Republican Karen Handel Wins Georgia Special Election

In one of the most closely watched Special Elections in American history, the outcome turned out to be not entirely surprising.

Democrat Jon Ossoff Leads In Georgia Special Election

Democratic nominee Jon Ossoff is leading in a race that Republicans should be winning easily.

Democrat Falls Short Of Avoiding Runoff In Republican District In Georgia

Democrats came close to picking up what has been a solidly Republican seat for nearly forty years but ended up falling short. Instead, we’ll have a runoff in two months.

GOP Holds On To House Seat In Heavily Contested Kansas Special Election

Republicans held on to Mike Pompeo’s seat in the House, but the outcome was closer than many expected.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

So Far, There’s No Sign Of A ‘Trump Bump’ In The Economy

So far, there’s no sign that Donald Trump is having much of an impact on the economy.

Viewership For Live Televised Events Down Across The Board

Fewer people are watching live television events such as the Super Bowl and Academy Awards.

Tom Perez Elected DNC Chairman

A new head for the DNC at a time when the Democratic Party finds itself reeling and eager to take on Donald Trump.

Super Bowl Viewership Dips Slightly For Second Straight Year

There were 111.3 million people tuned into the Super Bowl on Sunday, slightly lower than last year.

A Super Bowl For The Ages

If you changed the channel after the third quarter, you missed what ended up becoming a game for the ages.

Trump’s First Supreme Court Pick Could Be Days Away

President Trump hinted today that he’s likely to name his Supreme Court choice next week, and the list to appears have narrowed to three men.

Ringling Brothers Circus To Shut Down After 146 Years In Business

A long-standing staple of American culture will soon be no more.

As Expected, Federal Reserve Raises Interest Rates For Second Time In Ten Years

The Federal Reserve Board raised interest rates for only the second time in a decade, but it still seems like it’s chasing an inflation monster that doesn’t exist.

Man Calls Out ‘Hillary Bitches’ on Airplane

An airline traveler wanted his fellow passengers to know that he was a supporter of the president-elect.

Trump Victory Spawns National Freak-Out

Americans are rioting in the streets because they don’t like the outcome of a democratic election.

Summer Olympics Were Lowest Rated Since 2000

Despite being much more conveniently located for viewers in the United States, viewership for the just-concluded Olympics were the lowest they’ve been in sixteen years.

Clinton Starting To Gain Ground In States Romney Won in 2012

In a sign of just how bad the trends are right now for Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton is gaining ground in states that Mitt Romney won four years ago.

The Republican Exodus From Trump Quickly Becoming A Stampede

Republican leaders and politicians continue to distance themselves from their party’s presumptive nominee.

Muhammed Ali Dead At 74

The Greatest Of All Time.

Republicans Resigning Themselves To Trump Being Their Nominee

For better or worse, Republicans seem to be resigning themselves to the inevitable.

Clinton Campaign Looking Beyond Sanders, Looking At Potential Running Mates

Hillary Clinton’s campaign is beginning to look beyond Bernie Sanders and talk about running mates.

The Latest ‘Stop Trump’ Effort Is Probably Too Little, Too Late

A renewed internal GOP fight to stop Donald Trump seems to be doomed to fail.

Donald Trump Dominates Super Tuesday, Cruz And Rubio Say They’ll Continue To Fight On

As expected, Donald Trump dominated Super Tuesday, putting himself one step closer to becoming the Republican nominee for President.

GOP’s Delegate Allocation Rules Are Helping Trump

Changes that the Republican National Committee made to delegate allocation rules in response to what happened in 2012 are helping Donald Trump in 2016.

Pete Rose’s Lifetime Ban Will Remain In Effect, Major League Baseball Commissioner Rules

The Commissioner of Major League Baseball has ruled that the lifetime ban issued against Pete Rose for betting on baseball will remain in effect.

New Report Finds Widespread Failures At The Secret Service

A new report finds that the problems at the Secret Service are far deeper than previously known.

Nurse Kaci Hickcox Sues Chris Christie For Civil Liberties Violations During Ebola Quarantine

The nurse who was detained by New Jersey officials in a quarantine despite not displaying any symptoms of Ebola is suing Chris Christie and others for civil liberties violations.

Joe Biden Drops A Hint That Suggests He Probably Won’t Run For President

In a speech in Florida, Joe Biden spoke about his possible run for the White House, and gave a very big hint that he’s leaning toward staying out of the race.

Trump Remains Defiant As Post-Debate Controversy Continues

Donald Trump isn’t backing down from his post-debate meltdown, now the only question is what the polls will tell us when they come out.

Is The Donald Trump Implosion About To Begin?

The fallout from Donald Trump’s debate performance, and his comments afterward, continues, and it’s leading some to wonder if we may finally be at the end of this ridiculous charade.

Red States Eat Blue States’ Lunch, Grow Up to Be Blue States

Low costs and regulatory barriers are attracting people to red states–thus turning them purple and blue.

President Of Boy Scouts Of America Calls For End Of Ban On Gay Scout Leaders

Robert Gates, the former Defense Secretary who now serves as head of the Boy Scouts Of America, has called for an end to that organizations ban on gay Scout Leaders.

Nice Work If You Can Get It: Bill And Hillary Rake In Millions On The Speaking Circuit

Bill and Hillary Clinton have done quite well for themselves of the speaking circuit.

Jeb Bush To Skip Pointless Iowa Straw Poll

Jeb Bush will not participate in this year’s version of the Iowa Straw Poll.

Is 2016 a 50-50 Proposition?

Pundits and political scientists agree that, if the 2016 presidential election were today, we’d have a much better idea who would win.

The Bright Side of RFRA

We’re down to debating whether bigots should have to sell cakes to gay people.

Sony To Allow Limited Screenings of The Interview

Reversing a previous decision, Sony will allow The Interview to be screened in a small number of theaters.

Only One Person Has ‘Blood On His Hands’ In The Deaths Of Officers Ramos And Liu, And He’s Already Dead

NYPD Officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu were shot dead while sitting in their patrol car In Brooklyn. And those suggesting that anyone other than the killer has “blood on their hands” are being absurd.

Supreme Court Refuses To Block Same-Sex Marriages In Florida

More interesting developments from the Supreme Court on what has been one of the biggest legal stories of 2014.

Senate Passes Spending Bill As Ted Cruz Maneuver Helps Democrats Pass Nominations

As expected, the Senate passed the so-called “Cromnibus,” but not before a self-aggrandizing maneuver by Ted Cruz ended up being exploited by Democrats to pass outstanding nominations.

In The Wake Of Midterm Losses, Some On The Left Say Democrats Should Write Off The South

Some on the left are suggesting Democrats should write off the South for the foreseeable future, but that would be as foolish as Republicans assuming that their dominance in the region will last as long as Democratic dominance did in the century after the Civil War.

Warnings Of Violence In Ferguson Could Become Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

All the warnings of violence in the wake of an expected imminent announcement from the Grand Jury in the Michael brown case could become self-fulfilling prophecy.

Virginia GOP Senate Candidate Using Redskins Name Controversy In Hail Mary Ad Campaign

Republican Senate candidate Ed Gillespie picked an odd issue on which to start his closing argument to Virginia voters.