Rise of the Megacommuter

About 8.1 percent of U.S. workers have commutes of 60 minutes or longer and nearly 600,000 have “megacommutes” of at least 90 minutes and 50 miles.

Child Cured of HIV

A baby born with AIDS eighteen months ago has reportedly been cured.

Obama Unloads Immigration Detention Centers Ahead of Sequester

Hundreds of illegal immigrants have been released from detention ahead of possible budget cuts.

Traffic Costs Americans $121 Billion Annually

Americans waste $121 billion a year because of traffic congestion.

Do We Need Affirmative Action for Boys?

Christina Hoff Summers argues that America needs to fix the way we educate boys.

Georgia Senator Saxby Chambliss To Retire

Two-term Georgia Senator Saxby Chambliss will not seek re-election in 2014.

Social Class and Higher Education

A rich child is 45 percent more likely to earn a four-year college degree than a poor one.

Freedom Of Speech Under Attack

Increasingly, the right of people to speak is being sacrificed in the name of “tolerance” and “security.”

Family Research Center Shooter Charged, Tony Perkins Blames FRC Critics

Entirely unsurprisingly, the shooting at the Family Research Center’s office in Washington, D.C. is already being politicized.

Not Surprisingly, Olympics Mostly A Bust For London Retailers

Once again, we learn that hosting the Olympics doesn’t carry nearly the economic benefit the IOC wants host cities to believe it does.

Chick-fil-A Public Relations VP Dies

Donald Perry, the head of public relations for Chick-fil-A, has died of a heart attack in the midst of the national controversy surrounding the chain’s stance of gay marriage.

Chick-Fil-A Comes Under Fire For Stance On Same-Sex Marriage

Restaurant chain Chick-fil-A is facing criticism after its President’s comments on same-sex marriage.

Report: Roberts Switched Positions On The Individual Mandate In May.

A new report will likely add fuel to the fire of conservative outrage over Chief Justice Roberts’ decision to uphold the PPACA.

Braves, Barves, And Intellectual Property Law

An object lesson in the problems with our intellectual property laws

Trayvon Martin, Matthew Owens, And The Politicization Of Criminal Justice

The Rule Of Law is incompatible with political rabble rousing

Newt Gingrich’s ‘Think Tank’ Bankrupt

Newt Gingrich is morally and intellectually bankrupt, so perhaps it’s no surprise that his health care think tank is now fiscally bankrupt.

George Zimmerman, Trayvon Martin, And Rushing To Judgment

It’s time to let the legal system do its job.

Republicans v. Obama On Iran: Fewer Differences Than You’d Think

The differences between the parties when it comes to Iran are far less substantial than the candidate’s rhetoric would suggest.

Mitt Romney Poised To Do Very Well On Super Tuesday

Mitt Romney is likely to put considerable distance between himself and his opponents tomorrow.

Federal Appeals Court: Fifth Amendment Protects Suspect From Having To Decrypt Hard Drive

An important vindication of the right against self-incrimination.

Mitt Romney, Now With More Human

Mitt Romney has apparently realized that people don’t like him much, so he’s working to come across as less robotic.

Clint Eastwood Chrysler Super Bowl Ad Becomes Political Football

Was Clint Eastwood’s Chrysler ad a political message, or just a well done commercial?

Record 28% of American Households One Person Only

In the 1980s, Americans were bowling alone. Now, we’re living that way.

GDP Growth 2.8% In 4th Quarter: Not Great, Not Good, Barely Okay

Another weak GDP report that portends stagnation ahead.

South Carolina Tightens As Newt Gingrich Surges

The race in South Carolina is going down to the wire.

Evangelicals Not United Behind Santorum After All

It seems that Saturday’s vote by evangelical leaders in favor of Rick Santorum was less than meets the eye.

Alabama Wins 14th National Championship; Playoff Needed

There’s no perfect system for choosing a champion but we can do better than this.

Mark Richt Broke NCAA Rules By Being Decent

Mark Richt, head football coach of the University of Georgia Bulldogs, inadvertantly broke NCAA rules by paying coaches and other employees extra money out of his own pocket.

The Final Memorial

The memory of the attack on Pearl Harbor is, inevitably, fading into history.

Herman Cain Suspends Presidential Campaign

We won’t have Herman Cain to kick around anymore.

Will He Or Won’t He? The Fate Of The Herman Cain Campaign Hangs In The Balance

Herman Cain will announce his future campaign plans this afternoon but, in some sense, it doesn’t matter what he decides to do.

Herman Cain Campaign On The Verge Of Collapse?

Is the Cain Train finally running out of steam?