Freedom Of Speech, Blasphemy, And International Relations

Sacrificing our principles in the face of mob violence is never a good idea.

Report: U.S. Knew Benghazi Attack Was Terrorism Within 24 Hours

The Administration’s decision to stick with the meme that the Benghazi attack was about a movie becomes more puzzling.

I am not Seeing Capitulation

Wherein I engage in a little intra-blog debate.

President Obama Capitulates On Freedom Of Speech Before The United Nations

President Obama’s remarks before the United Nations were, at least in one particular part, disappointing.

Egyptians Say They Want Changes To Camp David Accords

Thirty four years later, Egyptians are hinting they want to make changes to the first peace treaty between Israel and an Arab nation.

Obama’s Timidity In The Face Of Extremism

The Obama Administration’s response to the protests in the Muslim world has been entirely wrongheaded.

The Convention Bounce Is Apparently Over, But Obama Still Leads

The President’s poll lead has shrunk, but there are still signs of trouble for Mitt Romney.

Reports On The Ground Contradict White House Narrative On Benghazi Attack

Contrary to what was believed, it does not appear that there was any protest taking place when the Benghazi Consulate was attacked.

White House Insists Benghazi Attack Was Not Pre-Planned, Was All About A Movie

The White House’s theory of what happened in Benghazi is become less and less credible.

Glenn Reynolds Calls for Obama to Resign

Apparently, questioning someone who may have violated their probation on the way to contributing to a series of international incidences is a major civil liberties violation.

Obama Administration Abandons Freedom Of Speech In Wake Of Embassy Riots

Capitulating to a mob is never a good idea.

Protests At Western Embassies Spread Across Muslim World

For the fourth day, American and other embassies became the focus of mass protests in many Muslim nations.

Romney Campaign: Embassy Protests Wouldn’t Be Happening If Mitt Was President

The Romney campaign is doubling down on bizarre foreign policy pronouncements.

The U.S. And Egypt. Allies? Enemies? Frenemies? Well, It’s Complicated

If the United States and Egypt were Facebook friends, their relationship status would be “It’s Complicated.”

University Of Pennsylvania Professor: Arrest The Makers Of That Anti-Muslim Movie

One Professor suggests we sacrifice yet more of our freedom in the wake of the embassy protests in the Middle East.

Under the Bus

The career of Larry Schwartz, who is the Counselor for Public Affairs at the US Embassy in Cairo, is over.

Rand Paul Offers An Alternate Path On Foreign Policy For The GOP

Senator Rand Paul suggests the GOP may want to reconsider its foreign policy aggressiveness.

Freedom of Speech and Religion Collide

My latest for The National Interest, “Freedom of Speech and Religion in Egypt and Libya,” has posted.

Southern Whites Still Not Sold On Romney?

Mitt Romney still has problems with Southern whites that could pose problems for him in states like Virginia and North Carolina.

Romney Campaign Fumbles Initial Response To Attacks In Egypt And Libya

Mitt Romney’s initial response to the attacks in Egypt and Libya displayed a tendency to jump the gun rather than wait for the facts.

U.S. Ambassador To Libya Dead, U.S. Embassy In Cairo Attacked, In Protests Over Obscure Film

A day of protests over a film nobody has ever heard of has lead to the death of the U.S. Ambassador to Libya.

GOP Foreign Policy Positions Expose Their Claim To Be A Party Of Limited Government As A Lie

The GOP claims to be a party that favors limited government, but its foreign policy positions reveal this to be little more than a lie.

Running Out Of Angry White Guys

Lindsey Graham: “We’re not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term.”

German Rabbi Faces Potential Criminal Charges For Performing Circumcision

Under German law, this ceremony, which Jews believe dates from the time of Abraham, is now illegal.

Why 2012 Is So Nasty And Likely to Get Nastier

Dan Balz summarizes what has been “A most poisonous campaign” and is likely to get much worse before it gets over.

Chris Christie Lambastes Anti-Muslim Bigots In The GOP

Once again, Chris Christie makes one wish there were more Republicans like him.

Revenge Of The RINOs?: Moderate Republicans In Congress Starting To Rebel

Moderate Republicans in the House are starting to become more assertive in voicing their frustrations with how Congress is operating.

Nidal Hassan Ordered to Shave or Be Shaved

The Fort Hood shooter is being ordered to shave his beard or have it forcibly removed. It’s rather silly.

Road Closures and Presidential Fundraising

Major metropolitan areas are routinely shut down for presidential fundraisers.