Posts by Doug Mataconis

Doug Mataconis
About Doug Mataconis
Doug Mataconis held a B.A. in Political Science from Rutgers University and J.D. from George Mason University School of Law. He joined the staff of OTB in May 2010 and contributed a staggering 16,483 posts before his retirement in January 2020. He passed far too young in July 2021.

Is Tim Pawlenty Running For President, Or Pope?

Tim Pawlenty said in a speech on Friday that America needs to “turn toward God.”

Gary Johnson Excluded From June 13th New Hampshire Debate

Is it appropriate for news organizations to decide that the people don’t need to hear from certain political candidates?

Law School Grad Sues Alma Mater Because She Isn’t Working

One law school grad seems to think the solution to her employment problems is to sue her law school.

Wage Growth Over Past Ten Years Worse Than During Great Depression

The jobs market has been weak for much longer than just the past two years.

Job Growth Weakens, Unemployment Rate Jumps To 9.1%

After several months where it seemed like things were turning around, the May jobs report was depressingly bad.

Sixth Circuit Hears Oral Argument In Affordable Care Act Lawsuit

Another appellate panel heard arguments on the Constitutionality of the health care reform law this week.

Sarah Palin Adds South Carolina To Itinerary, And The Press Continues To Follow

Sarah Palin will be heading to yet another important primary state while insisting she isn’t running for President yet. And the press follows her like a lonely puppy.

Romney Leads Among Iowa Republicans, Cain And Palin Tied For Second

The battle of Iowa is beginning with Mitt Romney in the lead, but Herman Cain and Sarah Palin aren’t far behind.

Herman Cain: Rising Star, Or Flash In The Pan?

Herman Cain is getting a lot of attention lately, but will he amount to anything?

Housing Prices Hit New Low, But Buyers Are Staying Away

Real Estate prices continue to fall, but where are the buyers? Maybe they’re acting sane this time.

Sarah Palin’s Bus Tour To Hit Iowa

Sarah Palin’s latest media spectacle will be heading west next month.

Mitch McConnell: No Deal On Debt Ceiling Without Medicare Cuts

As Congress left town for the long weekend, the Senate Minority Leader threw a grenade into the budget negotiations.