Mitt Romney To The GOP’s Rescue? Don’t Count On It, Republicans

Increasingly concerned by the rise of Donald Trump and Ben Carson and the failure of any establishment candidates to click with voters, some top Republicans are reportedly turning their lonely eyes to Mitt.

No, Ben Carson Is Not Being Subjected To ‘Unfair’ Scrutiny

Ben Carson and his supporters would have you believe that he is being subjected to unprecedented and unfair scrutiny. That assertion is completely false.

Marco Rubio Gains Support Of Top Republican Fundraiser

Marco Rubio has won the support of a top Republican donor and bundler, giving a much needed boost to his campaign.

Signs Of Trouble For Jeb Bush

Once the Republican frontrunner, Jeb Bush is now floundering and dealing with donors worried that they may be backing the wrong horse.

With Last Obstacles To Becoming Speaker Clear, Paul Ryan Is “All In”

With the voting now seemingly a mere formality, the question becomes what kind of Speaker of the House Paul Ryan will become.

Paul Ryan Now Has A Clear Path To Become Speaker Of The House

With the top conservative caucus in Congress acquiescing to his candidacy, Paul Ryan is largely certain to become the next Speaker of the House.

Conservative Groups Opposing Paul Ryan For Speaker Before He Even Announces

Paul Ryan has yet to say if he will run for Speaker of the House, but that hasn’t stopped the opposition on the hard right from forming already.

Despite Saying No, Paul Ryan Is Being Heavily Lobbied To Run For Speaker

Paul Ryan is getting pressure from all sides to get into the race for Speaker Of The House.

Gallup Won’t Be Polling The 2016 Presidential Primary Races

One of the nation’s preeminent polling firms is sitting out the 2016 primaries.

Kevin McCarthy Inadvertently Tells The Truth About The House Benghazi Committee

The man who will likely be the next Speaker of the House accidentally acknowledged the real motivation behind the Select Committee investigating, yet again, the Benghazi attack.

Republicans See Donald Trump As ‘Presidential,’ The Rest Of America Not So Much

Polling shows that Republicans increasingly see Donald Trump as Presidential and trustworthy. The rest of America disagrees.

Donald Trump, Ben Carson Lead The GOP Field Heading Into Second Debate

Donald Trump and Ben Carson remain at the top of the Republican Presidential field heading into the second debate on Wednesday.

Donald Trump Gets Less Support From Latino Voters Than Mitt Romney Did

Contrary to his claims, Donald Trump would not win the Latino vote if he were the nominee. In fact, it looks like he’d end up doing much, much worse.

Rick Perry Drops Out Of The Race For President

We won’t have Rick Perry to kick around anymore.

Scott Walker’s Campaign Seems To Be In Serious Trouble

Scott Walker used to have a commanding lead in Iowa, now he’s in 7th place. That’s just another sign of the troubles facing his campaign.

The 2016 Electoral College Battlefield Is Very Small

The 2016 election will be fought on a very small battlefield, and right now the makeup of that battlefield heavily favors the Democrats.

Joe Biden Drops A Hint That Suggests He Probably Won’t Run For President

In a speech in Florida, Joe Biden spoke about his possible run for the White House, and gave a very big hint that he’s leaning toward staying out of the race.

Republican Re-Runs Faring Poorly

None of the top eight candidates in current polls have made a previous bid for the nomination.

Voter’s Words For Hillary Clinton: “Liar,” Dishonest,” “Untrustworthy”

Hillary Clinton has a bit of a public image problem, but it’s not clear if that will hurt her politically.

How Much Will Trumpism Damage The Republican Party?

Even if Donald Trump isn’t the Republican nominee in 2016, he could still end up causing real harm to the party’s chances of winning the White House and holding on to the Senate.

Don’t Expect The Republican Field To Shrink Very Much Before Iowa

For a variety of reasons, it’s unlikely that the Republican field will shrink significantly before the Iowa Caucuses.

Walker, Jindal, And Graham Endorse Donald Trump’s Plan To End Birthright Citizenship

It will never actually happen, of course, but some of Donald Trump’s fellow candidates for President have been eager to endorse his idea to abolish birthright citizenship.

Mitch McConnell: No Immigration Reform While Obama Is President

The Senate Majority Leader says there will be no immigration reform while Obama is President. This is unlikely to help the GOP’s already serious problems with Latino voters.

Donald Trump’s Substance Free Campaign For President

Donald’s Trump’s campaign is the logical conclusion of more than a decade of emotion-drive, substance-free politics.

Current Polls Worse Than Meaningless

The current Republican primary polls are “measuring a unicorn electorate” yet effect the outcome of the race.

Drop In Hillary Clinton’s Favorability Numbers May Not Be A Big Deal

Hillary Clinton has suffered drops in her favorability numbers lately, but that may not mean much for 2016.

Donald Trump, Immigration, And The Republican Party

Once again, Donald Trump is succeeding because he is saying things many Republicans agree with.

Bad News For Hillary Clinton, Or Much Ado About Nothing In New Battleground Polls?

Polling in three battleground states shows Hillary Clinton slightly trailing three top Republicans, but it means far less than you might think.

Donald Trump Is Rising In The Polls Because He’s Saying Things Republican Voters Agree With

Republicans have nobody to blame but themselves for the anti-immigrant Frankenstein in their midst.

The Money Race

It’s all about the Benjamins.

Scott Walker Is Running For President

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has formally entered the race for President, but can he overcome his flip-flops and a turn to the hard right?

The 2016 Campaign Probably Doesn’t Matter, Except That it Does

While “fundamentals” will have more impact on choosing our next president than what happens on the campaign trail, the race itself is important.

Iowa And New Hampshire Less Important Than They Used To Be? Not Really

As much as I wish it were otherwise, Iowa and New Hampshire are not losing their influence over the Presidential primary process.

Bush, Rubio, And Perry Condemn Trump, While Ted Cruz Salutes Him

Republicans are finally starting to react to what Donald Trump has been saying.

Despite A Storm Of Negative Coverage, Donald Trump Keeps Rising In The Polls

Donald Trump has gotten almost nothing but negative press since entering the race for President, but it doesn’t seem to be hurting him very much just yet.

Chris Christie Enters The Race For President A Diminished Candidate With A Tough Road Ahead

Chris Christie is in the race for the Republican nomination, but it’s tough to see how he has a plausible path to relevance.

A New Era for Conservatives?

The events of the past two weeks could allow the Republican Party to move forward.

Will Virginia Republicans Shoot Themselves In The Foot In 2016?

Virginia Republicans are deciding later this week how they will make their choice in the 2016 Presidential Race. And they may end up regretting their decision.

The Battle Against The Confederate Flag Moves Beyond South Carolina

As Governor Haley pushes the South Carolina legislature to take the Confederate Flag down, the movement moves beyond the Palmetto State.

Republican Candidates Are Dodging The Issue On The Confederate Flag

With notable exceptions, most of the Republican candidates for President are refusing to take a stand on the propriety of South Carolina flying the Confederate Flag. That’s called cowardice.

Whether Republicans Are Ready Or Not, Hurricane Trump Is Coming

Whether Republicans are ready or not, Donald Trump is coming.

Donald Trump Is Running For President, And Nothing Makes Sense Anymore

We live in a random and chaotic universe.

Mitt Romney: Kingmaker?

Mitt Romney decided not to run in 2016 but he’s very much in the race.

The Politics Of Income Inequality

Most Americans think that income inequality is a problem, but they don’t all agree on what to do about it.

Rick Perry Begins His Improbable Attempt At An Unlikely Comeback

Rick Perry is hoping to do something that hasn’t happened before in American politics, come back from a campaign that imploded.

Scott Walker Surges In New Iowa Poll

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker isn’t officially a candidate for President yet, but he’s doing quite well in Iowa anyway.

Rand Paul: GOP Hawks Have Advocated Policies That Have Helped ISIS Flourish

Rand Paul is out with one of his more forceful attacks on Republican hawks to date.