Suspicious Packages Sent To Clintons, Obamas, And CNN Investigated By Law Enforcement

Four suspicious packages addressed to prominent political and media figures have been intercepted in the past three days.

A Year After Charlottesville, Trump Shows That He Doesn’t Get It Or Doesn’t Care

One year after Charlottesville, it’s clear that President Trump still doesn’t understand what happened there, or that he just doesn’t care.

Alex Jones Loses Access To Social Media

Facebook, Google, and several other companies have closed down accounts associated with conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.

Considering a World without Roe

Some considerations on the politics of Roe v. Wade.

Poland’s Right-Wing Government Purges Government Critics From Judiciary

The right-wing government in Warsaw has purged more than one-third of the members of the Polish Supreme Court in a crackdown on political opponents.

Polish Parliament Amends Controversial Holocaust Law

The Polish Government has amended a controversial law that sought to punish people for discussing the role that some Poles played in the Holocaust.

Could SCOTUS’s Ruling In Masterpiece Cakeshop Impact Trump’s Muslim Ban?

Some legal scholars are speculating that the Court’s ruling in Masterpiece Cakeshop could impact the ruling on the President’s Muslim Travel Ban. This seems unlikely.

In Narrow Ruling, Supreme Court Sides With Baker In Same-Sex Wedding Discrimination Case

In an exceedingly narrow ruling, the Supreme Court sided with a Colorado baker who refused to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding reception. However, the ruling did not address the broader issues raised by the case.

Trump Pardons Right-Wing Provocateur Dinesh D’Souza

President Trump has issued another controversial pardon.

We’ve Lost Count of the Dead in Syria

Even the United Nations has given up trying to maintain an accurate estimate.

Millennials Don’t Know Much About The Holocaust

A plurality of Americans aged 18 to 34 have no idea how many people were killed, what Auschwitz was, or how Hitler came to power.

The Limits of Comedy

Controversies involving Jimmy Kimmel and “The Simpsons” highlight a perennial question.

Holocaust Denier Wins GOP Congressional Primary In Illinois By Default

A gadfly candidate who has denied the truth of the Holocaust won a GOP primary in Illinois because nobody ran against him.

Is All Money Good Money?

How ‘tainted’ must a funder be before a charity is obliged to reject the donation?

Collapse of the Global Elite?

Elliot Cohen laments the lack of steel in the spine of the statesmen, diplomats, soldiers, and thinkers of the current generation.

Polish Senator Says Holocaust Law Also Applies To Holocaust Survivors

Poland’s new Holocaust legislation just keeps sounding worse and worse.

Polish President Signs Controversial Holocaust Bill Into Law

Poland’s President has signed a controversial bill that purports to criminalize any effort to tie Poland to the Holocaust.

Is Joe Arpaio The Next Roy Moore?

Will Joe Arpaio cause the GOP to lose an otherwise winnable Senate race?

Polish Government Sending History Of Polish Collaboration With Nazis Down The Memory Hole

The Polish Government appears ready to approve a law that seeks to whitewash the truth about the role that many Poles played in the Holocaust.

Supreme Court Hears Arguments In Case Pitting First Amendment Rights Against LGBT Rights

The Supreme Court held oral argument in a case that pits First Amendment rights against the rights of LGBT Americans.

The Roy Moore Case and the Nature of US Political Parties

The Moore situation illustrates the nonhierarchical nature of US parties. This is nothing new.

The ACLU is Right to Defend Free Speech for Awful People

Yes, even Nazis must have their rights to peaceful speech and assembly protected.

The First 100

An assessment of the 45th President’s first 100 days.

Trump Imposes Ban On Travel From Several Muslim Countries, Halts Refugee Program

As expected, Donald Trump yesterday signed Executive Orders targeting Muslims and refugees.

Normalizing Hysteria

Donald Trump is not Adolf Hitler. But that’s not the standard.

Elie Wiesel, Holocaust Survivor, Author, And Human Rights Advocate, Dies At 87

A man who survived great horrors to become a tireless witness for truth and advocate for human rights has passed away.

Dilbert’s Scott Adams and Donald Trump

The cartoonist and student of human psychology is fascinated by the con artist who would be president.

Andrew Grove, Intel Chairman Who Helped Develop The Semiconductor Revolution, Dead At 79

One of the pioneers of the technology revolution of the past four decades has passed away.

Sarah Palin Endorses Donald Trump’s Anti-Muslim Bigotry

Sarah Palin has joined such luminaries as Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham, and former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke in endorsing Donald Trump’s anti-Muslim immigration plan.

Foundation Seeks To Extend Copyright On Anne Frank’s Diary By Naming Her Father As Co-Author

The Foundation that holds the copyright on one of the most famous works about the Holocaust is seeking to extend their copyright in Europe by naming Otto Frank co-author of his daughter’s published diary.

Jeb Bush Wants You To Know He’s In Favor of Killing Baby Hitler

Give Jeb Bush a DeLorean or a TARDIS and he’ll be traveling back in time to Hitler in no time!

Ben Carson Overtakes Donald Trump In New National Poll

One unqualified outsider with a history of saying outrageous things replaces another unqualified outsider with a history of saying outrageous things, at least according to yet another new poll.

Ben Carson Passes Donald Trump In New Iowa Polls

Two new Iowa polls show Ben Carson passing Donald Trump in the Hawkeye State, but that’s not necessarily good news for Republicans.

Ben Carson Stops Campaigning To Go On A Book Tour

Ben Carson will spend most of October on a book tour rather than campaigning for President. Further proof that he is not a serious candidate despite his standing in the polls.

Despite Obvious Shortcomings, Ben Carson Rises In The Polls

Ben Carson has no government experience, he has a history of saying things that don’t seem grounded in reality, and he lacks the resources for a credible campaign. And yet, he’s closing in on Donald Trump in the polls.

Joe Biden Drops A Hint That Suggests He Probably Won’t Run For President

In a speech in Florida, Joe Biden spoke about his possible run for the White House, and gave a very big hint that he’s leaning toward staying out of the race.

As Far As Europe Is Concerned, The Debate Over The Iran Nuclear Deal Is Over

Congress is set to debate the Iran nuclear deal next month, but as far as Europe is concerned the debate is already over.

Chris Christie Still Has Reefer Madness

Chris Christie says he would ignore states that have legalized marijuana if he became President. Fortunately, he will most likely never be President.

Mike Huckabee’s Offensive, Idiotic Holocaust Rhetoric On Iran

In bringing Holocaust imagery into the debate over the Iran nuclear deal, Mike Huckabee has displayed the intellectual bankruptcy of his position.

California May Be About To Eliminate Most Exemptions For Mandatory Vaccination

A proposed California law would require all students who attend public school to be vaccinated, with limited exemptions for medical reasons.

Ukraine Heads Down The Authoritarian Road With New Restrictions On Speech

Disturbing developments on the part of the Ukrainian government.