Trump’s Trade Chickens Coming Home To Roost

After nearly a year, Trump’s trade policies are having their inevitable negative impact inside the United States.

Christine Blasey Ford, Sally Quinn, And Why Women Don’t Report Sexual Assault

Fifty years ago, a young college student who would become one of the most influential women in Washington was sexually assaulted by a Senator. She didn’t come forward with her story for more than fifty years, and the reasons why strike close to what we’ve been talking about for three weeks now.

Trade Negotiations Are Over, But The Damage To U.S.-Canadian Relations Is Done

President Trump got his revised version of NAFTA, but Canadians are less positive about the United States than they have been in at least twenty years.

Cold Civil War or Civil Cold War?

The Kavanaugh fight is just another indicator of our national divide.

The Problem Of Octogenarians In The Presidential Line Of Succession

Regardless of who wins control of the Senate in November, the person who will stand third in the line of succession will either be over, or very close to, eighty years old. That doesn’t make sense.

The Link Between Trump And The Tea Party

Trumpism is a direct by-product of the poisonous populism of the Tea Party movement, and they’ve both taken over the Republican Party.

Why It Matters That The U.S. Talked With Venezuelan Coup Plotters

The fact that American officials talked with Venezuelans plotting a coup against the government of their country is a dangerous turn of events.

Trump Administration met with Venezuelan Coup Plotters

Thankfully, they chose not to help.

John Kerry 2020?

He’s tan. He’s rested. He’s ready.

Kofi Annan, Former U.N. Secretary-General, Dies At 80

Kofi Annan, who served as Secretary-General of the United Nations at the dawn of the “War On Terror,” has died at the age of 80.

Kissinger: ‘We are in a Very, Very Grave Period for the World’

The 95-year-old elder statesman is slowly shedding his public reticence at the risk of the access on which he has built his fortune.

So What Did Trump And Putin Agree To That We Don’t Know About?

We still don’t know what President Trump and Vladimir Putin talked about or agreed to during their two-hour meeting on Monday.

Russian “Gun Rights Activist” Charged With Being Russian Agent

Mariia Butina, a Russian “gun rights activist, is accused of being an unregistered agent of the Russian government and attempting to influence Republican Party policies regarding Russia in an operation that pre-dates the Trump Presidential campaign.

No Matter What Comes Out Of Helsinki, Putin Has Already Won

Even if all he gets out of the Helsinki Summit is a handshake and a photograph, Vladimir Putin has already won.

Trump Trashes NATO, Demands Increases In Defense Spending

The NATO Summit is going about as well as can be expected.

Donald Trump Continues To Undermine America’s Most Important Alliance

On the eve of the NATO Summit, President Trump continues to engage in tactics that seem to serve no purpose other than to undermine America’s most important and successful alliance.

Patriotism In The Trump Era

Recent polling finds that Americans aren’t feeling quite so patriotic right now. It’s understandable, but we shouldn’t give up hope.

Trump And Putin To Meet In Helsinki July 16th

The Presidents of the United States and Russia will meet next month and there’s reason to worry about what Trump might give away.

Trump Praises Kim Jong Un, Dismisses Concerns About Human Rights Abuses

President Trump continues to dismiss concerns about Kim Jong Un’s brutality, and to lavish praise on a man who has a considerable amount of blood on his hands.

Trump Is Achieving Putin’s Goal Of Driving A Wedge Between The U.S. And Its Allies

Thanks to Donald Trump, the happiest man in the world right now is Vladimir Putin.

The Case Against A Permanent U.S./NATO Base In Poland

The arguments in favor of a permanent U.S./NATO base in Poland are not very convincing.

Former Defense Secretary Frank Carlucci Dies At 87

Frank Carlucci, who served as President Reagan’s last Secretary of Defense, has died at 87.

George W. Bush’s Rehabilitation

61 percent of Americans have a favorable impression of a man who left office a failed president.

Merkel: Europe Can No Longer Count On The United States

President Trump’s decision to violate the terms of the nuclear deal with Iran could be a turning point in relations between the United States and its most important allies, and not in a good way.

Trump Summit With Kim Jung Un Set For June 12th In Singapore

The date and location of the meeting between President Trump and Kim Jong Un has been set, but there’s as much chance of failure as their is hope for success.

Haspel Faces Questions About Torture, But Her Confirmation Seems Assured

Gina Haspel faced some tough questions from Democrats regarding her role in the C.I.A.’s post-9/11 torture programs, but she’s likely to be confirmed anyway.

U.S. Navy Reviving Atlantic Fleet

Seven years after deactivation, the U.S. Second Fleet will be patrolling the North Atlantic again.

The Fine Line Between Nationalism and Racism

Andrew Sullivan wonders, “Will there always be an England?”

Miguel Díaz-Canel Becomes New President Of Cuba

Cuba has a new President and he isn’t named Castro, but that doesn’t mean we’re going to see significant change in the near future.

Barbara Bush, Wife And Mother Of Presidents, Dies At 92

Barbara Bush, only the second woman in history to be the wife and mother of a U.S. President, has died at the age of 92.

Attacking Syria Without Congressional Authorization Would Be Illegal

Without Congressional authorization, any attack on Syria would be illegal, but don’t expect Congress to do anything about it.

Millennials Don’t Know Much About The Holocaust

A plurality of Americans aged 18 to 34 have no idea how many people were killed, what Auschwitz was, or how Hitler came to power.

Trump Weighs Options In Syria While His Twitter Taunting Foolishly Risks Escalation

President Trump took to Twitter this morning and decided poke a stick in the eye of the Russian bear.

Russia Expels 150 Diplomats, Closes American Consulate, In Latest Tit-For-Tat Move

As expected, Russia has retaliated for the retaliation against it in connection with the attempted murder of a former Russian spy and his daughter in the United Kingdom.

Russia Retaliates For British Retaliation, Kicking 23 British Diplomats Out

Not unexpectedly, Russia has retaliated for Great Britain’s retaliation for Russia’s apparent assassination attempt on British history.

Trump Administration Claims It Needs No Legal Authorization To Keep Troops In Syria

Continuing a long-standard tradition, the Trump Administration claims it doesn’t need to get legal authorization to keep American troops in Syria.

Collapse of the Global Elite?

Elliot Cohen laments the lack of steel in the spine of the statesmen, diplomats, soldiers, and thinkers of the current generation.

Are Mass Shootings a National Security Threat?

Phil Carter makes an interesting argument but he’s ultimately mistaken.

Congress is Powerless to Stop Presidential Strike on North Korea

My latest for RealClearDefense.

Many South Koreans Not So Thrilled With The Idea Of A Unified Korea

The recent cooling of relations between North and South Korea has led to some talk of eventual reunification, but for many South Koreans that idea is a non-starter.

Congress Needs To Act In Response To Trump’s Illegal War In Syria

With the Administration set to commit the United States to a forever war in Syria, it’s time for Congress to act.

Russia Barred From 2018 Olympics

Russia has been barred from participating in the 2018 Winter Olympics after an investigation uncovered extensive evidence of cheating.

Presidential Authority To Order Nuclear Launches In The Trump Era

Is it time to reexamine Presidential authority to launch a nuclear strike?

America’s Forgotten, And Forever, Wars

America has become involved in conflicts around the world, largely without the knowledge of the American people or the consent of their representatives, and it doesn’t appear that’s going to end anytime soon.

Obama Blasts Trump’s ‘Politics Of Division’

President Obama spoke out yesterday against his successor and the America he has created.

Donald Trump’s Disturbing Obsession With, And Ignorance About, Nuclear Weapons

Donald Trump continues to be as astoundingly ignorant about the most powerful weapons the U.S. military possesses as he was as a candidate.

Stanislav Petrov, Soviet Officer Who Helped Avert Nuclear War, Dies At 77

Early on the morning of Sept. 26, 1983, Lieutenant Colonel Stanislav Petrov helped to prevent the outbreak of nuclear war.

Catalan Independence Vote Set For October 1st, Propelling Spain Into Crisis

In less than a month, voters in the Catalan region of Spain will be voting whether to remain part of Spain or assert independence.

Trump And McConnell Are In A Cold War, And The GOP Agenda Is In Danger

They may both be Republicans, but the relationship between the President and the Senate Majority Leader is bad and seems to be getting worse.