Dominque Strauss-Kahn and the American Justice System

While it’s always dangerous to extrapolate too much from high profile cases to the system as a whole, the strange case of Dominque Strauss-Kahn practically invites it.

A Libertarian Moment?

Recent polls seem to indicate a shift in public opinion in a more libertarian direction.

Understanding The Other Side

Paul Krugman thinks liberals understand conservatives but not vice versa. He’s half right.

Can Government Get out of the Marriage Business?

Government is inextricably linked to the marriage business.

Will Republicans Nominate a Dove?

WaPo’s Jackson Diehl asks, “Will the GOP nominate a dove?”

Romney & Bachmann Rise, Pawlenty & Cain Fizzle In Mostly Lackluster Debate

The debate format was the biggest loser last night, but there were a few memorable moments in New Hampshire.

One of the Many Problems of the Health Care Debate

We need to stop talking as if the Medicare debate is a question of the Ryan Plan v. the Status Quo.

Tyler Cowen’s Productive Mind

A profile of George Mason economist and blogger Tyler Cowen offers this amusing description: “Cowen, 49, has round features, a hesitant posture, and an unconcerned haircut.”

Rand Paul Delays Renewal Of PATRIOT Act

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul wants a full debate on the PATRIOT Act. What’s Congress so afraid of?

Republican Field Not Weak As You Think

The GOP doesn’t have a charismatic superstar waiting in the wings. That’s okay.

Republicans Waiting For Mitch Daniels

With the 2012 GOP field looking very underwhelming, GOP insiders are looking toward Indianapolis for a savior.

Rand Paul’s Pointless Gimmick: The Gas Tax Holiday

Rand Paul has borrowed a bad idea from the 2008 Presidential campaign.

Ron Paul Says He Would Have Voted Against The 1964 Civil Rights Act

Thanks to an appearance on Hardball we’ve got another story about a 47 year old law.

No Right to Resist Unlawful Police Entry: Indiana Supremes

For as long as the notion of individual rights has existed, one of them has been the sanctity one’s home. As of Thursday, that’s no longer true in Indiana.

Ron Paul: I Would Not Have Ordered The Mission Against Bin Laden

Texas Congressman Ron Paul, who will enter the Presidential race tomorrow, says he wouldn’t have tried to have Osama bin Laden killed.

More Musings on the Health Care Debate

An attempt at explaining where I am coming from on in the health care discussion.

Tea Party Politics At The State Level: Less Libertarian, More Authoritarian

If you look at the Tea Party’s impact on state politics, you see it really isn’t much different from the Religious Right.

Roger Ebert Reviews Atlas Shrugged

Roger Ebert lays the smack down on the Atlas Shrugged film — but not for the reasons you’d think.

Gary Johnson Running

Former New Mexico governor Gary Johnson is running for president.

2012 Republican Nomination Fight One Of The Most Open-Ended Ever

The race for the 2012 Republican nomination is missing the one thing that GOP nomination battles have almost always had, a frontrunner.

Where Did The Antiwar Movement Go?

The antiwar movement has been strangely silent despite the fact that U.S. foreign policy hasn’t really changed that much since Barack Obama became President.

You Can’t Make the Government Perfect, But You Can Make It Better

It’s institutions of government – not its size – that matter when it comes to how good a job the government does.

Opposition To Same-Sex Marriage No Longer A Winning Issue For The GOP

Opposition to marriage equality is no longer the wedge issue it used to be.

It Don’t Take No Ed.D.

For many Ph.Ds, the Ed.D. represents the ticket to the administrative high life, the white flag to academic scholarship, and the tramp stamp of the compromising careerist.

Ron Paul Wins CPAC, Loses YAF

Ron Paul has won the CPAC straw poll for a second straight year. But YAF has voted him off its board over his opposition to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

A Less Libertarian CPAC In The Future?

The new Chairman of the American Conservative Union seems to want to mend fences with social conservatives, even if that means throwing new friends under the bus.

Cheney and Rumsfeld Booed at CPAC

The media are wildly exaggerating the heckling at a gathering of conservatives.

Ron Paul to Win CPAC Straw Poll Again!

Ron Paul is poised to win the CPAC Straw Poll. So what?

On CPAC, Social Conservatives, And GOProud

On the eve of this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference, another shot has been fired by those boycotting the meeting due to the presence of a gay conservative group.

Blogging Liberty and Tyranny, Chapter Five

Taking a dive into Mark Levin’s view of Federalism.

Stop Us Before We Eat Again: The Case Against Food Paternalism

They’re from the government, and they’re here to take that tasty snack out of your hands.

Blogging Liberty and Tyranny, Chapter Four

Examining Levin’s examination of the Constitution, jurisprudence, and property rights.

GOP To Drop “Forcible Rape” Language From Abortion Bill

In response to charges that it was attempting restrict abortion access beyond the boundaries of the Hyde Amendment, the GOP has agreed to drop the phrase “forcible rape” from its abortion bill.

Will The GOP’s Love For Endless War Trump Fiscal Conservatism?

The GOP is facing a battle between its fiscal conservatism and i’s military adventurism.