America Just As Socialist As Europe

David Brooks points out that, despite the mythology of America as a land of rugged individuals and Europe as a socialist experiment gone wrong, the amount of social welfare spending is roughly the same.

White House Corporate Tax Plan Leaves Much To Be Desired

The Obama Administration introduced a corporate tax reform plan that doesn’t go nearly far enough.

Newt Gingrich’s Gasoline Price Fantasies

Anyone who falls for this needs to look into bridges in Brooklyn and oceanfront property in Arizona.

A Classically Conservative Argument on Same-Sex Marriage

Maggie Gallagher’s anti-gay marriage argument is an example of pure conservative thinking.

Florida Bill Would Ban Food Stamps For ‘Unhealthy’ Food

Once again, a government entity thinks the average person is too dumb to take care of themselves.

Makers vs. Takers Redux

Revisiting a lively debate from over the weekend.

Romney On CNN: `I’m Not Concerned About The Very Poor’

Mitt Romney stumbled a bit during his victory tour this morning.

Obama Presidency Still Polarizing, Bipartisanship Still Dead

American politics is as polarized as ever, and it shows no signs of changing regardless of who wins in November.

Former Aides Say Ron Paul Signed Off On Racist Newsletters

Yet more revelations about Ron Paul’s newsletters.

Is There An American Cultural Divide?

Have Americans divided themselves into what are becoming increasingly different cultures?

Weak Presidential Field. Again.

Why are all the candidates for president so awful?

Andrew Sullivan: What Obama’s Critics On The Left And Right Are Missing

Conservatives are rejecting Andrew Sullivan’s Newsweek essay out of hand, but they ought to pay attention to what he’s saying.

Jim DeMint Demonstrates What’s Wrong With Washington

Senator Jim DeMint demonstrated clearly today what is wrong with Washington.

Rick Santorum v. Individual Liberty

Rick Santorum’s views on the role of government are somewhat disturbing.

Ethanol Tax Credit Expires After Three Decades

Congress eliminates a bad subsidy, but it’s only because there’s a worse one on the books.

GOP Candidates Losing To Obama Among Latino Voters

Republicans are learning that their hard line on immigration comes with a political price.

Ron Paul Doesn’t Want To Talk About His Newsletters Anymore

Ron Paul doesn’t want to talk about his newsletters now, but he was pretty talkative 15 years ago.

Ron Paul’s Newsletter Problem

Should Ron Paul find his currently upward trajectory to continue he will find himself facing greater media (and opposition) scrutiny.

Republicans Clash At The (Thankfully) Final Debate Of 2011

The final candidate clash of 2011 didn’t lead to the sparring that some expected.

Everyone Hates Newt

With Gingrich surging in the polls, the pundit class has gotten out the long knives.

Time’s 2011 Person Of The Year: “The Protester”

Time Magazine has chosen “The Protester” as its Person Of The Year. Let the outrage ensue.

Why the Establishment Doesn’t Like Newt Gingrich

The Establishment opposition to the current frontrunner has little to do with his policy ideas.

Barack Obama Tries To Channel Teddy Roosevelt

Barack Obama now looks to the Rough Rider himself for inspiration. Can’t he find it himself?

Santorum on Suffering and Death

Rick Santorum has some extreme views on social welfare. Of course, he isn’t alone.

Federal Court Legalizes Compensation For Bone Marrow Donors

A new ruling from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals raises a host of questions.

GOP National Security Debate Live Blog

I’ll be liveblogging tonight’s Republican national security debate over at RealClearWorld along with a solid team of foreign policy analyst

Democratic Death Spiral?

A Democrat sees doom and gloom as far as the eye can see.

Bachmann Needs a Comparative Politics Class (and Some History and Logic, too)

Apparently, we should be more like China. Or something.

Camping Out In A Park Is Not A First Amendment Right

The Occupy movement is starting to face the reality that they really aren’t engaging in protected speech.

Penn State Child Sex Abuse Scandal

Jerry Sandusky, the longtime defensive coordinator for the Penn State football team, is being charged with eight counts of child sex abuse.

Taxing The Rich Won’t Alleviate Income Inequality

Increasing taxes on the rich may be a fiscal policy worth talking about, but it won’t make the poor richer.

Occupy Wall Street: What It Isn’t

There’s no consensus for European-style social democracy or a Randian libertarian paradise.

Clark Clifford Republicans

Have Republicans been co-opted by the Big Government they claim to hate?

The Tea Party Surrender On Corporate Welfare

The Tea Party flame was lit by the battle over TARP, but they quickly forgot about those bailouts that supposedly upset them so much.

Romney Consolidates Frontrunner Status in Economic Debate

Romney consolidated his position as the presumptive nominee, Perry continued his disintegration, Cain discovered what it was like to be a serious candidate, and Bachmann doubled down on crazy.

What “Occupy Wall Street” Is Missing

By looking only in one direction, Occupy Wall Street is missing the big picture.

We Are The 53 Percent

In response to a poignant collection of tales of suffering from the worst economy in decades, some conservative activists have put up a juvenile collection of “suck it, losers” posts.

Elizabeth Warren’s Flawed Social Contract

Elizabeth Warren has a deeply flawed view of our social contract.

What Is The World Coming To?

Better or worse?

Obama’s Millionaire’s Tax

President Obama is proposing a special tax rate for millionaires.

Thoughts About The Constitution On Constitution Day

Where do we stand after 224 years?

You Can Be Compassionate Without Supporting Big Government

Contrary to what Eugene Robinson and Paul Krugman argue today, compassion does not require one to support government social welfare programs.

James Carville To Obama: Time To Get Tough And Fire Some People

James Carville has some advice for Barack Obama. It boils down to “be like Bill Clinton.”