Some States Reopening Too Soon

We’re putting people in an impossible position.

The End of China’s Growth?

Or just a bump in the road?

Art Laffer has a Plan for the Economy

It would be laughable, but the White House might be interested.

Pelosi Wants SALT Cap Repeal in Next Stimulus

Progressive policy and constituent interests collide.

$2 Trillion Relief Deal Reached


Coronavirus Rescue Plan in Limbo

We may be in a national crisis but it’s still politics as usual in Washington.

Rand Paul Tests Positive for COVID-19

The man is a moron.

Coronavirus Bailout Both Reparations and Stimulus

This is no ordinary recession.

Means-Tested Stimulus

While the impulse is understandable, it defeats the purpose.

No, We Didn’t Give Wall Street $1.5 Trillion

People who should know better are making ridiculous claims.

Kay Hagan, Former North Carolina Senator, Dead At 66

Former North Caroline Senator Kay Hagan has died,

Federal Budget Deficit Ends Fiscal Year Just Shy Of $1 Trillion

Don’t worry folks, we’ll make it past that mark quite easily over the course of the new Fiscal Year.

Don’t Politicize The Federal Reserve.

A former Federal Reserve officials argues that the Fed should not lower interest rates to compensate for the impact of the President’s trade war, potentially leading to his defeat in the election. This is an incredibly bad idea.

Trump Is Worried About The Economy And 2020. He Should Be.

The Trump Administration and 2020 campaign are clearly worried about the state of the economy. They should be, because it could be the one thing that dooms his re-election chances.

Budget Deficit Sets Another Record Under Trump, Heads Toward $1 Trillion

The Federal Budget Deficit rose 27% in July, putting it on course for the $1 trillion by the end of September.

Economic Growth Slows But Shows No Signs Of Entering Recession Territory

The economy slowed somewhat during the second three months of 2019, but the economic recovery still looks strong as we head into the 122nd month of positive growth.

Trump And Congress Reach Deal On Budget-Busting Debt Deal

President Trump and the Congressional leadership have reached agreement on a multi-year budget deal that that busts through all remaining controls on spending.

June Jobs Numbers Bust Past Expectations But Uncertainty Remains

June’s jobs report brought in stronger than expected numbers but the fact that these numbers have not been consistent all year makes one wonder what the state of the economy really is.

Economic Growth Slows In Final Quarter Of 2018

Economic growth slowed significantly in the fourth quarter of 2018 from where it had been earlier in the year. And it’s likely to slow down even more.

The Republican Game Plan For 2020: Demonization And Demagoguery

Following Donald Trump’s lead, the GOP is making clear that its game plan for 2020 is paint all Democrats as ‘socialists, baby killers, and anti-Semites.’

National Debt Tops $22 Trillion, Up $2 Trillion Since 2017

The National Debt officially topped $22 trillion, marking a $2 trillion increase since President Trump took office.

Trump’s Tax Cuts Haven’t Resulted In The Economic Benefits He Promised

A new study reveals that the Republican tax cut package passed at the end of 2017 has not had the economic impact the GOP claimed it would.

Shutdown Drags On, And The Numbers Get Worse For Trump

As the shutdown continues the numbers get worse for the President, but he doesn’t seem to care.

Shutdown’s Impact Likely To Be Limited

While the political media is spending a lot of time talking about it, the actual impact of this latest government shutdown is likely to be limited and possibly even unnoticeable to most Americans.

Economic Storm Clouds On The Horizon

The economy is in good shape for the moment but there are storm clouds on the horizon.

Sooner Or Later, We Will Have A Recession

The current economic recovery is nearly ten years old. It isn’t going to last forever, though, and that could pose a problem for the GOP in 2020.

Yes, The GOP Lost The Midterms Because Of Trump

The evidence that the GOP lost the midterms because of public repudiation of President Trump is overwhelming. The GOP will either accept this and learn from it, or they will not.

Federal Budget Deficit Heads Back Up Under Republican Rule

Nearly two years into Republican control of Washington, the budget deficit is headed back up.

About that Unit Root Thing

A decade after the Great Recession, we now have data to answer the question.

Initial Estimate Shows Economy Grew 4.1% In Second Quarter

The economy grew at an exceptionally strong pace according to the first estimate of GDP growth, but several caveats remain.

Whither the Fiscal Conservative?

Deficits continue to rise.

Federal Government Set To Borrow $1 Trillion This Year

The Federal Government will borrow more than $1 trillion this year for the first time in more than a half-decade.

Welcome To The Era Of Trump’s Trillion Dollar Budget Deficits

We’re set to return to the era of trillion dollar budget deficits, and Republicans won’t do a thing about it.

A Booming Jobs Market For February

A better than expected jobs report for February, but wage growth slowed for the month.

The President’s Self-Imposed Bubble

POLITICO buries the lede in making the case for “Donald Trump’s bubble presidency.”

The GOP Is Now The Party Of Deficits And Debt, But Then It Always Has Been

Republicans spent the eight years of Obama Administration railing against fiscal irresponsibility. Now that they have power, they’re the ones being fiscally irresponsible.

November’s Jobs Report Is Strong, But There Are Caveats

November’s Jobs Report was stronger than expected, but there are several caveats to keep in mind.

Trump Nominates Jerome Powell To Head Federal Reserve Board

President Trump has selected Jerome Powell, a member of the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors, to replace Janet Yellen as Chairman.

House Republican Tax Plan Already Unpopular

House Republicans haven’t released their tax bill yet, but it’s already unpopular.

Republicans Unveil Broad Outlines Of Tax Reform Package

Republicans finally unveiled the outlines of a tax reform package yesterday, but the devil is in the still to be determined details.

Republicans To Introduce Tax Reform Package By The End Of September

Republicans will introduce a tax package by the end of the month, but whether they can actually pass anything is another question entirely.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump’s Job Approval Numbers Are Historically Bad And Only Likely To Get Worse

Donald Trump is the most unpopular incoming President in more than eighty years.

Federal Reserve Raises Rates For Third Time Since December

For the third time since December,, the Federal Reserve has raised interest rates.

First Quarter Economic Growth Better Than Initially Forecast, But Further Slowing Is Forecast

Economic growth in the first quarter wasn’t as bad as first estimated, but it still wasn’t very good. And the future is unclear at best.

Evaluating Trump’s First 100 Days

After 100 days in office, President Trump has very little to show for his work except to show that there’s no reason to trust his judgment going forward.

Trump Administration Introduces Tax Plan, But Comes Up Short On Details

The Trump Administration is out with a tax plan, but it’s seriously lacking in details.

Janet Yellin Hints At Another Rate Increase This Month

Federal Reserve Board Chair Janet Yellin hinted strongly today that we’re likely to see another interest rate increase this month.

Trump Reverses Obama’s Course On Keystone XL Pipeline And Other Projects

President Trump reverses a decision made by President Obama just over a year ago.

Government Reports Strong Economic Growth In Third Quarter, But It’s Unlikely To Last

The economy grew strongly in the third quarter of the year, but it doesn’t seem likely to last.

As Expected, Federal Reserve Raises Interest Rates For Second Time In Ten Years

The Federal Reserve Board raised interest rates for only the second time in a decade, but it still seems like it’s chasing an inflation monster that doesn’t exist.