Trump And Cruz Look To Be Headed For A Showdown In Iowa

Donald Trump and Ted Cruz have mostly avoided attacking each other, but if the polls are any indication that detente may be about to come to an end in the Hawkeye State.

Trump’s Plan To Bar Muslim Immigration Widely Condemned, But It’s Unlikely To Hurt Him

Donald Trump’s plan to bar all Muslim immigration to the United States is being widely condemned by his fellow Republicans and others, but the proposal probably won’t hurt him politically in a Republican Party that is deeply bigoted against Muslims in general.

Court Declines To Hear Case Involving Chicago Suburb’s Assault Weapons Ban

The Supreme Court has declined to accept an appeal challenging a law barring certain types of so-called ‘assault weapons’ in a Chicago suburb.

Another Day, Another Bizarre Donald Trump Speech

Donald Trump’s speech yesterday at a meeting of the Republican Jewish Coalition was as bizarre as anything else we’ve seen from him.

Political Rhetoric You Disagree With Isn’t Responsible For Someone Else’s Criminal Acts

Blaming political opponents for criminal acts they clearly didn’t commit or advocate isn’t a political argument, it’s demagoguery.

Chris Christie Grabs Endorsement Of New Hampshire Union Leader, But Will It Matter?

Chris Christie has gotten the endorsement of the biggest newspaper in New Hampshire, but it’s not clear that this will have any impact on the race.

Protests At Princeton May Lead To Admitting Uncomfortable Truths About Woodrow Wilson

Protests by students at Princeton are causing some people to finally pay attention to some inconvenient truths about America’s 28th President.

The Race For The Republican Nomination Is Still The Donald Trump Show

Even as the focus of the Presidential race shifts to national security, Donald Trump continues to lead the race.

CNN Announces Criteria For Next Republican Debate

Different criteria than in the past, but there may not be much of a change in the participants.

Donald Trump Remains At The Top Of The Republican Field

Seemingly disproving yet another round of predictions of his imminent demise, Donald Trump continues to dominate the race for the Republican nomination.

On The Syrian Refugee Issue And The Internment Of Japanese-Americans During World War II

Remarks by a Democratic politician in Virginia regarding the Administration’s Syrian refugee program have brought up disturbing reminders of a shameful time in American history.

Thanks To Pandering And Fearmongering, Syrian Refugees Are Now Pawns In American Politics

Syrian refugees have quickly become political footballs in the United States in the wake of the Paris attacks, and it’s become an exceedingly shameful display of pandering and fearmongering by a group of largely Republican politicians.

Mitt Romney To The GOP’s Rescue? Don’t Count On It, Republicans

Increasingly concerned by the rise of Donald Trump and Ben Carson and the failure of any establishment candidates to click with voters, some top Republicans are reportedly turning their lonely eyes to Mitt.

No, Donald Trump Isn’t “Self-Funding” His Campaign

Donald Trump likes to tell people that he’ll never be beholden to special interests because he’s self-funding his campaign. So far, though, that doesn’t really seem to be true.

Republican Candidates For President Clash In Fourth Debate

Last night’s debate in Wisconsin was arguably the most substantive we’ve seen so far between the Republican candidates, and one that displayed quite starkly the policy differences between them.

Polls Are Imperfect Criteria For Determining Debate Eligibility, But They’re The Best We Have

Candidates who have been excluded from tomorrow’s Fox Business Network are complaining, but their complaints ignore the fact that polling is the best objective criteria we have to determine debate eligibility.

Christie, Huckabee Relegated To Undercard In November 10th Republican Debate

The debate stages for both the undercard and main debate next Tuesday will look different from what we’ve become used to.

Bernie Sanders Wants To End The Federal Marijuana Ban, Conservatives Should Support Him

Senator Bernie Sanders wants to let states decide how to regulate marijuana, or to not regulate it at all if they choose. Intellectually honest conservatives should support his effort.

Tuesday’s Elections Helped Solidify Republican Control Of America’s State Legislatures

Forget about Congress, the real story going forward is likely to be Republican dominance of state legislatures nationwide.

Trump And Carson Lead, Bush Sinking, Christie In Debate Trouble In Latest GOP Polls

Fluctuations continue, but the Republican Presidential field appears to be sorting itself out as we near the beginning of a new phase of the campaign.

Republicans Win Big In Kentucky, Setting Up A Big Fight Over Obamacare

Republican Matt Bevin picked up what comes as a surprise win to many observers, and that sets up a big fight over what had been a PPACA program that the White House has touted.

Both Sides Do It: Voter Suppression Edition

Today, many states and municipalities are having elections that will mostly attract Democrats.

Three More Republican Candidates Drop Out Of Group Effort To “Fix” Debates

The effort to forge some kind of consensus independent of the RNC among the Republican candidates for President regarding debates appears to have failed. To the surprise of nobody who has been paying attention.

Donald Trump Maintains Commanding Lead In New Hampshire While Rubio Inches Up

Donald Trump remains the favorite of those likely to vote in New Hampshire’s Republican Primary, but Marco Rubio is starting to inch up in the polls in the Granite State.

Marco Rubio Gains Support Of Top Republican Fundraiser

Marco Rubio has won the support of a top Republican donor and bundler, giving a much needed boost to his campaign.

CNBC Debate Had Fewer Viewers Than Any Debate So Far, Which Is Good For CNBC

While it did draw 14 million viewers, last night’s CNBC debate had the smallest audience of any Presidential debate so far. That was probably a good thing for CNBC considering how bad the debate was.

Third Republican Debate: CNBC Loses, Rubio and Christie Win

The worst-moderated debate thus far may have reordered the field.

Nurse Kaci Hickcox Sues Chris Christie For Civil Liberties Violations During Ebola Quarantine

The nurse who was detained by New Jersey officials in a quarantine despite not displaying any symptoms of Ebola is suing Chris Christie and others for civil liberties violations.

Trump Still Leads The GOP Field, Anti-Trump Wave Still Not Manifesting Itself

A pair of new polls confirms that Republican hopes that Donald Trump would fade are failing to come true.

Trump & Carson Remain At The Top, Christie & Kasich In Danger Of Missing Main Debate Stage

Donald Trump and Ben Carson are still the top two candidates in the GOP race, while Chris Christie and John Kasich appear to be in danger of being relegated to the “KIds Table” debate at the end of the month.

CNBC Debate Criteria Likely To Be Bad News For Several Republican Candidates

The criteria for next month’s third Republican Presidential debate have been announced, and they’re likely to end up being bad news for several Republican candidates.

Several Republicans Likely To Be Excluded From Third Debate

The next Republican debate is likely to be a lot smaller than the previous two, and that could prove fatal for several candidates.

Donald Trump Tries To Bully Yet Another Critic

The Club For Growth has released two ads criticizing Donald Trump, so of course Trump is threatening to sue them.

Donald Trump Still Leads The GOP Race In First Post-Debate Polls

The first significant national polls taken in the wake of last week’s debate show that Donald Trump has slipped somewhat, but still remains the clear leader of the Republican race for President.

Anti-Vaccine Paranoia Infects The Republican Race For President

There was far too much pseudoscience in evidence during the Republican Debate on Wednesday.

Republicans Clash In Second Debate That Seemed To Last Forever

The Republican candidates for President took to the stage last night for a debate that seemed to last forever and accomplished nothing.

Donald Trump, Ben Carson Lead The GOP Field Heading Into Second Debate

Donald Trump and Ben Carson remain at the top of the Republican Presidential field heading into the second debate on Wednesday.

The 2016 Electoral College Battlefield Is Very Small

The 2016 election will be fought on a very small battlefield, and right now the makeup of that battlefield heavily favors the Democrats.

Republican Candidates Rally Around Lawbreaker Kim Davis, Trample All Over The Rule Of Law

Most of the Republican candidates for President would rather support a lawbreaker than the Rule of Law. The American people should judge them accordingly.

Iran Nuclear Deal Now Virtually Certain To Survive Congressional Attack

Senate Democrats are now just one vote away from being able to block a veto override, meaning that the effort to block the Iran Nuclear Deal will most certainly fail.

Scott Walker And Chris Christie Pander To Donald Trump’s Anti-Immigrant Base

Scott Walker and Chris Christie apparently think that the key to turning around their dying campaigns is to pander to the people supporting Donald Trump’s anti-immigration platform.

Stock Market Drop Leads Trump And Walker To Say Dumb Things About China

Yesterday’s stock market drop led some Republican candidates to say some particularly dumb things.

Republican Race Shaken Up After First Debate, But Trump Still Leads

There have been some changes in the race for the Republican nomination.

Scott Walker’s Crony Capitalism

“Fiscal conservative” Scott Walker is handing Wisconsin taxpayers a $400 million bill for a new arena for the Milwaukee Bucks.

The Trump Hurricane Hits The First GOP Debate

It’s a Donald Trump debate, where the facts are made up and the truth doesn’t matter.

Fox News Sets Lineup For First Republican Debate

Donald Trump is center stage, John Kasich is in, and Rick Perry is relegated to the kid’s table.

Donald Trump Solidifies His Lead In Final Pre-Debate Polls

The last three polls to be released before Thursday’s debate show Donald Trump continuing to solidify his lead.

Donald Trump Continues To Expand His Lead In Latest Republican Poll

Another poll, another Donald Trump lead

Donald Trump Leads In Latest Pre-Debate Poll, Perry Seems Likely To Miss The Debate

Donald Trump leads in the first of the final polls to be released before Thursday’s debate.