How The Supreme Court Could Punt Ruling On ObamaCare To 2015, Or Later

Last week’s opinions from the Fourth Circuit provide an avenue for the Supreme Court to avoid an early ruling on the individual mandate.

The Politics of Social Security and the Problem with Perry’s Approach

Asserting the Social Security needs reform is one thing. Asserting its failure is another.

Jon Hunstman Unveils A Tax Plan You Ought To Be Paying Attention To

Jon Huntsman is out with a tax and jobs plan that deserves a lot more attention than it’s likely to get.

Do Conservatives Get a Pass?

How would a Democrat-equivalent of Rick Perry be received?

Florida’s ‘Drug Tests For Welfare Recipients’ Law Is, Most Likely, Unconstitutional

Florida’s new law requiring welfare recipients to pass drug tests seems to clearly violate the Fourth Amendment.

Would America Be Better Off With A Parliamentary Government?

Is America’s political system to blame for our current problems?

Libya Exposes Transatlantic Contradictions

My first piece for CNN has been posted at Fareed Zakaria’s Global Public Square.

Rubio’s Speech

Rubio may be wowing conservatives audience, but is his rhetoric grounded in reality?

Rick Perry’s Crony Capitalism

Rick Perry’s vision of capitalism doesn’t exactly comply with what Adam Smith had in mind.

Paul Ryan For President?

Some Republicans apparently still aren’t satisfied with the 2012 field.

World Reacts To U.S. Debt Downgrade

Like the rest of us, financial analysts across the globe are trying to figure out what the U.S. debt downgrade means.

The Tea Party’s Utopianism Is Making It Irrelevant

By insisting on perfection in the debt ceiling debate, the Tea Party has made itself irrelevant to the process.

The Debt Ceiling Debate: Social Democracy v. Limited Government?

Charles Krauthammer claims we are in the midst of a great debate. I am not so sure.

Harvard Researchers: Take Obese Kids Away From Their Parents

Should the state be able to take your kid away if he gets too fat?

The Final Flight Of Atlantis And The Future Of Space Travel

A space shuttle lifted off for the last time on Friday, and some people seem to think its the beginning of the end of America.

Some Tax Breaks Are Middle Class Welfare

Do people who take advantage of tax breaks get a “government benefit”?

Are Plea Bargains A Deal With The Devil?

Usually, Defendants plead guilty for perfectly rational reasons.

Sixth Circuit Upholds Constitutionality Of Affordable Care Act

The first Appeals Court decision on the Affordable Care Act was a victory for the government.

Bachmann, the Constitution, and Slavery

Bachmann’s views on the Founders and slavery are more significant than simply a question of how to classify John Quincy Adams.

The Genius of Mitch McConnell

The Senate Republican leader is running a shrewd political game. But what’s good for the GOP is bad for America.

David Frum: I Was Wrong To Oppose Same-Sex Marriage

A former opponent of same-sex marriage admits he was wrong.

DVRs Biggest Power Drain in House?

If someone had given me ten guesses as to the biggest electricity hog in my house, I’d have never guessed it: The set-top box that houses my DirecTV signal and DVR.

Tim Pawlenty’s Fiscal Plan: Too Good To Be True

Tim Pawlenty’s new fiscal plan isn’t very grounded in reality.

A Possibly Telling Request From The Court In The Virginia ObamaCare Lawsuits

The 4th Circuit has asked for supplemental briefs on an issue that could put a quick end to the lawsuits against the Affordable Care Act.

Rand Paul’s Pointless Gimmick: The Gas Tax Holiday

Rand Paul has borrowed a bad idea from the 2008 Presidential campaign.

Santorum: Social Policy Killed the British Empire

Santorum has an interesting theory about the decline of great powers.

The Politics Of The Death Of Osama bin Laden

The impact of the death of Osama bin Laden on the domestic politics is likely to be minimal at best.

Rand Paul: Both Sides Will Have To Compromise To Reach A Budget Deal

One of the Tea Party movement’s favorite Senators used the dreaded c-word.

Political Derangement Syndrome

Whenever I despair at the current state of the Republican Party, I remind myself that things aren’t much better across the aisle.

Paul Ryan Unveils Plan To Cut Federal Spending By $6 Trillion Over Ten Years

Paul Ryan unveiled an ambitious plan to cut the deficit today. The question is whether it will be the beginning of a debate, or an opportunity for Democratic demagoguery

Debtors Prison for Deadbeat Dads

The Supreme Court will decide whether states may jail parents who fail to make child support payments without providing them an attorney.

The Case Against Public Sector Unions

It’s time to end the ability of public sector labor unions to hold taxpayers hostage.

On CPAC, Social Conservatives, And GOProud

On the eve of this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference, another shot has been fired by those boycotting the meeting due to the presence of a gay conservative group.

Academia’s Liberal Bias

Yet another study finds conservatives wildly underrepresented in higher education.

Blogging Liberty and Tyranny, Chapter Four

Examining Levin’s examination of the Constitution, jurisprudence, and property rights.

National Interests

Is American policy in the Middle East dictated by national interest or interest groups?

Rand Paul Is Right: End Welfare To Israel, And The Rest Of The World

The debate over Senator Rand Paul’s proposed $500 billion spending cut plan has focused almost exclusively on one issue, and one nation.

Arizona Hates The Constitution, Loves Nullification

Arizona looks to be the latest state to try to revive the discredited doctrine of nullification.

Can We Please Stop Comparing Everyone We Disagree With To The Nazis?

Inevitably, the Nazis made an appearance during yesterday’s debate over health care reform in the House. It’s time for it to stop, or at least time for the rest of us to stop taking seriously anyone who resorts to such arguments.