The Political Center Is Dead, At Least On Capitol Hill

It’s no wonder there’s no compromise in Congress.

Supreme Court Hears Argument On Referendum Banning Affirmative Action

Should states have the right to ban affirmative action? The Supreme Court will decide that this term.

Supreme Court Punts On Affirmative Action, But Its Future Seems Short-Lived

The Supreme Court’s decision on Affirmative Action in education didn’t go as far as many thought it would, but it’s future in the near-term seems fairly clear.

Royal Navy Updates Nelson’s Toast

For two centuries, British sailors have toasted their “wives and sweethearts.” No more.

Republicans Haven’t Learned The Lessons Of 2012

The GOP seems to be making the same mistakes that led to defeat in 2012.

Diversity, Stupidity, and Willful Ignorance

Why won’t the “women don’t get pregnant from rape” meme die?

Federal Judge Dismisses Pennsylvania Lawsuit Against NCAA Over Penn State Sanctions

Set backs for Pennsylvania in its effort to reverse the NCAA sanctions against Penn State, and a new lawsuit from the Paterno family. The Sandusky story returns.

What Did Susan Rice Know and When Did She Know It?

I have for months taken it as a given that she went on five Sunday morning talk shows and lied about what happened there. Did she?

Another Big Month Ahead For The Supreme Court

It’s going to be another eventful month for the Supreme Court.

Demographic Trends Not Looking Good For Republicans

Republicans are fighting over how best to deal with their demographic problems, but they seem to be fighting the wrong battle.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The It’s good to be Putin Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

AP Bans ‘Illegal Alien’ for Aliens Here Illegally

Illegal aliens will henceforth be be called, well, something.

Diversity on TV Talk Shows

MSNBC’s Chris Hayes uses a quota system to make sure his guests aren’t all white dudes.

Secret Agent Woman

The Iraq War And The Damaged Legacy Of The GOP

The Iraq War did significant damage to the legacy of the Republican Party.

Obama Hit For Lack Of Diversity In Reshuffled Cabinet

President Obama is taking some heat over the fact that his Second Term cabinet selections have been very white and very male.

Administrative Bloat at America’s Colleges and Universities

One major factor in the skyrocketing cost of a college education in America is a huge increase in overhead costs.

Charlie Crist Officially a Democrat

Charlie Crist, run out of the Republican Party, is now a Democrat.

America Not a Center-Right Nation Anymore

President Obama easily won re-election last night, carrying virtually all of the battleground states. Meanwhile, abortion, gay marriage, and recreational marijuana also won big.

Obama Comes Back Strong But Debate’s Impact On Race Is Unclear

Last night’s debate was rough and tumble, but it’s unlikely to change the state of the race.

Affirmative Action On The Ropes At The Supreme Court

The Supreme Court seems likely to severely limit the use of race-based preferences at public universities

Supreme Court Faces Another Potentially Groundbreaking Term

The Court’s 2012-2013 term begins tomorrow morning, and there are plenty of big cases on the docket.

Running Out Of Angry White Guys

Lindsey Graham: “We’re not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term.”

CERN Physicists Announce Evidence Pointing To Existence Of Higgs Boson

Scientists have made a major step toward unlocking one of the biggest mysteries of particle physics

Is The Supreme Court Too Small?

One law professor suggests that we need to double the size of the Supreme Court. Is he right?

Federal Appeals Court Rules DOMA Section 3 Unconstitutional

An unsurprising decision on the Defense of Marriage.

Republican Foreign Policy Establishment Worried About Romney?

The New York Times finds some infighting among old Republican foreign policy hands.

Detroit To Start Turning Out The Lights

The City of Detroit appears ready to abandon vast sections of itself to the metaphorical jungle.

Conservative ‘Race War’ Meme

The people who gave us the “war on Christmas” are now touting an upsurge on black-on-white crime.

Color Coding Blogs by Political Bias

Andy Baio and friends have undertaken an interesting project: color coding political blogs to track bias.

Social Science v. Santorum

A study of religiosity and young adults found that those who attend college are actually less likely to experience religious decline than those who do not attend college.

Booze and Social Status

Scotch consumption is a leading economic indicator.

Romney Wins Big, Newt Loses Mean, Race Continues (But Not For Long)

Mitt Romney won big last night, Newt Gingrich was Newt Gingrich, and the race is coming to the beginning of the end.

Rick Perry Playing The Sarah Palin “Victim Card”

Rick Perry seems to be picking up where Sarah Palin left off.

The Rick Perry Hunting Lodge Story: A Trivial Distraction?

What was written on a rock outside of a hunting lodge in Texas 30 years ago doesn’t really matter all that much.

The Triumph Of Clarence Thomas

A new look at Clarence Thomas’s 20 years on the Supreme Court, from a critic, is surprisingly positive.

It Is News That Apple’s New CEO Is Gay?

Tim Cook is succeeding Steve Jobs as head of the world’s biggest technology company. Does it matter that he’s gay?