T-Shirts, Airlines, and the Limits of Political Speech

A story headlined “American Airlines Rejects Female Passenger Because Political Pro-Choice T-Shirt is ‘Inappropriate'” is going viral.

DC’s Taxi System Hikes Fees, Frustrations

The price of a DC cab ride went up big time recently and neither riders nor cabbies are happy.

President Obama Much Bigger Fan of Executive Power Than Senator Obama

Charlie Savage documents a major shift in Barack Obama’s philosophy of presidential authority.

Marine Sergeant Booted For Anti-Obama Facebook Comments

Marine Sergeant Gary Stein will soon be free to criticize the commander-in-chief all he wants. As a civilian.

How SuperPACs Have Made Politics More Democratic

Far from being deterimental, there is a case to be made that SuperPACs have actually expended democracy during this election cycle.

Soldier Reprimanded For Ron Paul Endorsement

A Reserve Specialist who endorsed Ron Paul’s presidential candidacy in uniform will only be reprimanded, not court martialed.

ObamaCare At The Supreme Court, Day Three (Part One): Is The Entire PPACA Doomed?

This morning, the Justices pondered the fate of the PPACA if they strike down the individual mandate.

Barack Obama, Same-Sex Marriage, And Political Expediency

Barack Obama’s position on same-sex marriage continues to “evolve,” along with the polls.

The GOP Has Lost The Argument Over The HHS Birth Control Mandate

The argument over contraceptive coverage mandates has not gone well for conservatives.

Voter ID Laws Won’t Work If Problems Like This Aren’t Dealt With

Voter ID laws are a good idea, but we have to be careful in how we implement them.

Santorum and Climate Change Theology

Rick Santorum sounds like someone applying for a job in a religious institution, not someone running to be the President of the United States.

Proposed Virginia Law Will Force Women To Undergo Invasive Ultrasound Examinations

A bill likely to become law in Virginia will require all women seeking abortions to undergo an invasive ultrasound examination.

White House’s Revised Contraceptive Proposal Unlikely To Satisfy Critics

The Obama Administration’s proposed solution to the impasse over contraceptives is unlikely to end the debate.

Unsurprisingly, Obama Re-Elect Will Accept SuperPAC Aid

The Obama Campaign is being criticized for agreeing to play the SuperPAC game like everyone else does.

The War On Small Business

Trying to open a new business can be a massive and costly headache.

Stephen Colbert’s Super PAC Joke’s On Him

Virtually everything Stephen Colbert is doing was legal before Citizens United.

ObamaCare, The Catholic Church, And Religious Liberty

Requiring a religious institution to comply with civilian laws is not a violation of religious liberty.

Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio Warn Republicans On Losing Hispanic Voters

Two prominent Florida Republicans are warning their party about losing the support of the nation’s fastest growing ethnic group.

Is There An American Cultural Divide?

Have Americans divided themselves into what are becoming increasingly different cultures?

Egypt’s Unfinished Revolution

One year later, Egypt’s revolution remains unfinished.

State of the Union Post Mortem

The speech did exactly what it was supposed to do: kick off Obama’s re-election campaign while disguised as a call for unity.

Why iPhones Aren’t Made In America

It’s not just low wages that have kept technology manufacturing jobs out of the United States.

Time For Real Campaign Finance Reform

Mitt Romney made a suggestion about how to fix our campaign finance system. It’s a good idea.

Rick Santorum v. Individual Liberty

Rick Santorum’s views on the role of government are somewhat disturbing.


Let’s ban robocalls.

Catholic Bishops Claim Laws Allowing Gay Adoption Violate Religious Liberty

If you’re going to take public money, “religious liberty” is not an excuse to fail to comply with the law.

Rick Perry Sues Over Virginia Ballot Exclusion

Rick Perry is seeking Court intervention to get on the Virginia ballot. He isn’t likely to get very far.

A Bit More About the Ron Paul Newsletters

So what was it: taken out of context or written by someone else?

Despite Congressional Reprieve, The Old Incandescent Light Bulb Is Still Dead

Welcome technological change, or crony capitalism?

Citizens United And The Foolish Attack On Corporate Personhood

A new set of proposed Constitutional Amendments reveals that many people still don’t understand what Citizens United was about.

Looking at the Causes of the Financial Crisis

Can we credibly blame the CRA, Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac, and the like for the mortgage crisis?

Did Congress Declare Pizza A Vegetable? Not Really

Another meme debunked, plus some thoughts on policy.

EU Bars Claim That Water Prevents Dehydration

From Europe, a case of regulation gone nuts.

Rick Perry’s Wrongheaded “Government Reform” Plan

Rick Perry is out with a plan to reform Washington. Mostly, it’s just a bunch of gimmicks.

Camping Out In A Park Is Not A First Amendment Right

The Occupy movement is starting to face the reality that they really aren’t engaging in protected speech.

What Caused the Financial Crisis?

Barry Ritholtz lists a dozen causes of the financial crisis.

Jon Corzine Reportedly Used Influence To Hold Off Investigation Of MF Global

When the CFTC wanted to change a rule, Jon Corzine used his influence to stop them.