Biden-Ryan Debate Mostly A Draw

Last night’s Vice-Presidential debate was combative, but is unlikely to have a major impact on the race for President.

One Year Later, The Failure Of Occupy Wall Street Is Apparent

The Occupy movement began one year ago today. It’s no surprise that it ended up being a failure.

Federal Reserve Announces Another Round Of Stimulus Creating Money Out Of Thin Air

Ben Bernanke thinks doing more of the same is just what the economy needs.

Bill Clinton Makes The Case For Barack Obama

Last night, Bill Clinton hit one out of the park for the President Of The United States.

About Those 4.5 Million New Jobs, Mr. President

The Obama campaign’s 4.5 new private sector jobs claim is true, but only if you forget the first year of the Obama Administration.

Misleading Chart of the Day

A graph on public debt making the rounds is being used to misdirect rather than clarify.

GDP Figures Show Economic Growth Slowed In Second Quarter

The GDP report shows the economy slowed in the second quarter, to the surprise of nobody.

Romney Ad Uses Obama “I’m So In Love With You” Performance

Two liberal columnists say a recent Mitt Romney ad proves he’s out of touch—and implies that he’s running a racist stealth campaign.

Romney Campaign Adopts Risky “Take Off The Gloves” Strategy

The Romney campaign has apparently decided to be more aggressive in its attacks on the President, which poses serious risks for the campaign.

June Jobs Report Brings Another Round Of Disappointment

With four months to go until Election Day, the Obama Campaign was greeted with a very dismal jobs report this morning.

Can The GOP Deliver On Its Promise To Repeal ObamaCare? And What’s The Replacement?

The Republican strategy on health care in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision needs some tweaking.

Congress, Insider Trading, And The 2008 Financial Crisis

More evidence of the extent to which Members of Congress have profited from the inside information they receive.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Oompa Loompah Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Friedman Finds His 3rd Party Candidate: Obama

Thomas Friedman continues his quixotic quest for a third party. His candidate: a fantasy Barack Obama.

Infrastructure Projects And Economic Stimulus

Are infrastructure projects the key to turning around the economy? Not really.

No Mr. President, The Private Sector Isn’t Doing Fine

The President seems to think the private sector is doing fine. He couldn’t possibly be more wrong.

Factory Orders Drop In April, Signaling More Bad Economic News

Another sign this morning that the economic has been slowing, and may be contracting.

How Economic Doldrums Are Impacting The Election

A spate of bad economic news foretells a shift in the campaign for President.

GDP Revisions And Jobs Numbers Add Up To Grim Economic News

The economic statistics aren’t pointing in a very optimistic direction.

Dissecting Mitt Romney’s Foreign Policy

Is there a Romney Doctrine?

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Compensating For Something Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Has National Debt Increased More Under Obama Than Bush?

Obama has borrowed slightly more money in 3 years than Bush did in 8. Does it matter?

Obama Approval at Record Low

47 percent of Americans disapprove of President Obama’s performance.

Auto Bailout Politics

Romney eked out a win in the Michigan primary. He’s going to have a harder time there in November.

CBO Forecast: Trillion Dollar Deficits, Slow Growth, And High Unemployment

The latest projections from Congressional Budget Office are sobering to say the least.

GDP Growth 2.8% In 4th Quarter: Not Great, Not Good, Barely Okay

Another weak GDP report that portends stagnation ahead.

Andrew Sullivan: What Obama’s Critics On The Left And Right Are Missing

Conservatives are rejecting Andrew Sullivan’s Newsweek essay out of hand, but they ought to pay attention to what he’s saying.

The Right Must Abandon The “Obama Is Evil” Meme

If the Right clings to the belief that President Obama isn’t just wrong, but evil, it will likely end up handing the election to him.

In New Hampshire, It’s Do Or Die For Jon Huntsman

Jon Huntsman has gambled everything on New Hampshire. It probably won’t pay off.

The Presidency That Republicans Would Rather Forget

The Republican candidates for President have apparently forgotten that this guy was their party’s nominee twice.

The 2012 Election And “The Soul Of The Country”

Mitt Romney said the other day that the 2012 Election is about “the soul of the country.” This is most assuredly not true.

Vote Moderate Republican: Vote Obama

Understanding the state of the GOP field requires recognizing that President Obama is actually pretty moderate.

What Lies Ahead For The Economy?

Where is the economy headed? The signals are mixed at best.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Walk About Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Democratic Death Spiral?

A Democrat sees doom and gloom as far as the eye can see.

White House Pressured Solyndra To Delay Layoffs Until After Midterm Elections?

More revelations regarding the relationship between Solyndra and the Obama White House.

Cash For Clunkers Was A Boondoggle From The Start

It was clear from the start that “Cash For Clunkers” was a bad idea.

Cash for Clunkers: Not Much

The popular program was even less successful than we initially thought.