Most Americans Want Congress To Reach A DACA Deal, But Oppose Linking It To The Budget

A new poll indicates that most Americans support a DACA deal, but don’t think it should be linked to measures to avoid a government shutdown.

Prospects For A DACA Deal Still Not Looking Good

Congress seems no closer to a DACA deal than they were in January.

Congress Heads Back To Work With Both The Budget Unresolved And A Shutdown Looming

After an extended break for the Republican retreat, Congress heads back to work today with just three days before a possible government shutdown.

New ‘National Defense Strategy’ Not All That New

My latest for The National Interest takes a contrarian view on the new National Defense Strategy.

Congress Heads Toward Another Budget Deadline With No Apparent Deal In Sight

The current budget deal expires in six days and Congress doesn’t seem to know what it’s going to do about it.

Trump’s Immigration Plan Meeting Opposition, From Republicans

The White House’s immigration plan is facing opposition in both chambers of Congress from moderate and conservative Republicans alike.

Prospects For A DACA Deal Looking Grim

The prospects for a deal in Congress on DACA are starting to look grim.

Challenges to the Health of American Democracy

Democratic norms are eroding.

Senate Democrats Prepared To De-Link Budget Talks From Progress On DACA

Democrats in the Senate appear ready to de-link DACA from the budget. That would remove the threat of a government shutdown, but it could anger their base.

The Path To A DACA Deal Won’t Be An Easy One

Getting to a DACA deal isn’t going to be easy.

Who Suffers the Most from Government Shutdowns?

My latest for The National Interest has posted.

Democrats Facing Blowback From The Left Over Deal To End Shutdown

The deal that led to the end of the Federal Government shutdown isn’t sitting well with the progressive wing of the Democratic Party.

Senate Votes To Approve Agreement To Reopen Government, House Expected To Go Along

While final votes remain to be taken, the Federal Government shutdown effectively ended this afternoon with an overwhelming bipartisan vote to reopen the government, combined with a commitment from Republicans to consider a DACA bill over the next three weeks. What happens next, though, is entirely uncertain.

Government Shutdown Enters Day Three With Resolution Still Uncertain

As the Federal Government shutdown moves into the work week, there are some rumors of a possible deal, but nothing concrete and the lack of trust between the two parties could make a deal hard to achieve.

Trump Calls On Senate GOP Go Nuclear On Filibuster. That’s Not Going To Happen

President Trump called on Senate Republicans to eliminate the legislative filibuster to resolve the government shutdown. That’s not going to happen.

Government Shutdown Enters Second Day With Few Signs Of Quick Resolution

It’s Day Two of the Federal Government shutdown and there are few signs of a quick resolution.

Trump Preparing For A Forever War In Syria

While everyone is paying attention to the government shutdown, the Trump Administration is preparing for a never-ending, unwise, and unauthorized military commitment in Syria.

The Government Shuts Down And Washington Plays The Blame Game

The government is shut down and Washington is playing the usual blame game. In reality, there’s plenty of blame to go around, and one of the guilty parties is the American people.

House Passes Spending Bill, But Shutdown Threat Still Looms

With just hours to go, it seems increasingly unlikely that the Senate can reach a deal to keep the government open.

Congress Drifts Closer To A Government Shutdown

With less than two days to go, the prospects for Congress finding a way to prevent a government shutdown aren’t looking good.

Government Shutdown Looms As Friday Approaches

With only days to go, Congress seems unable to come up with either a funding deal for the Federal Government or a solution to the DACA issue.

Trump’s Jerusalem Announcement Demonstrates Yet Again The Art Of The Bad Deal

Donald Trump’s Jerusalem decision reveals yet again that he is an appallingly bad deal maker.

Republicans On Capitol Hill Racing To Avoid End Of Week Government Shutdown

The current temporary spending measure reached by Congress in September expires on Friday, and Republicans haven’t come up with a solution yet.

John Boehner, Without A Filter

It’s been two years since John Boehner stepped down as Speaker, and he’s got a few things to say about his former colleagues and the state of American politics.

Republicans On Capitol Hill Admitting Defeat On Health Care Reform

At least for now, Republicans seem to be giving up on repealing and replacing the PPACA. That’s not going to make the base happy.

Steve Bannon Declares War On The Senate GOP

Former Trump aide Steve Bannon is declaring war on Republicans in the Senate.

Trump Threatens Government Shutdown Over Border Wall Mexico Is Supposed To Pay For

Donald Trump is threatening to shut the government down if Congress doesn’t pay for the wall that Mexico was supposed to pay for.

Trump And McConnell Are In A Cold War, And The GOP Agenda Is In Danger

They may both be Republicans, but the relationship between the President and the Senate Majority Leader is bad and seems to be getting worse.

Americans Want Congress To Move On From Trying To ‘Repeal And Replace’ Obamacare

A new poll shows that most Americans want Republicans want to move on from their failed effort to ‘repeal and replace’ the Affordable Care Act.

Senate Once Again Fails On Health Care Reform

Seven years of rhetoric on health care reform ended early this morning with a narrow vote on a bill that even Republicans didn’t really support.

Senate Returns To Work No Closer To A Health Care Deal

The Senate is back from its recess, but no closer to a health care bill that has any realistic chance of passing.

It’s Looking More And More Like Congress Will Fail To “Repeal And Replace” Obamacare

Congress is running out of time in its effort to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act.

The Power of Primaries

As usual, an attempt to explain congressional behavior brings us back to the issue of our basic institutions. The way we elect congress matters.

House Drops Plan For Immediate Vote On Health Care Reform

Once again, the GOP punts on ‘repeal and replace’ because they don’t have the votes.

Trump Drops Demand For Border Wall Funding As Congress Tries To Avoid Government Shutdown

With a government shutdown looming at the end of the week, the Administration has appeared to back away from a demand that a government funding bill include money allocated for the President’s promised border wall.

As End Of First Hundred Days Nears, Trump’s Job Approval Continues To Slump

As he nears the end of his first 100 days in office, President Trump continues to suffer from bad poll numbers.

White House Pushing Congress To Revisit Failed Effort To Repeal And Replace Obamacare

Faced with the fact that it has little to show for its first 100 days in office, the Trump Administration is pressuring Congress to come up with a new health care reform bill before the end of next week.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Donald Trump Asks Congress, Not Mexico, To Pay For His Border Wall

Once again, Donald Trump has played his supporters for suckers.

Anyone But Trump

Even if you’re not sure who you should vote for, it’s obvious who you shouldn’t vote for.

Would Senate Republicans Really Block Any Supreme Court Nomination Hillary Clinton Makes?

Two Republican Senators are exchanging barbs over the idea that the GOP should block any attempt by Hillary Clinton to nominate anyone to the Supreme Court if she becomes President.

Ted Cruz Proves His Political Opportunism Is More Important Than His Conscience

In which Ted Cruz endorses the guy who called his wife ugly and said his father was involved in the Kennedy assassination.

The End Of Paul Ryan’s Honeymoon?

Five months after becoming Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan seems to be running into some of the same difficulties that John Boehner did.

Poll: Majority Of Americans Say Senate Should Hold Hearings And Vote On SCOTUS Nominee

The American people do not seem to support the Republican position on whether President Obama’s expected Supreme Court nominee should get proper consideration by the Senate.

Republicans Risk The Senate And The Presidency By Refusing To Consider Any SCOTUS Nominee

Republicans are putting much on the line in their refusal to consider any Supreme Court nomination from President Obama.

Washington Post Pulls Political Cartoon Depicting Ted Cruz’s Daughters As Monkeys

A political cartoonist for The Washington Post crossed a line and, rightfully, got condemned for it.

Ted Cruz Jumps To Double Digit Lead In Iowa In New Des Moines Register Poll

Ted Cruz surges to a lead in the latest Iowa poll, setting up a seemingly inevitable showdown between the Texas Senator and Donald Trump.

Americans Continue To Hate Congress, Will Still Re-Elect That Same Congress

A new Gallup poll shows public approval of Congress once again approaching historic lows, but it means far less than anyone thinks.