American Intervention In Venezuela Would Be Counterproductive, Unwise, And Illegal

The ongoing apparent attempted coup in Venezuela is already leading to talk of American intervention in the event of a crackdown. That would be unwise and unjustified.

Trump And Congressional Democrats Announce A Plan To Announce An Infrastructure Plan

President Trump and the top Democrats in Congress announced a purported $2 trillion infrastructure deal but there’s no reason to believe it will ever become law.

Wittes: The President Committed Crimes

A cautious analyst makes a strong claim.

The Cautionary Tale of Vermont’s Failed Single-Payer System

Despite seemingly ideal conditions, Green Mountain Care was an absolute debacle.

Bregrets, They’ve Had A Few

A new poll shows that a majority of the British public believes that the Brexit referendum was a bad idea. What that means for the future of Brexit is not at all clear.

Trump In Trouble In Texas?

A new poll shows President Trump struggling against four of his potential 2020 challengers. Should Republicans be worried and Democrats elated? It’s too early to tell.

Trump’s 10,000 Lies

The President has hit a dubious milestone barely two years into his administration.

Democrats Trying to Block Trump from 2020 Ballot

Ballot measures across the country would deny access to those who refuse to release tax returns.

Federal Court Finds Michigan Districts Unconstitutionally Gerrymandered

A Federal Court in Michigan has found several of that state’s Congressional and state legislative districts to have been subject to extreme partisan gerrymandering.

F.B.I. Warns Of Russian Plans To Interfere In 2020 Elections

Counter-Intelligence officials are warning that Russia is preparing another election interference campaign for the 2020 election.

Foreign Interference in Elections

A law professor asks some interesting questions, but ultimately not the right ones.

Rosenstein Fires Back at Critics

The Deputy Attorney General has some things to say about Congress, the press, and others.

Joe Biden Reaches Out To Anita Hill

Before he started his campaign for President, former Vice-President Biden reached out to Anita Hill to apologize for his conduct during the confirmation hearings for Clarence Thomas in 1991.

North Korea Billed The United States $2,000,000 For Otto Warmbier’s “Medical Treatment”

The United States agreed to pay North Korea $2 million for “medical treatment” for Otto Warmbier. Did the Trump Administration actually pay the bill? They aren’t saying.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaking with supporters at a town hall meeting at Hillside Middle School in Manchester, New Hampshire. January 22, 2016. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaking with supporters at a town hall meeting at Hillside Middle School in Manchester, New Hampshire. January 22, 2016.

Hillary Clinton Writes History’s Most Self-Serving Op-Ed

Having lost to him, she’s an ineffective voice on the matter of Donald Trump.

Trump Campaign Worried About Pennsylvania

Trump campaign officials are worried about the President’s chances of holding onto a state that was crucial to his win in 2020. They should be.

Trump Could Win Re-Election

Larry Sabato lays out a quite plausible path.

Trump’s Approval Ratings and the Mueller Report

The President has tied his all-time low in one prominent poll.


Some say yes, others no.

Redacted Mueller Report Provides Few New Answers

Thus far, the full(ish) release provides plenty of juicy details but no real revelations.

Donald Trump Is The President Of Trumpland, Not The United States

Donald Trump speaks largely just to his base, ignoring the nation as a whole. Whether this will be enough to win re-election in 2020 is an open question.

Despite Scandals, Virginia Democrats Appear Well Set For 2019 Elections

Virginia Democrats had a good fundraising quarter despite the scandals enveloping their top three officeholders.

Democratic Voters Really Want To Beat Donald Trump

It’s still early in the 2020 cycle, but Democratic candidate are finding rally attendees focused on one thing. Beating Donald Trump.

Sudan’s Omar Bashir Deposed

Can the ICC get him into the dock?

Assange Charged in Computer Hacking Conspiracy

The other shoe has dropped.

Netanyahu Wins Yet Another Term

Both major parties have claimed victory but it certainly looks like Likud will hang on.

A Comparative Note on Prisoner Voting

Sanders’ suggestion is not as outside democratic norms as one might think.

West Bank Separation Wall Hebron Israel West Bank Separation Wall Hebron Israel

Netanyahu Vows to Annex West Bank

The Israeli prime minister is engaging in a familiar but dangerous gambit to retain power.

Monopoly board Go Directly to Jail with car and hotel Monopoly board Go Directly to Jail with car and hotel

Sanders: Prisoners Should Vote

As many states contemplate restoring voting rights to felons who have completed their sentence, a leading Democrat wants to go further.

Trump Fighting Congress’ Demand for His Tax Returns

The law is not on the President’s side.

EU Declines Yet Another Brexit Extension

Theresa May and the UK are quickly running out of options.

The Filibuster’s Inevitable Demise

Senate Republicans are pushing for the end of minority obstruction—and the Democrats can’t wait.

The Biden Backlash

The early frontrunner for the Democratic nomination is drawing fire from multiple fronts. It may destroy his candidacy before it begins.

Justices Divided on Partisan Gerrymandering

Oral argument hints that we may have a 5-4 ruling allowing state legislatures to continue stacking the deck.

Time for Theresa May to Go?

Many are calling for the UK Prime Minister’s ouster. But the problem is Brexit itself, not any one leader.

More on the Pathologies of the EC

It’s the battleground states that are the issue, not small states v. large states.

Douthat Attempts a Defense of the Electoral College

Ultimately, it isn’t a very good one.

Comparative Electoral Systems Basics

Some context for ongoing discussions.

Sexist Coverage of Beto O’Rourke?

Would a similarly-situated woman be getting such over-the-top coverage?

On “Independents” Again

A further attempt at explanation.

Battle Against Latest Ebola Epidemic Not Going Well

The response to the latest outbreak of the Ebola Virus has both succeeded and failed in several response.

The GOP’s Blind Loyalty To Trump Is Likely To End Up Costing Them

Republicans are blindly loyal to this President in a way we have not seen before. They are likely to end up paying a price for that.

Electoral Vote Map

A new tool for looking at possible Presidential election outcomes.

Reforming the Supreme Court

A novel proposal for making SCOTUS appointments more responsive to election outcomes.

Michael Bloomberg Not Running For President

For the fourth time since the 2008 election cycle, Michael Bloomberg flirted with the idea of running for President. For the fourth time, he declined to do so.

Justin Trudeau’s Image Tainted Amid Growing Scandal In Canada

There’s a political scandal brewing in Canada just as that nation starts looking ahead to elections later this year.

In Response To Criminal Charges, Netanyahu Looks To The Right For Support

With criminal charges and an election hanging over his head, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is looking to the political right for support and survival.

John Hickenlooper, Former Colorado Governor, Enters Presidential Race

Former Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper is the latest entrant into an already crowded Democratic field.

Trump’s CPAC Speech May Have Guaranteed His Re-Election

Reason’s Nick Gillespie makes an interesting case but I don’t buy it.

Trump Delivers Bizarre, Incoherent, Red Meat Speech At CPAC

In a two-hour rant before an adoring crowd of CPAC sycophants. President Trump displayed everything wrong with him and his Presidency.