Texas High School Builds $60 Million Football Stadium

A rather egregious case of misplaced priorities in Texas.

Obama Campaign Wins Lawsuit To Restore Early Voting For All Ohio Voters

A clear victory for the Obama campaign in an Ohio Court, but will it stand on appeal?

Two Words Missing From The Republican Convention: Tea Party

Over two days of speakers, not a single Republican has mentioned the Tea Party.

Federal Court Strikes Down Texas Voter ID Law

A legal setback for the Texas Voter ID law, but not much of a political setback for Voter ID laws in general.

The Speech Of Mitt Romney’s Political Life

Tonight’s convention speech is the most important speech Mitt Romney has ever given.

Why Veterans Can’t Fit In On Campus

An Atlantic story on veterans returning to college is both poignant and miscast.

Jeb Bush To Republicans: Stop Being Stupid On Immigration

Jeb Bush continues to speak the truth on the GOP’s position on immigration issues. Sadly, his fellow Republicans aren’t listening.

Romney Rules Change

Mitt Romney’s forces won a rules change that will allow future nominees to have more say over their conventions. While this strikes me as a no-brainer, some conservative activists are up in arms.

Judge: Poker Betting Not Gambling But Game of Skill

A federal judge has ruled that poker is a game of skill and that therefore betting money on it is not gambling.

Todd Akin Says He’s Staying In The Race

Todd Akin says he will continue to be the Republican nominee for United States Senate from Missouri.

Virginia Voter ID Law Gets Justice Department Approval

The Justice Department has approved Virginia’s completely useless voter ID law.

The Nastiest Campaign Ever? Or Just The Pettiest?

Maybe the real problem this year isn’t that the campaign is unduly nasty, but that it’s incredibly petty.

Todd Akin Says He’ll Stay In Race, While Republicans Continue To Abandon Him

Todd Akin says he’s staying in the race, but his party is abandoning him.

Todd Akin’s Rape Remarks Causing Angst Among Republicans

National Republicans aren’t at all thrilled with Todd Akin right now.

Pennsylvania Judge Upholds Controversial Voter ID Law

A victory for the proponents of Voter ID Laws in Pennsylvania.

Of Groceries, Negroidals, and Creeds

It just seems like a man can’t live out his creed without some negroidal handling his groceries these days.

Texas A&M Shooter Apprehended

Another day, another mass shooting in America. Details are sketchy.

Is Hitting The Facebook “Like” Button Protected Political Speech?

A Federal case in Virginia is testing the boundaries of what constitutes protected speech in the digital age.

Revenge Of The RINOs?: Moderate Republicans In Congress Starting To Rebel

Moderate Republicans in the House are starting to become more assertive in voicing their frustrations with how Congress is operating.

Are Opponents Of Same-Sex Marriage Bigots?

The fact that someone disagrees with you doesn’t mean they’re evil

More on Voter ID

Another study shows that voter ID laws negatively affect a lot of Americans.

Michele Bachmann’s McCarthyite Crusade Against Huma Abedin And Other Muslims

Michele Bachmann and several other Members of Congress are engaging in the despicable tactics of Joe McCarthy.

Citizens United Was About Freedom Of Speech, Not “Corporate Rights.”

Opponents of the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United continue to miss the point of what the case was really about.

Justice Scalia’s Odd Dissent In Arizona v. United States

Justice Scaiia’s dissent in Arizona v. United States included many odd forays into areas that had nothing to do with the case before him.

The War On (Some) Drugs Has Killed More Mexicans Than Fast & Furious

America’s Drug War has caused more problems for Mexico than Fast & Furious ever will.

The SEC’s Dominance of College Sports

How dominant is the Southeastern Conference? It’s won more titles in the big sports since 2005 than all other conferences combined.

Government Advertising to Boost Food Stamp Enrollment

Byron York reacts to a CNNMoney story titled “Government wants more people on food stamps” by snarking, “And Democrats reacted angrily when Gingrich called Obama ‘food stamp president.'”

Gas Prices Are Falling, But That’s Not Necessarily Good News

Gas prices are falling nationwide but that’s mostly because the economy kind of stinks.

Texas Man Who Killed Daughter’s Molester Won’t Be Charged

A grand jury found that beating a child molester to death is an authorized use of deadly force.

Mitch Daniels Next Purdue President: Is He Qualified?

Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels will become president of Purdue University upon completion of his term in January. The faculty is apprehensive because Daniels has not had an academic career.

The Other Side Of The Neil Munro Story: Obama Doesn’t Take Many Questions

Neil Munro acted like a jerk, but Barack Obama needs to be more open to questions than he has been.

There’s No Evidence The Death Penalty Deters Crime

There is no evidence that the Capital Punishment works.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Pull My Finger Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Jeb Bush The Latest Republican To Repudiate The Norquist Pledge

Jeb Bush is the latest Republican to eschew GOP tax orthodoxy.

George W. Bush Portrait Unveiled

The official portrait of George W. Bush, the 43rd president, was unveiled at the White House yesterday. The ceremony was a rare display of political humor and grace.