Denmark Terror Attacks and Machine-Gun Censorship

Yet another attack on religious freedom in Europe.

FRANCE 24 | Screen grab of map showing areas controlled by the Islamic State group in Syria and Iraq 14 October 2014 FRANCE 24 | Screen grab of map showing areas controlled by the Islamic State group in Syria and Iraq 14 October 2014

Authorizations to Unlimited Military Force

Daniel Larison is far less ambivalent about our war on ISIL than me.