OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Eats, Shoots, and Leaves Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Van Halen Principle

Ezra Klein has a really smart piece titled “How Van Halen explains Obamacare, salmon regulation and scientific grants.”

Congress Wants Exemption from ObamaCare Exchanges (Or Does It?)

There’s bipartisan agreement on Capitol Hill that they don’t want to participate in ObamaCare.

Time To Reassess George W. Bush?

There seems to be an effort underway to reassess the legacy of our 43rd President.

Regal Cuts Worker Hours, Blames ObamaCare

America’s largest theater chain has slashed the hours of thousands of workers to stay under the ObamaCare threshold.

Supreme Court Declines To Hear Pivotal 2nd Amendment Case

The Supreme Court has ducked an opportunity to expand the holdings in D.C. v. Heller

The 2016 Democratic Nomination Is Hillary’s If She Wants It

For the moment, Hillary Clinton looks unbeatable if she chooses to run in 2016

Supreme Court Puts California’s Proposition 8 In The Cross Hairs

Today’s hearing on Proposition 8 left some wondering if the Court may end up punting the case away.

The Iraq War And The Damaged Legacy Of The GOP

The Iraq War did significant damage to the legacy of the Republican Party.

Paul Ryan’s Budget Plan Is Not Serious

The Chairman of the House Budget Committee is proposing a budget that is based largely on fantasy.

Medicaid Rejection and the Politics of Resentment

Bullheadedness is a virtue?

Trying to Understand Benghazi!

A theory on why Benghazi will not die as a political issue.

952 Days Since Congress Passed Major Law

t’s been more than two-and-a half years since the United States passed major legislation.

Employers Screwing Workers To Sidestep ObamaCare Mandates

Employers have to provide health coverage for those who work 30 hours a week. Guess what?

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Head Of The Class Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Polarization in the Congress

Congress is historically polarized.

John Boehner’s Side of the Fiscal Cliff Story

The Speaker’s version of what went down during the negotiations does not make the Speaker look good.

Stealth Tax Hikes

The new $450,000 income threshold is a political fiction.

Republicans Continue To Have An Image Problem

The GOP’s image problems continue

Fiscal Cliff Compromise

A outline of a deal both sides could live with.

Supreme Court To Hear Appeals In Two Same-Sex Marriage Cases

The issue of same-sex marriage will be before the Supreme Court early next year.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Commode of Transportation Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Reagan Won The Tax Debate. Now What?

Ronald Reagan won the tax fight. The debate now centers on whether to continue cutting taxes or slightly reverse the trend.

What Exactly Has Conservatism Accomplished Lately?

Judging by the record of the past decade and a half, movement conservatism has accomplished very little.

Looks Like Romney Really Meant the 47% Remark

Believing the maker/taker dichotomy.

Neither Mitt Romney Nor Paul Ryan Understand Why They Lost

Neither member of the Republican ticket seems to understand what really happened on Election Day.

Republican Problems More Than Failure to Communicate

The Republican Party needs more than outreach to Hispanics to become a viable national party again.

The Fight Against Obamacare Died On Election Night

Any chance that the Affordable Care Act will be repealed died with the re-election of Barack Obama. But, there are other fights to come.

Hindsight Isn’t Lying

Tthere’s enough bad punditry going around that there’s no need to invent cases to expose.

America Not a Center-Right Nation Anymore

President Obama easily won re-election last night, carrying virtually all of the battleground states. Meanwhile, abortion, gay marriage, and recreational marijuana also won big.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Sonny and Chair Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Foreign Policy Debate Substantive Analysis: Defense Planning

One of the few areas of disagreement was how big our military should be.

Still A Steady State Election?

The Presidential race seems to be returning to the state it was in before the political conventions.

Romney Won The Debate, But Will It Matter?

Mitt Romney won the debate last night, but it’s not at all clear that this will matter at all.

Supreme Court Faces Another Potentially Groundbreaking Term

The Court’s 2012-2013 term begins tomorrow morning, and there are plenty of big cases on the docket.

6 Million Americans Will Be Hit By ObamaCare Tax Penalty

A lot more people than expected are likely to be hit by the ObamaCare individual mandate tax penalty than previously thought.

A Bipolar Night At The Democratic Convention

Depending on what time you watched any of last night’s proceedings in Charlotte, you got a very different experience.

My Basic Take on Romney’s Speech

I give it a C+/B- (adequate, passing, nothing exceptional).

Paul Ryan Gives An Acceptance Speech That Most People Will End Up Forgetting

Paul Ryan did what he needed to do last night, but in the long run his speech will be lost to history.

Paul Ryan’s GM Plant: Fact Checking the Fact Checks

Paul Ryan pointed to a shuttered GM plant in his hometown as proof of Obama’s failed policies. The truth will make your head hurt.