Obamacare October Enrollment Numbers Fall Far Short Of Goal

As expected, the enrollment numbers for Obamacare are far below where they were expected to be.

Healthcare.gov May Not Be Fixed By November 30th

With just over two weeks today, rumors are starting to float out that the efforts to fix the Federal Exchange website may not be done in time.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The That’s No Moon Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Roughly 40,000 People Have Enrolled In Obamacare To Date

Things don’t seem to be going well for the Affordable Care Act.

Another Federal Court Strikes Down PPACA Birth Control Mandate

A second Federal Court of Appeals in a week in two weeks has ruled the PPACA’s birth control mandate is unconstitutional.

McConnell Fires A Shot Across The Bow Of The Tea Party

When it comes to the unfolding conflict inside the GOP, Mitch McConnell seems to have fired an opening shot.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Oh Look, Shiny Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Obama Apologizes to People Who Lost Lousy Insurance Because of ObamaCare

President Obama has apologized for breaking his “If you like your plan, you can keep it” pledge. Does he have anything to be sorry about?

The Cuccinelli Blame Game And The GOP Civil War

Accusations of blame are already being tossed around about why Republicans lost in Virginia, and they mirror a broader debate in the Republican Party nationally.

Did Obamacare Nearly Cost Terry McAuliffe The Election?

Republicans are contending that the nearly won the Virginia Governor’s race by emphasizing Obamacare in the closing weeks, but the evidence supporting that contention is far from clear.

McAuliffe Wins, But Virginia Is Still A Purpleish State

The race for Virginia Governor turned out to be much closer than many predicted, but that should not be a surprise.

Former Fla. Governor Charlie Crist Is Running For His Old Job, As A Democrat

Charlie Crist, and his tan, want the Governor’s Mansion back.

Immigration Reform Returning From The Dead?

Could Congress actually pass some form of immigration reform before the midterms? Don’t bet on it just yet.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Clown Wars Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Obama Administration Knew Millions Would Lose Coverage Due To PPACA

“If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it.” Well, not really.

Michelle Obama Went to School With Woman That Works at Company That Built ObamaCare Website

The faux scandal of today comes to us courtesy of The Daily Caller: “Michelle Obama’s Princeton classmate is executive at company that built Obamacare website.”

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Anger Management Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

November 5th Not Looking Good For Virginia Republicans

With debate season over, it’s looking less and less likely that Virginia Republicans will be able to hold back the Democrats on November 5th.

Healthcare.gov Security Flaws Could Make Social Security Numbers Publicly Available

Even if it were functioning properly the Federal Health Care Exchange website would still have problems.

The Wrath of Taft

Senator Joe Manchin Working On Bill To Delay Obamacare Mandate Due To Website Woes

The bad roll out of the Affordable Care Act is starting to lead to calls for delays in enforcement of the law.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Rebus Knebus Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

What Lessons Will The GOP Learn From The Shutdown?

Will the GOP learn the right lessons from the just-concluded showdown? That remains to be seen.

Basic Assessment and the ACA

This is a good time to remind ourselves that the plural of anecdote is not data.

The Coming GOP Civil War

The shutdown debacle seems destined to lead to a battle between the Tea Party and the more business oriented elements of the GOP

Ted Cruz Refuses To Rule Out Making The Same Dumb Mistake Again

Ted Cruz isn’t ruling out a reprise of his foolish, quixotic, crusade.

No, Boehner Isn’t Going To Lose His Job As Speaker

John Boehner’s position as Speaker of the House seems quite secure.

I Don’t Think that Means What you Think it Means

Ted Cruz’s definition of “the American people” needs some refining.

Sane Republican Minority Prevails

Nearly two-thirds of House Republicans voted for default. They lost.

The GOP’s Seinfeld Shutdown

The GOP’s shutdown was about as pointless as a show about waiting for a table in a Chinese restaurant.

House Republicans Waste A Day, Leaving Final Deal Up To The Senate

The House wasted a day yesterday, now it’s crunch time.

House Shutdown/Debt Ceiling Plan Already Falling Apart?

Well, so much for that plan.

House To Pursue Its Own Shutdown/Debt Ceiling Bill, But That May Not Be Bad News [Update: Or, Maybe Not]

It looks like the House will be making its move before the Senate acts, but that may actually help resolve this faster.

Senate Nears Deal That Kicks The Can Down The Road, Accomplishes Little Else

The deal emerging out of the talks between Senator Reid and Senator McConnell is about what you’d expect, but it’s probably the best we can expect right now.

Crafting a Budget Grand Compromise

As long as we’re tacking on unrelated measures in order to secure a deal to end the government shutdown-debt ceiling standoff, why not some related measures?

Our Fate Apparently Lies In The Hands Of McConnell, Reid, Boehner, and Biden

Are these four men our last, best hope for a deal that will end the shutdown and avoid breaching the debt ceiling?

Monument Shutdowns Bring Protesters To National Mall

Conservatives gathered on the National Mall today to protest the closure of memorials, but their message seems really intended for Republicans in Congress to not back down.

Reid/McConnell Talks Stalemated As Democrats Push For Sequester Changes

Talks between the two Senate leaders haven’t exactly gone so well.

How One Change In House Rules Made The Shutdown Inevitable

A little noticed rule change in the House is arguably one of the main reasons we’re in a government shutdown crisis.