Senate Passes Two-Year Budget Deal

As expected, the Senate easily passed the two-year budget deal early this morning.

Paul Ryan Easily Elected Speaker Of The House

With only a handful of opposition, Paul Ryan was easily elected the 62nd Speaker of the House.

After Opposing Procedure Under Which It Was Negotiated, Paul Ryan Will Support Budget Deal

Yesterday, Paul Ryan spoke out against the procedure under which the new budget deal was negotiated. Today, he announced that he’ll vote for it anyway.

Paul Ryan Blasts Budget Deal Process, But He’s Likely Very Pleased It Happened

Paul Ryan is blasting the process that led to the new budget deal between the GOP and the White House, but one suspects he’s secretly quite pleased with the fact that it makes his job-to-be a lot easier.

Congress, White House Reach Budget Deal, John Boehner’s Parting Gift To Paul Ryan?

Congress and the White House have reached a tentative deal on the budget and debt ceiling that promises to make Paul Ryan’s initial months as Speaker a lot easier.

Paul Ryan Willing To Be Speaker, If All His Conditions Are Met

Paul Ryan has never really wanted to be Speaker Of The House, but he’s take the job if House Republicans meet the conditions he’s set out.

Despite Saying No, Paul Ryan Is Being Heavily Lobbied To Run For Speaker

Paul Ryan is getting pressure from all sides to get into the race for Speaker Of The House.

Ben Carson Isn’t Alone In Having Utterly Silly Ideas About The Debt Ceiling

Yes, Ben Carson’s comments about the debt ceiling are silly, but it’s the fact that a lot of Republicans agree with him that’s dangerous.

Congress Avoids A Shutdown, But It’s Likely To Come Back In December

Congress will get a temporary funding bill passed in time to avoid a shutdown on Thursday, but it may just be delaying the inevitable.

John Boehner’s Parting Words For His Critics Are Spot-On

John Boehner let loose on the “false prophets” on the right yesterday, and he’s absolutely right.

House Speaker John Boehner To Resign

Big news out of Washington, D.C.

With Eight Days To Go, Can Congress Avoid Another Government Shutdown?

Congress has just over a week to pass a funding bill, and it’s not looking very good.

After Final Senate Vote Fails, The Iran Nuclear Agreement Is A Done Deal

The final effort to block the Iran Nuclear Deal failed in the Senate yesterday, meaning that the deal will now move forward.

The Latest Conservative Rebellion Against John Boehner Is Fizzling Out

The latest effort by conservative Republicans to oust John Boehner appears to be coming to an unsurprising end.

Vast Majority Of Americans Oppose Government Shutdown Over Planned Parenthood Funding

With two weeks left until the Federal Government runs out of money, and the issue still quite unresolved, a new poll shows that the vast majority of Americans would oppose a government shutdown over funding for Planned Parenthood.

John Boehner Faces A Tough Fall On Capitol Hill

Speaker John Boehner seems likely to see another leadership threat from fellow Republicans this fall.

Mitch McConnell: Republicans Don’t Have The Votes To Defund Planned Parenthood

Mitch McConnell spoke a truth that many conservatives are likely not going to want to accept.

Voters Would Blame Republicans For Government Shutdown, Poll Shows

Some Republicans are threatening a government shutdown over funding of Planned Parenthood, but a new poll shows that it would be a big political risk for Republicans.

Everybody Hates Congress

Another poll confirms the fact that Americans of all political stripes continue to hold Congress is disdain.

The Biden Speculation Continues

Thanks in part to a slow summer news cycle, the speculation about Vice-President Biden entering the race for President seems to be reaching a fever pitch.

Rand Paul Holds The Senate Floor To Talk About PATRIOT Act Renewal, Civil Liberties

Rand Paul held the Senate floor for nearly twelve hours yesterday to talk about the PATRIOT Act, but it’s unclear if he accomplished anything.

Have Republicans Given Up In The Fight Against Obamacare?

Five years after it became law, the Republican effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act appears to be over.

Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Tip at Chipotle! Stop the Presses!

The scandal that will make everyone forget about Benghazi.

Congress Punts DHS Funding Bill For Seven Days

Another lesson in incompetence in governing from House Republicans.

Will The GOP Pay A Political Price For The DHS Shutdown Showdown?

Polling indicates that the American public opposes the GOP position on DHS funding, but that’s unlikely to change many minds on Capitol Hill.

Most Americans Oppose GOP’s Decision To Invite Netanyahu To Speak Before Congress

By a wide margin Americans think it was wrong of the GOP to invite Israel’s Prime Minister to speak to Congress.

Why The GOP Is Likely To Cave In The Fight Against Obama’s Immigration Law Changes

Even with a House and Senate majority, the GOP is unlikely to get what it wants in its current immigration battle with the President.

Tea Party Crowd Launching Another Phony “Challenge” To John Boehner

Several Tea Party backed Members of Congress claim to be challenging John Boehner in tomorrow’s vote for Speaker. They are, of course, delusional.

Despite Last Minute Drama, House Narrowly Passes Bill To Fund Most Of The Government

Despite opposition from both Republicans and Democrats, the compromise budget resolution passed narrowly last night, but not without some last minute drama

Republicans Seek To Use Budget To Block D.C. Marijuana Legalization

The budget bill Congress set to pass Congress would effectively reverse the will of the voters of Washington, D.C., who just voted to legalize marijuana.

Congress Reaches Budget Deal, Delays Immigration Fight For Another Day

It looks like Congress has averted a budget fight for the second straight year.

House Passes Pointless, Doomed Bill To Protest Obama’s Executive Action On Immigration

The House approved a bill to protest the President’s executive action on immigration that will go nowhere. The question is whether it will placate the right.

Republicans Battle Over Government Funding, Responding To Obama On Immigration

It’s an old story. Republican leadership wants to avoid a government shutdown, but the hard core conservatives want a fight, this time over the President’s immigration action. We have a week to see how it unfolds.

Americans Support The Substance Of Obama’s Immigration Policy, Not How He Implemented It

A new poll shows that a majority of Americans support the President’s changes to deportation policy, but don’t like that he acted unilaterally.

Republicans Would Be More Credible On Immigration If They Had A Plan Of Their Own

The fact that Republicans lack anything approaching a coherent immigration plan makes it hard to take their criticism of the President seriously.

In Responding To Obama’s Executive Action, Top GOPers Worry About Further Alienating Latino Voters

Top Republicans worry that their party’s response to the President’s executive action will alienate Latinos. However, there’s little they can do about that.

If Obama Pulls The Trigger On Executive Action, Republicans Have Limited Options

Republicans don’t really have many options if the President pulls the trigger on immigration reform via executive action.

Time To Start Thinking About Huckabee 2016

Mike Huckabee seems to be making the moves necessary to run for President again, For reasons only he can understand.

With GOP Wins, The Tea Party v. Establishment Battle Moves Into The Halls Of Congress

The GOP’s big wins last week seem to be just guaranteeing that this year’s battle between the Tea Party and the “establishment” will continue.

What to Make of the 2014 Wave Election

What happened Tuesday? And what does it tell us about 2016?

Republicans Expand House Majority

The GOP added to its majority in the House, giving it the biggest majority it has had since Truman was President.

What If Republicans Don’t Win Control Of The Senate?

The odds say that the GOP will end up with a Senate majority in the 114th Congress when all the votes are counted, but if it doesn’t happen then there’s likely to be quite a battle inside the GOP.

America’s Disgruntled Civil Servants

America’s federal workforce is increasingly disenchanted.

The Tea Party Lost Badly In 2014, But It’s Not Going Anywhere

The death of the Tea Party is greatly exaggerated.

Americans View Both Major Parties Equally, Which Probably Helps The GOP

The GOP has bounced back significantly from the lows it experienced after last year’s government shutdown.

Mitch McConnell Promising More Showdowns And Shutdowns If The GOP Wins The Senate

If Republicans win the Senate, what we’ve seen for the past three years could end up seeming tame by comparison.

The GOP Establishment Won The Primary Battles, But They Let The Tea Party Win The War

Tea Party backed candidates may have lost most of the GOP primary battles, but they’ve won the war for control of the Republican agenda.

Michigan’s Justin Amash Defeats Establishment Backed Challenger

Despite a high profile effort to oust him, the most prominent libertarian Republican in Congress survived his primary challenge yesterday.