SOPA/PIPA Blackout Protests Lead Co-Sponsors To Jump Ship

Members of Congress are responding to the protests against SOPA and PIPA by withdrawing their support for the bills.

Wikipedia To Go Dark Wednesday To Protest Online Piracy Bills

Wikipedia’s English language site will be offline for 24 hours tomorrow to protest two controversial online piracy bills.

On Interpreting Primary Results

Is a vote for Gingrich (or whomever) necessarily an anti-Romney vote?

Last Night Was Ron Paul’s High Point

Last night was the high point of Ron Paul’s 2012 campaign for the Presidency.

Mitt Romney Wins New Hampshire, Ron Paul Second, Race Nearly Over

A good night for Romney, a surprising showing for Ron Paul, and the first steps toward the end of the race for the Republican nomination.

Ron Paul’s Phony “Chickenhawk” Attack On Newt Gingrich

Last night, Ron Paul decided it was a good idea to bring back the ghosts of the Vietnam War era.

With Three Days To Go, New Hampshire Is Still Romney Country

There seems to be very little stopping a big night for Mitt Romney next Tuesday.

Sometimes, It Makes Sense To Skip New Hampshire

If you’re running low on cash, keeping it low-key in a state you can’t win sometimes make sense.

Republican Candidates Love The Imperial Presidency

Not surprisingly, most of the Republican candidates for President aren’t too keen on reducing the excessive growth in Executive Branch power.

Gary Johnson Leaves GOP, Declares For Libertarian Party Nomination

Gary Johnson’s quest is quixotic, but interesting nonetheless.

Rick Perry Sues Over Virginia Ballot Exclusion

Rick Perry is seeking Court intervention to get on the Virginia ballot. He isn’t likely to get very far.

Why Ron Paul’s Campaign Has No Future Beyond Iowa And New Hampshire

Ron Paul is doing well right now solely because of the unique characteristics of Iowa and New Hampshire.

Ron Paul: Not So Much Denial Back in the 1990s (Plus: Newsletters 101)

New video plus a basic primer on Ron Paul’s newsletter situation.

Ron Paul Doesn’t Want To Talk About His Newsletters Anymore

Ron Paul doesn’t want to talk about his newsletters now, but he was pretty talkative 15 years ago.

Gary Johnson To Leave GOP Race, Run For Libertarian Party Nomination

Gary Johnson is jumping ship.

Would A Ron Paul Win Kill The Iowa Caucuses?

Iowa Republicans fear that a Ron Paul win on Jan. 3rd will destroy the credibility of their caucuses.

Gingrich No Longer Frontrunner

Newt Gingrich has fallen into a statistical tie with Mitt Romney in the latest Gallup poll, mirroring his decline in other recent surveys.

Ron Paul’s Past Will Catch Up With Him

Ron Paul is rising in Iowa, which means he will soon face the scrutiny he’s avoided so far.

Ron Paul Won’t Be The Nominee, Much Less President

Ron Paul is surging in Iowa. He’s in 3rd place in the national polls and has been for most of the race. He’s not Mitt Romney.

Surging In Iowa: Newt Gingrich, And Ron Paul?

Stranger things have happened.

Federal Court Legalizes Compensation For Bone Marrow Donors

A new ruling from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals raises a host of questions.

Gary Johnson May Seek Libertarian Nomination

Feeling abandoned by the Republican Party, former New Mexico governor Gary Johnson is weighing a Libertarian Party bid for president.

Republican Foreign Policy Debate Post-Mortem

I liveblogged and tweeted my instant, mostly snarky, reaction to the CNN foreign policy debate. Here are some more fully formed thoughts.

GOP National Security Debate Live Blog

I’ll be liveblogging tonight’s Republican national security debate over at RealClearWorld along with a solid team of foreign policy analyst

The GOP’s Bizarre Iowa Debate/Forum/Church Revival Meeting

Did you know there was another GOP debate last night? Well, you didn’t miss much.

ACORN Behind Occupy Movement, Right Wing Media Charges

Unnamed “sources” claim that ACORN is somehow behind Occupy Wall Street and its offshoots.

Occupy Wall Street: What It Isn’t

There’s no consensus for European-style social democracy or a Randian libertarian paradise.

Reassessing Occupy Wall Street And The 99%’ers

Some on the right are giving Occupy Wall Street and The 99%’ers a second look.

Koch Brothers Under the Microscope

A major backer of Republican and Libertarian causes is under fire.

The Death Of Anwar Al-Awlaki And The Imperial Presidency

Giving the President the unchecked power to kill American citizens raises some serious red flags.

The Inevitable “Third Party” Debate Returns

Like clockwork, the arguments for creation of a third party are popping up again.

Gary Johnson Invited to Florida Debate

Two-term New Mexico governor finally gets to share the stage with Herman Cain.

Santorum Supports PA EC Plan

Rick Santorum: naked partisan. (Although, really, this is more a post about the EC than it is about Santorum).

You Can Be Compassionate Without Supporting Big Government

Contrary to what Eugene Robinson and Paul Krugman argue today, compassion does not require one to support government social welfare programs.

Looking to the Design of the Electoral College

Of the institutions designed by the Framers, the electoral college is the one that deserves the least amount of defense if one’s defense is predicated on assumptions of the genius of said framers.

The GOP Debates and the Lack of Introspection

The last two GOP debates have featured cheers from the crowd and responses from candidates that ought to be considered problematic.

Jon Hunstman Unveils A Tax Plan You Ought To Be Paying Attention To

Jon Huntsman is out with a tax and jobs plan that deserves a lot more attention than it’s likely to get.

Rick Perry: Radical Libertarian? Theocrat? No, Just Another Big Government Conservative

Rick Perry isn’t as radical as some on the left are saying, but that doesn’t mean he’s any good.

The Triumph Of Clarence Thomas

A new look at Clarence Thomas’s 20 years on the Supreme Court, from a critic, is surprisingly positive.

Ron Paul: American Foreign Policy Is The Primary Motivation For Terrorism

Ron Paul is again making the argument that American foreign policy has contributed to terrorism. He’s more right than wrong.

Rick Perry’s Crony Capitalism

Rick Perry’s vision of capitalism doesn’t exactly comply with what Adam Smith had in mind.