Another Double-Digit Poll for Biden

Trump continues to lag.

Models Trending Bidenward

A look at several models.

President Donald J. Trump delivers remarks prior to signing H.R. 1957- The Great American Outdoors Act Tuesday, August 4, 2020, in the East Room of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Tia Dufour) President Donald J. Trump delivers remarks prior to signing H.R. 1957- The Great American Outdoors Act Tuesday, August 4, 2020, in the East Room of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Tia Dufour)

America’s Exceptional Failure

Our response to Covid-19 has been exceptional in all the wrong ways.

62% of Americans Afraid to Share Political Views

An interesting if frustrating new survey from Cato.

Why are Masks Political?

Leadership matters (as does culture).

Our Awful Criminal Justice System

A stroll down memory lane.

Justin Amash Not Running for President After All

We won’t have whatshisname to kick around any more.

Steady Joe?

Biden’s polling lead over Trump is historically stable.

There is no Switch, Redux

The status quo ante is not just waiting for us around the corner.

Justin Amash Running for Libertarian Nomination

The erstwhile Tea Party Republican is making a run for President.

On the Act of Voting

A discussion of what #NeverTrump means, on Sanders v. Trump, and some about the philosophy of voting.

Joe Rogan, Bernie Sanders, and the Intellectual Dark Web

Politics makes strange bedfellows.

Centrist Democrats Line Up In Favor Of Impeachment

Democrats who could prove to be vulnerable in 2020 are largely lining up in favor of impeaching the President.

Another Top Republican Abandons The Sinking Ship Of Trump’s GOP

Greg Mankiw, an economist who served as a top adviser to Mitt Romney and George W. Bush, is officially no longer a Republican

RealClear Reveals Whistleblower Name, Foments Conspiracy Theory

The man who sparked the investigation into the President’s illegal conduct has been outed in a futile attempt to discredit it.

Democrats and Republican Converts

It’s not the responsibility of the opposition party to make up for Donald Trump.

Commission On Presidential Debates Sets Schedule For General Election Debates

The Commission on Presidential Debates has released the schedule and criteria for the General Election debates. As usual, the criteria are heavily biased in favor of the major party candidates.

The Post-Trump GOP Will Not Go Back To ‘Normal’

Contrary to the hopes of some, getting rid of Trump isn’t going to purge the GOP of Trumpism.

Mark Sanford Enters GOP Race Against Trump

Former Republican Congressman and Governor Mark Sanford is running for President.

Former Congressman Joe Walsh Launches Primary Challenge Against Trump

Joe Walsh, a former Tea Party stalwart who served in Congress nine years ago, has thrown his hat in the ring against President Trump for the 2020 GOP Presidential Nomination.

David Koch, Businessman, Political Activist, and Philanthropist, Dead At 79

David Koch, one-half of the Koch Brothers and the head of a wide-ranging business empire who also went on to have a huge impact on politics and cultural philanthropy, has died at the age of 79.

Trump Doubles Down: Jewish American Democrats Disloyal To Israel

President Trump doubled down on his tirade against Jewish American Democrats from yesterday with some even more offensive comments.

Mark Sanford Considering Primary Challenge Against Trump

Former South Carolina Congressman and Governor Mark Sanford is reportedly considering an intra-party challenge to President Trump

Appeals Court To Hear Argument Today In Case That Could Upend Obamacare

Later today, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals will hear argument in a case that could upend the Affordable Care Act.

Virginia Finally Repeals Dumb Happy Hour Restrictions

Virginia has finally repealed a dumb and unconstitutional restriction on how bars could advertise Happy Hours.

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Bernie Sanders Wants Taxpayers to Pay Off All College Loans

The Democratic Socialist wants to absorb $1.6 trillion of student debt.

Justin Amash Quits House ‘Freedom’ Caucus

Michigan Congressman Justin Amash has quit a group he helped found nine years ago after they voted to condemn him for advocating for the President’s impeachment.

What’s So Bad About ‘Flip-Flopping’?

Is it really such a bad thing when a politician changes a long-help position on a political issue?

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Hints At Deep Divisions As Supreme Court Nears End Of Term

As the Supreme Court enters the final weeks of its term, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg hints at deep divisions and disappointment for people on the left.

John Kasich Appears To Rule Out A Primary Challenge Against Trump

John Kasich hasn’t shut the door completely, but recent comments seem to make it clear he’s not likely to take on the President for the Republican nomination.

Larry Hogan Rules Out Primary Challenge Against Trump

Maryland Governor Larry Hogan has ruled out what would essentially be a quixotic primary challenge against President Trump.

The Reaction To Justin Amash Reveals Just How Far Gone The GOP Is Today

Justin Amash’s call for impeachment of the President, and the Republican Party’s reaction to it, is telling us a lot about the current state of the GOP.

Justin Amash Further Bolsters His Call For Impeachment

Michigan Congressman Justin Amash is the lone Republican voice speaking out against the President, and he’s making a strong case for his position in favor of impeachment.

Justin Amash Doubles Down Against Trump As GOP Aligns Against Him

Justin Amash doubled down on his criticism of the President and his call for impeachment even as he came under fire from fellow Republicans.

Republican Congressman Justin Amash Joins Calls For Trump’s Impeachment

Republican Congressman Justin Amash has always been a rebel within his own party, now he’s making that even more apparent.

Denver Votes To Decriminalize Psychadelic Mushrooms

In a first of its kind move, voters in Denver have voted to decriminalize psychedelic mushrooms.

Majority Says They Won’t Vote For Trump In 2020

A new poll shows that a majority of Americans say they won’t vote for President Trump in 2020. but that’s only half the battle for Democrats

Foreign Interference in Elections

A law professor asks some interesting questions, but ultimately not the right ones.

Trump Could Win Re-Election

Larry Sabato lays out a quite plausible path.

Bill Weld Launches Primary Challenge To Trump

Former Massachusetts Governor Bill Weld has officially joined the race for the 2020 Republican Presidential nomination

Legal Experts Weigh in on Barr Summary of Mueller Report

The Lawfare gang and Popehat weigh in.

Stephen Moore is a Terrible Choice for the Fed

Only the best people, dontcha know.

Terrorist Attack Kills 49 in Christchurch Mosques

Another white supremacist attack raises disturbing questions about our information environment.

On Personal Liberty And Vaccination

Mandatory vaccination laws raise personal liberty issues that ought to be taken seriously, but in the end, public health concerns weigh heavily in favor of laws mandating vaccination.

The GOP’s Blind Loyalty To Trump Is Likely To End Up Costing Them

Republicans are blindly loyal to this President in a way we have not seen before. They are likely to end up paying a price for that.

Senate Appears Poised To Block Trump’s National Emergency

There appear to be enough votes in the Senate to pass the resolution disapproving President Trump’s border wall “emergency,” but there’s not enough Republican support to override an expected veto.

House Passes Bill To Block Trump’s Emergency, With Minimal GOP Support

The House of Representatives voted yesterday to block the President’s declaration of an “emergency” at the southern border. Now the matter goes to the Senate.

Congress Moves Forward With Legislative Challenge To Trump’s ‘National Emergency’

The House of Representatives has begin the process of challenging the President’s recent declaration of a ‘national emergency’ at the southern border.

Bill Weld Prepares For Primary Challenge To Trump

Former Massachusetts Governor Bill Weld is preparing for a primary challenge against Donald Trump. He won’t win, but he could still have an impact.