Apple Tops $1,000,000,000,000 In Value

Forty-two years after being founded in a California garage, and twenty years after nearly going broke, Apple Computer has become the first publicly traded company to top $1 trillion in value.

Donald Trump And The Mainstreaming Of Racism

Donald Trump may or may not be racist himself, but he has most certainly exploited and helped widen racial divisions ever since bursting on the political scene in 2015.

Harvey Weinstein Charged With Rape, Sexual Assault

Former Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein has been charged with rape and sexual assault in a New York Court.

Welcome To The Era Of Trump’s Trillion Dollar Budget Deficits

We’re set to return to the era of trillion dollar budget deficits, and Republicans won’t do a thing about it.

News Anchors At Sinclair Owned Stations Caught Reading From Same Corporate Mandated Script

News anchors at dozens of local stations owned by conservative-leaning Sinclair Broadcast Group were recently required to read a script mandated by corporate headquarters, and it’s leading to some bad media coverage for Sinclair.

Trump Wants Military to Pay for Border Wall

Fourteen months into his presidency, he has no idea how the federal budget works.

Larry Kudlow Trump’s Next Economic Advisor

Best known as a television host, he served in the Reagan administration and chief economist of Bear Stearns.

Trump To Puerto Rico: Drop Dead

Just three weeks after their home was hit by a devastating storm, Donald Trump is attacking Puerto Ricans for not recovering from the storm sooner.

Donald Trump And The Art Of The Bad Deal

Donald Trump made a deal with Democrats on spending and the debt ceiling, but it was an exceedingly bad one.

Trump Sought To Build Trump Tower In Moscow While Running For President

New reports of Trump’s business ties to Russia are raising eyebrows.

Line of the Day (Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017 Edition)

No wonder they wrote it in secret and want to move quickly to a vote…

Puerto Rico Votes Overwhelmingly For Statehood in Heavily Boycotted Referendum

Puerto Rican voters voted overwhelmingly for statehood yesterday in a referendum whose legitimacy is being questioned due to boycotts by opposition parties.

Puerto Rico To Vote On Statehood For Fifth Time In Fifty Years

For the fifth time in fifty years, Puerto Ricans will vote tomorrow on a referendum on statehood, but it’s not likely to have any impact on the island’s current status.

Rachel Maddow Hypes Trump’s 2005 Tax Return, But There’s No Real News There

Rachel Maddow hyped the fact that she had obtained a copy of Trump’s 2005 tax return last night. It turned out to be much ado about nothing.

Policy Analysts From Left, Right, And Center Criticize House GOP Obamacare Replacement

Health care policy analysts seem united in their assessment of the House GOP’s replacement for the Affordable Care Act, and it’s overwhelmingly negative.

Trump Campaign Reportedly In Contact With Russian Intelligence During Campaign

The story about the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia didn’t start with Michael Flynn, and it isn’t going to end with his resignation.

The Coal Industry Is Dying, And It Isn’t Coming Back

Canada is phasing out coal as a source of electricity production by 2030. The same thing will happen in the United States no matter how much politicians try to stop it.

NYT Publishes Illegally Obtained Trump Tax Records

America’s newspaper of records has published three pages of stolen tax documents from 1995.

First Clinton-Trump Debate Confirms Low Expectations

Trump had a much lower bar than Clinton going in. Neither cleared it.

Eight Years Ago, Clinton Trounced Obama In West Virginia. Today, She Looks Likely To Lose

Thanks largely to the fact that she has moved left on coal, Hillary Clinton seems likely to lose today’s West Virginia primary. But it will have only a minimal impact on Clinton’s quest for a delegate majority.

Donald Trump, John Kasich Face Big Tests In Michigan

Both Donald Trump and Ohio Governor John Kasich face big tests in tomorrow’s Michigan primary.

Gloves Come Off Against Trump In Tenth Republican Debate, But Is It Too Little, Too Late?

Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz landed some punches on Donald Trump last night, but it’s doubtful that they changed the nature of the race.

Final Spending Bill Sails Through Congress, Giving Speaker Ryan Another Legislative Win

The final spending bill for the 2016 Fiscal Year sailed through Congress today, marking the end of a very successful first two months in office for Speaker Paul Ryan

Republican Candidates For President Clash In Fourth Debate

Last night’s debate in Wisconsin was arguably the most substantive we’ve seen so far between the Republican candidates, and one that displayed quite starkly the policy differences between them.

Scott Walker’s Crony Capitalism

“Fiscal conservative” Scott Walker is handing Wisconsin taxpayers a $400 million bill for a new arena for the Milwaukee Bucks.

Columbia House Files Bankruptcy, Many Surprised To Learn It Still Existed

A company you probably thought had died off years ago filed for bankruptcy protection yesterday.

Mike Huckabee’s Offensive, Idiotic Holocaust Rhetoric On Iran

In bringing Holocaust imagery into the debate over the Iran nuclear deal, Mike Huckabee has displayed the intellectual bankruptcy of his position.

Stealing a College Education

Lee Siegel takes to the NYT to explain “Why I Defaulted on My Student Loans.”

House Republicans Set To Sacrifice Limited Government On The Altar Of Abortion Politics

House Republicans are set to vote on a bill banning abortion in almost all cases after twenty weeks. What they can’t do is explain where the Constitution gives Congress the power to do this.

The Supreme Court Is The Most Agreeable Place In Washington

Even the most ideologically divided members of the Supreme Court agree with each other 65% of the time.

Supreme Court: Public Workers Protected From Retaliation When Testifying Truthfully

The First Amendment protects government employees who testify truthfully.

Is Scott Walker Too White To Get Elected?

TNR makes the worst possible case for a proposition that’s almost certainly right.

Faced With Lawsuits, General Motors Is Headed Back To Bankruptcy Court

General Motors is headed back to court.

In Criticizing Paul Ryan, Sarah Palin And The Tea Party Confirm Their Own Irrelevance

As Sarah Palin and the Tea Party turn on Paul Ryan, they are making apparent their own lack of relevance in the political process.

RadioShack To Close 500 Stores, America Surprised To Learn RadioShack Still Exists

Can you still buy batteries there, though?

Middle Class Shopping Less at Lousy Stores, Eating Less at Lousy Restaurants

Demand for mid-range goods and services seems to be on the decline.

Snow and the South

Gizmodo’s Brian Barrett explains “Why the South Fell Apart in the Snow.”

Republicans Haven’t Reformed But May Win Anyway

Republican leaders continue to say stupid things. They may still retake the Senate in November.

Seven Years Ago Today, The iPhone Changed The World

Seven years ago, Steve Jobs showed us that we could literally hold the world in the palm of our hand.

The Drug Warrior’s False Choice

The false choice that is rampant in drug warrior thinking is the main problem when it comes to good policy.

Sequestration and the 6th Amendment Right to Counsel

Chief Justice Roberts is sounding the alarm over deep cuts to the public defender program.

New Owner Of The Washington Post: Print Newspapers Will Be Dead In 20 Years

For a guy who just bought a newspaper, Jeff Bezos wasn’t too optimistic about their future less than a year ago.

Washington Post To Be Sold To Amazon Founder Jeff Bezos

One of the nation’s papers of record is changing owners for the first time in 80 years.

Despite Bankruptcy, Detroit Subsidizing New Red Wings Stadium

Detroit is bankrupt, but that isn’t stopping the Red Wings from getting $400 million in taxpayer subsidies for their new stadium.