Supreme Court Declines To Hear Case Regarding Discrimination Based On Sexual Orientation

The Supreme Court declined to hear a major case regarding discrimination based on sexual orientation, but the issue is likely to come up again in the very near future.

Supreme Court Hears Arguments In Case Pitting First Amendment Rights Against LGBT Rights

The Supreme Court held oral argument in a case that pits First Amendment rights against the rights of LGBT Americans.

Jim Nabors, Television’s ‘Gomer Pyle,’ Dies at 87

Jim Nabors, who became famous as Gomer Pyle on The Andy Griffith Show and Gomer Pyle USMC, has died at the age of  87.

NBC Fires Matt Lauer After Sexual Misconduct Allegations

The latest domino to fall in the ongoing wave of sexual harassment and abuse revelations is Matt Lauer.

Obama Blasts Trump’s ‘Politics Of Division’

President Obama spoke out yesterday against his successor and the America he has created.

Representative Government and Line Drawing

A complicated concurrence to Steven Taylor’s recent postings.

Justice Department Reverses Obama Era Policy On Discrimination Against Transgender Americans

Reversing an Obama Era position, the Justice Department has rescinded a legal interpretation that purported to apply previously adopted civil rights laws to transgender individuals.

Supreme Court Begins What Promises To Be A Momentous Term

Previewing the next term of the Supreme Court, which starts today.

Removing Confederate Statues Is Not ‘Erasing History’

The battle over Confederate statues that was resurrected by the violence in Charlottesville is off the front pages, but that doesn’t mean it’s over quite yet.

Pair Of New Lawsuits Challenge Trump’s Transgender Military Ban

President Trump’s effort to ban transgender Americans from serving in the military faces two new legal challenges.

Trump Asked Jeff Sessions About Dropping Criminal Case Against Joe Arpaio

President Trump’s attempts to interfere in the administration of justice go beyond the Russia investigation.

Trump Pardons Joe Arpaio

The president has abrogated his duty to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.”

Federal Judge Strikes Down Texas Voter ID Law

Texas suffers another legal setback in its effort to pass a Voter ID law.

The Limits of Free Speech

The dangers of the tyranny of the majority have only magnified.

Freedom Of Speech Doesn’t Mean Freedom From The Consequences Of That Speech

The First Amendment protects the rights even of the people who gathered in Charlottesville to promote hatred and violence, However, it does not shield them from the consequences of that speech.

A few words about Charlottesville…

We mourn Charlottesville because Donald J. Trump, the President of the United States, made clear in no uncertain terms that in his mind there was little distinction between those in Charlottesville who pursued the un-American “values” of soil, blood, and racial dominance and those who pursued the ideals of the American Constitution.

The ACLU is Right to Defend Free Speech for Awful People

Yes, even Nazis must have their rights to peaceful speech and assembly protected.

Trump’s New Statement On Charlottesville: Too Little, Too Late

After two days, President Trump finally found the words to condemn the parties responsible for the violence in Charlottesville, but his remarks were far too little, far too late.

Transgender Troops Sue Trump Over Military Ban

Just about two weeks after being announced, the President’s proposed ban on military service by transgender troops is being challenged in Court.

Not So Fast On That Transgender Ban, Joint Chiefs Say

The Joint Chiefs of Staff are making clear that President Trump’s tweets are not official policy. At least not yet.

Trump Announces Ban On Transgender Military Service

A step backward on civil rights from a President who claimed he would be a friend to the LGBT community.

The Incoherent Nature of Nancy MacLean’s Narrative

A Duke history professor uncovers “stealth plan” by “fifth columnists” who are seeking to overthrow democracy in the U.S. for their plutocrat masters.

Challenges and Threats to Representative Government in the United States

Thoughts on the quality of our democracy.

On the Removal of CSA Symbols

Symbols shape our views of the past.

Supreme Court To Hear Appeal Of Baker Who Refused To Bake Cake For Same-Sex Wedding

The Supreme Court has accepted the appeal of a Colorado baker in a case that will determine if claims of religious liberty and free expression outweigh the application of generally applicable laws against discrimination.

Supreme Court Retirement Speculation Swirling Around Kennedy

With tomorrow marking the end of the Court’s current term, there’s speculation that we could see Justice Anthony Kennedy stepping down.

Murder by Mean Text?

A Massachusetts teenager faces 20 years in prison for contributing to her boyfriend’s suicide via text message.

Seventh Circuit Rules In Favor Of Transgender Student In Bathroom Access Case

A Federal appellate court has ruled that a transgender student must be allowed to use the bathroom that corresponds to their gender identity.

South Carolina Police Officer To Plead Guilty In Walter Scott Shooting

A guilty plea in a particularly shocking case of police brutality.

Joe Biden In 2020? Probably Not

There’s already speculation that former Vice-President Biden might try for a third run at the White House, but it seems unlikely.

GOP Holds On To House Seat In Heavily Contested Kansas Special Election

Republicans held on to Mike Pompeo’s seat in the House, but the outcome was closer than many expected.

F.B.I. Obtained FISA Warrant For Top Trump Adviser

A top Trump campaign adviser was the subject of a FISA warrant for at least part of last year.

Federal Court Finds That Texas Voter ID Law Is Intentionally Discriminatory

A big win for opponents of Voter ID laws.

Senate Invokes ‘Nuclear Option’ As Gorsuch Nomination Heads To Final Vote

As expected, Senate Republicans invoked the so-called ‘nuclear option’ to move the nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch forward to a final vote on Friday.

Seventh Circuit Rules Discrimination Based On Sexual Orientation Barred By 1964 Law

The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 bars discrimination based on sexual orientation, but its reasoning is questionable at best.

Supreme Court Punts Transgender Bathroom Case Back To Fourth Circuit

The Supreme Court has decided to return the case involving a transgender student’s right to use the bathroom corresponding to their gender identity to the Fourth Circuit rather than deciding it during this term.

Trump’s Best Speech Was Still Pretty Awful

It was both the best speech Trump has ever given and the worst presidential address I can recall

Trump Administration Rescinds Obama Era Guidelines On Transgender Students

Not surprisingly, the Trump Administration has revoked guidelines to public schools that required accommodation of transgender students.

Washington Supreme Court Rules Against Florist Who Refused Service To Same-Sex Wedding

The Washington State Supreme Court has ruled against a florist who refused to provide services for a same-sex wedding.

Jeff Sessions Confirmed As Attorney General

After a highly contentious nomination process, Jeff Sessions was confirmed last night as the new Attorney General of the United States.

Senator Elizabeth Warren Silenced By Senate During Debate On Sessions Nomination

There were fireworks on the floor of the Senate last night, but it was really just politics as usual.

Betsy DeVos Confirmed As Secretary Of Education After Tie-Breaking Vote By Mike Pence

Despite two Republican defections, Betsy DeVos was confirmed today as Secretary of Education.

Trump To Name Supreme Court Nominee Tomorrow Evening

President Trump will name his first Supreme Court pick on his 11th day in office.

Women’s March Draws Record Crowds: So Now What?

A movement motivated by hurt and fear turned into a political force eight years ago. Can another follow suit?

Will Donald Trump be a “Legitimate” President?

The answer is pretty straight-forward.