Posts by Doug Mataconis

Doug Mataconis
About Doug Mataconis
Doug Mataconis held a B.A. in Political Science from Rutgers University and J.D. from George Mason University School of Law. He joined the staff of OTB in May 2010 and contributed a staggering 16,483 posts before his retirement in January 2020. He passed far too young in July 2021.

Is She In? Is She Out? Reading The Sarah Palin Tea Leaves

Once again, Sarah Palin has made herself the center of attention in the political world.

Rand Paul Delays Renewal Of PATRIOT Act

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul wants a full debate on the PATRIOT Act. What’s Congress so afraid of?

Elderly Patients Dying Of Thirst In British Hospitals

The Care Quality Commission has found widespread neglect of elderly patients in the British National Health Service.

Newt Gingrich’s Breakfast At Tiffany’s

Newt Gingrich and his wife had a quarter million dollar line of credit at Tiffany’s. A story, a scandal, or much ado about nothing? I’ll take Door Number Three.

After Shakeup, Romney And Palin Lead GOP Field

Gallup takes the first look at the GOP field after Huckabee, Trump, and Daniels dropped out.

Eric Cantor: Any Tornado Disaster Relief Must Be Off-Set By Spending Cuts

Should we worry about the deficit when funding “disaster relief”? Should we be funding “disaster relief” at all?

Democrat Wins Special Election In NY-26

It’s just one Congressional District out of 435, but that won’t stop everyone from trying to turn the results in NY-26 into a national referendum on Medicare reform.

A Possibly Telling Request From The Court In The Virginia ObamaCare Lawsuits

The 4th Circuit has asked for supplemental briefs on an issue that could put a quick end to the lawsuits against the Affordable Care Act.

Will One Election Decide The Fate Of The Ryan Plan?

Voters in New York State may help move the budget debate on Capitol Hill.

Tim Pawlenty Opens Campaign In Iowa With Call To End Ethanol Subsidies

You don’t often see a candidate for President tell Iowans that he wants to eliminate ethanol subsidies, but Tim Pawlenty did.

Biden 2016?

Does Tim Pawlenty Have A Willie Horton Problem?

Tim Pawlenty may face trouble from a pardon he issued while he was Governor of Minnesota.

Obama Reiterates Statements On Israeli-Palestinian Talks In AIPAC Speech

President Obama doubled down in his speech before this year’s AIPAC conference. Why he did so only he understands.