Russia Getting Ready To Escalate In Ukraine?

Things are getting serious in eastern Ukraine.

Ashraf Ghani Declared ‘Winner’ Of Afghan Election Plagued By Fraud Allegations

There’s a declared winner in Afghanistan’s Presidential Election, but a cloud hangs over the results.

ISIS Declares Caliphate, Renames Itself ‘Islamic State’

Is ISIS’s reach about to exceed its grasp?

U.S. Captures Suspect In Benghazi Attack

Ahmed Abu Kattalah, the alleged ringleader of the September 2012 attack in Benghazi, has been arrested.

It Doesn’t Matter When, Or Why, Hillary Clinton Changed Her Mind On Marriage Equality

Obsessing over what a politician believed in the past accomplishes nothing.

Hard Choices And D.C.’s Dirty Ghostwriting Secret

She won’t admit it publicly, but Hillary Clinton didn’t really write her new book.

Federal Judge Strikes Down Wisconsin’s Same-Sex Marriage Ban

Another legal victory for marriage equality.

Yes, We Do Negotiate With Terrorists

Contrary to the oft-repeated slogan, the United States has negotiated with terrorists before. And we will do it again.

Hillary Clinton Wasn’t a Horrible Secretary of State

Yet another autiobiography invites public discussion about her accomplishments.

Hillary Clinton Takes Defiant Tone On Benghazi In New Book

In her upcoming book, Hillary Clinton strikes a defiant tone against conservative’s continued interest in the Benghazi attack.

Edward Snowden: I Was More Than Just A ‘Data Analyst’

For the first time, Edward Snowden is talking to the American media.

Good News For Supporters Of Journalist Shield Laws

Two news items yesterday advanced in some small measure the protection of journalists from having to reveal sources under Court Order.

Fort Hood vs Benghazi?

James Oliphant asks, “Why Hasn’t the GOP Treated Fort Hood Like Benghazi?”

What, If Anything, Should The United States Do About Those Nigerian Schoolgirls?

Not every tragedy can be resolved with a military response.

House Benghazi Committee: Fact-Finding Mission Or Partisan Witch Hunt?

Could the upcoming House Select Committee on Benghazi actually accomplish something useful?

Unfortunately For Hillary Clinton, Benghazi Is Not Going Away

If Hillary Clinton runs for President, questions surrounding the Benghazi attack will continue to dog her.

New Emails Revive Old Benghazi Arguments

A new set of emails is reviving the old partisan arguments about the attack in Benghazi.

Almost All Of Syria’s Chemical Weapons Have Been Removed, Should Obama Get The Credit?

The removal of chemical weapons from Syria is nearly complete. Does Obama deserve credit for that?

President Obama Delays Decision On Keystone XL Yet Again

Once again, the Obama Administration punts on the Keystone XL Pipeline.

If Benghazi Doesn’t Damage Hillary Clinton Politically, What Would?

Is there anything that could stop the Clinton juggernaut?

Preliminary Thoughts on the Ukraine Situation

Russian invasion or legitimate secessionist movement? And does it matter?

Obama Ambassador Follies

President Obama is rewarding unqualified hacks who raised huge sums for his campaign with ambassadorships.

“Fuck The EU,” Says America’s Top Europe Diplomat

Victoria Nuland, Asistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, pithily expressed her frustrations about the European Union.

TSA Touts Toothpaste Tube Terror Threat

Just when it became safe to keep your shoes and tablets on, a new threat to the friendly skies has emerged: toothpaste.

Amanda Knox And Extradition: More Likely Than You Might Think

Yes. Amanda Knox could be extradited.

Amanda Knox and Double Jeopardy

The American justice system is unique.

So Far, The Military Coup Looks Like It Will Be A Disaster For Egypt In The End

Nearly six months later, it’s hard to find any good in the July military coup in Egypt.

US Orders Airliners to Comply with Chinese Notification Demands

Even as it defies China’s illegal territorial claims with military flights, the Obama administration is urging US airlines to comply.

No, The U.S. Isn’t Closing Its Vatican Embassy

A State Department announcement about consolidation of diplomatic posts in Rome has led to the latest round of Obama Derangement Syndrome.

60 Minutes Retracts, Apologizes For, Erroneous Benghazi Report

A story that has turned into a partisan kickball and some bad journalism have resulted in a celebrated news program getting considerable egg on its face.

Progress On Iran Nuclear Deal?

Signs of some progress in the talks over Iran’s nuclear weapons program.

Pentagon Accused Of Moving Slow On Same-Sex Spouses Based Overseas

For some same-sex couples with a military spouse, living together on base is proving difficult to implement quickly.

NSC Nonproliferation Director Fired for Tweeting

Jofi Joseph was unmasked as the obnoxious @NatSecWonk and fired by the White House.

Virginia Governor’s Race Now Looks Like A Democratic Win

Absent an unlikely major change, it looks like the Democrats will win the Governor’s race in Virginia

The Obama Administration’s War On Leaks Chills The Press And Hurts The Public Interest

So much for the most transparent Administration in history.

A Day Of Glitches For Day One Of Obamacare’s Exchange Websites

Day One of the Obamacare online “marketplaces” is proving to be a bit of a bumpy ride.