Federal Reserve Board Declines To Raise Interest Rates Again

An unsurprising decision from the Federal Reserve.

August Jobs Report Delivers Mediocre Numbers

A mostly mediocre jobs report for August.

So…That Stimulus

A report card for the 2009 Stimulus Bill.

China’s Economy Appears To Be Slowing Significantly, And That Could Have A Huge Impact

China’s economy is still growing, but it’s most recently reported growth rate is slower than the nation has seen in quite some time.

Federal Reserve Raises Interest Rates For First Time In Nearly A Decade

In a move it had been telegraphing for the better part of a year, the Federal Reserve raised interest rates for the first time since July 2006.

Is Portugal Europe’s Next Greece?

The election of an anti-austerity government in Portugal is raising some concerns.

John Boehner’s Parting Words For His Critics Are Spot-On

John Boehner let loose on the “false prophets” on the right yesterday, and he’s absolutely right.

Congress Rebukes Obama On Trade, And Thus The Lame Duck Era Begins

House Democrats defied President Obama on an important trade deal today, thus arguably marking the official beginning of his lame duck status.

Maybe The Economy Won’t Return To Normal

What if this is the new normal?

Obama And Congress Headed For First Confrontation Over Keystone XL Pipeline

Just one day into the new Congress, the first confrontation is already set.

Top Senate Democrat: Democrats Should Not Have Focused On Obamacare in 2009, 2010

Sen. Charles Schumer says Democrats made a mistake by concentrating on getting health care reform passed instead of on fixing the economy.

Republican Party Wins Senate, Poised To Add To New Majority

2014 was not supposed to be a wave election, but it clearly qualifies as one.

Obama Names ‘Ebola Czar,’ Doesn’t Explain Why We Need One

President Obama has appointed an “Ebola Czar,” but it’s unclear why we need one when there are already people who are supposed to be in charge of the Ebola response.

Doctor’s Office Baby Pictures Barred By HIPAA

A good law has one rather silly unintended consequence.

Federal Court Of Appeals Rejects New Constitutional Challenge To Obamacare

A Federal Appeals Court has rejected a challenge to Obamacare based on a somewhat obscure provision of the Constitution.

Bill Gates: The Most Powerful Man in America?

How the richest man in the world quickly changed the education curriculum in 45 states.

A Mostly Good Jobs Report, And A Milestone Finally Passed (Sort Of)

The May Jobs Report was fairly good, and it marks the end of a jobs recession that started six years ago. But things aren’t entirely rosy.

President Obama Delays Decision On Keystone XL Yet Again

Once again, the Obama Administration punts on the Keystone XL Pipeline.

Hillary Clinton’s Favorability No Longer At Unsustainably High Levels

Hillary Clinton’s numbers aren’t at the incredibly high levels they used to be, but they were never going to stay that high anyway.

Egypt On The Brink Of Economic Chaos?

Could economic chaos bring Egyptians back out into the streets?

December Jobs Report Comes In Way Off Estimates, 300,000+ Leave Labor Force

A surprisingly disappointing jobs report for December.

Florida Will Soon Pass New York In Population

The Sunbelt continues to dominate.

Tea Party Hits New Low In New Poll

The Tea Party hit another new polling low, but that really shouldn’t be much of a surprise.

November Jobs Report Stronger Than Expected

Some good numbers for November in the Jobs report, but questions about the future remain.

Revised GDP Figures Show Strong Growth, Until You Look At The Details

3.6% GDP growth in the 3rd Quarter, but the devil is in the details.

John F. Kennedy A Conservative? No, Not Really

Conservatives have their own Kennedy myth to compete with the myth of Camelot.

Delayed September Jobs Report Disappoints

Nothing to write home about in the September Jobs Report.

Another Month, Another Disappointing Jobs Report

The American jobs market continues to disappoint.

Obama’s Pivot To The Economy: More Of The Same

As expected, President Obama’s latest “pivot” to the economy is less than meets the eye.

For The Eighth Time, Obama Pivots To The Economy

Time to “pivot to the economy” again.

Tea Party Apparently Now Considers Stopping Immigration Reform Most Important Issue

Forget about the budget deficit and spending. The Tea Party apparently now considers stopping immigration reform to be its most important task.

June Jobs Report Positive, But Not Spectacular

June’s Jobs Report was healthy, but the economy still needs to do better.

California Balances Budget While Expanding Aid to Poor

Jerry Brown’s second go-round as governor has been very, very good to the Golden State.

First Quarter GDP Final Revision Puts Growth Below 2.0%

First Quarter economic growth was weaker than originally estimated. What that means for the future is unclear.

A New Conspiracy Theory: IRS Tea Party Targeting Helped Win The Election For Obama

A new theory circulating on the right asserts that IRS targeting of Tea Party groups had an impact on the 2012 elections by diminish the Tea Party’s effectiveness. It’s mostly nonsense.

April Jobs Report: Good, But Not Good Enough

The April Jobs Report was good, but not exactly anything to write home about.

First Quarter GDP Up, But Fails To Meet Expectations

The economy grew in the first quarter of 2013, but the numbers were far from impressive.

Let’s Eliminate The State Of The Union Address

It’s time to end this absurd annual spectacle.

Over The Fiscal Cliff, Sort Of

Automatic tax hikes and spending cuts took effect at midnight. A deal involving the executive and half of the legislative branch could largely reverse them.