Wisconsin Unlikely To Go Republican In 2016

Republican hopes that Wisconsin might go Republican this year seem to be slipping away.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump Polling Worse Among African-Americans Than Any Republican Since Barry Goldwater

Donald Trump’s support among African-Americans is at historic lows, and seems unlikely to recover.

More Bad News For Trump From State-Level Polling

New polling from the states has good news for Hillary Clinton, and an even less plausible path to 270 for Donald Trump.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Susan Collins Joins Other Republicans In Opposing Trump, But What Took So Long?

More Republican officeholders are distancing themselves from Donald Trump, but it’s time to start wondering what took them so long,

Anti-Trump Republicans Get Behind Campaign Of Some Guy Nobody’s Ever Heard Of

The latest desperation bid from anti-Trump Republicans is guaranteed to make a GOP civil war more likely.

Another Poll Brings More Bad News For Trump

The first round of post-convention polls is now complete, and it’s not looking good for The Donald.

Clinton Starting To Gain Ground In States Romney Won in 2012

In a sign of just how bad the trends are right now for Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton is gaining ground in states that Mitt Romney won four years ago.

Donald Trump’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week

It’s been a bad week for Donald Trump, something he can ill-afford with less than 100 days left until Election Day.

Donald Trump’s Electoral Map Isn’t Growing, It’s Shrinking

Post-convention polling at the state level holds some bad news for the Trump campaign.

Hillary Clinton Gets Her Post-Convention Bounce, Takes Back The Lead In The Polls

Hillary Clinton appears to be doing very well in the wake of the first round of post-convention polls.

Hillary Clinton Accepts Nomination To Cap Off A Largely Successful Convention

Hillary Clinton delvers a largely successful acceptance speech that caps off a convention that ran far smoother than its Republican counterpart.

Could Crazy Donald Trump Actually Win The Presidency?

While a Clinton landslide seems obvious after the dumpster fire of a Republican convention, the race is close.

Pre-Convention Polls Show Clinton Leading, Johnson Rising, Major Party Candidates Hated

A look at the state of the race before the two party conventions begin.

Chris Christie Reportedly Being Vetted For Spot As Trump’s Running Mate

Chris Christie remains at the top of the list of potential Trump running mates.

Hillary Clinton Leads Donald Trump In Seven Battleground States

Hillary Clinton holds solid leads over Donald Trump in seven battleground states.

Donald Trump’s Bad June Shows Up In The Polls

Donald Trump has had a bad June, and it’s showing in the poll numbers.

George Will Leaving GOP Over Donald Trump

George Will isn’t just refusing to vote for Donald Trump, he’s leaving the GOP entirely

Marco Rubio Decides He’s Running For Re-Election After All

Marco Rubio changes his mind, and drops the first hint that he’s already thinking about the Presidential race in 2020 or 2024.

Senate Approves Bill Requiring Women To Register For The Draft

The Senate has passed an amendment to a military spending bill that would require women to register for the draft.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Americans Really, Really, Really Don’t Like Donald Trump

A new poll shows that public opinion about Donald Trump is at the lowest point its been since he entered the race. That bodes poorly for Trump, and for the the political party that has chosen to nominate him for President.

Gary Johnson Hits 12% In Latest Fox News Poll

Libertarian Party Presidential nominee Gary Johnson is doing quite well in the polls, when pollsters bother to include him.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Republican Donor Class Says Trump Is Falling Dangerously Behind In Fundraising

Top Republican donors are becoming increasingly concerned that Donald Trump isn’t paying enough attention to raising money for the General Election campaign.

It’s Too Late To Stop Donald Trump At The Convention

Republican insiders are apparently still looking at ways to stop Donald Trump at a convention. It’s far too late for that, guys.

Time For Republicans To Choose: Can You Really Support The Bigot At The Top Of Your Ticket?

Republicans have a choice to make and, so far, they’ve been making the wrong one.

David French Passes On Quixotic Independent Bid For The Presidency

The relatively unknown candidate that Bill Kristol floated as the “Never Trump” alternative has announced he’s not running for President.

On Donald Trump’s Contempt For The Rule Of Law And Freedom Of The Press

Donald Trump’s open contempt for the Rule of Law and Freedom of the Press should disqualify him from being considered an acceptable candidate for President.

Bill Kristol Reportedly Floating National Review Writer As Independent Candidate For President

Bill Kristol’s plan to stop Donald Trump involves a long shot independent bid for the White House by someone most Americans have never heard of before.

Gary Johnson, Bill Weld, and the ‘Libertarian Party’

With two former Republican governors running under its banner, is there such a thing as a “Libertarian Party”?

Gary Johnson Selected As Libertarian Nominee For President

For the second election cycle in a row, and after a contentious floor fight, former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson is the Libertarian Party’s nominee for President.

Hoping For A Breakthrough, Libertarians Meet In Orlando To Pick A Nominee

With Republicans in Trump-induced disarray, Libertarians are meeting to pick their nominee and the hope that 2016 could be the year their party finally gets the attention it has craved for four decades.

Bill Kristol Trying to Recruit Mitt Romney for Independent Run

Bill Kristol is continuing the #NeverTrump fight to its logical next step, trying to find a more mainstream Republican to run as an independent in the fall.

Early Poll Numbers Show Hillary Clinton Trouncing Donald Trump

If these numbers hold up, then the GOP may as well start planning for the 2020 primaries now.

Donald Trump Wins Indiana, Becomes Presumptive Nominee, As Ted Cruz Drops Out

Donald Trump’s win last night made him the presumptive Republican nominee, whether Republicans will unify around him is another question.

Donald Trump Scores Solid Win In Nevada

Donald Trump won his third contest in a row in Nevada, putting him one step closer to inevitability.

Army And Marine Chiefs: Women Should Be Required To Register For Draft Just Like Men

The Army Chief of Staff and Commandant of the Marine Corps told Congress that women should be required to register for the draft just like men are.

Rand Paul Drops Out

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul has dropped out of the race for the Republican nomination.

From 17 Candidates, The Race For The GOP Nomination Is Effectively Down To Just Three

Six months ago, there were seventeen candidates for the 2016 Republican nomination. Now, the race is effectively down to three candidates.

Ted Cruz Becomes The Target At Trump-Less Debate, Trump Puts On The Donald Trump Show

Without Trump, the seventh Republican debate largely focused on Ted Cruz, who doesn’t seem to have done himself any favors. Donald Trump, meanwhile, will likely not pay any price at all for skipping the last pre-Iowa debate.

National Review Takes On Donald Trump, But It’s Most Likely Too Little, Too Late

The flagship of the American right is leading the charge against Donald Trump, but it’s not likely to work.

‘Militia’ Takes Over Federal Wildlife Refuge

A group led by Ammon Bundy, son of Clive Bundy, has taken over the Malheur Wildlife Refuge near Burns, Oregon to protest somethingorother.

No, the US is not on the Verge of a Multi-Party System

We will have a two party system for the foreseeable future.

Ohio Secretary Of State: Trump Can’t Run As An Independent In Ohio

Ohio’s Secretary of State is already precluding the possibility that Donald Trump could get on the ballot as an independent in the Buckeye State.

Rand Paul Likely To Miss Main Stage In Next Week’s Debate, And He’s Not Happy About That

Rand Paul is likely to miss the main stage for next Tuesday’s debate, so his campaign is already calling on CNN to change the rules.

Some Thoughts on the Pending One Person, One Vote Case

I am having a hard time seeing a system of districts based on eligible voters and not simply population.

Donald Trump Calls For Ban On All Muslim Immigration

Donald J. Trump continues to turn the dial higher and higher on his fascist demagoguery.

Donald Trump Once Again Refusing To Rule Out Running As An Independent

Two months after seemingly promising to remain loyal to the Republican Party, Donald Trump is again refusing to rule out an independent run for the White House next year.

Republican Candidates For President Clash In Fourth Debate

Last night’s debate in Wisconsin was arguably the most substantive we’ve seen so far between the Republican candidates, and one that displayed quite starkly the policy differences between them.