Some Funerals Are More Equal than Others

The rules are different if you’re famous.

Stupidity Was The Other Plague We Mismanaged

Having failed to prevent or contain it, aggressive stupidity is now washing over us.

Trump Muses on Twitter about Delaying the Election

Trump’s irresponsibility continues.

Casinos Open, Churches Closed

A bizarre but possibly correct ruling by the Supreme Court.

Federal Agents Using Strong-Arm Tactics in America’s Cities

Portland may be a preview of what’s to come.

The Ridiculousness of Life Appointments

Another way in which the Framer’s really didn’t understand what they were creating.

Business people using their phones Business people using their phones

Demography is Destiny

It’s just not immediate.

Reaction to Letter on Justice and Open Debate Proves its Point

Free speech is not for everyone.

Why Republicans like the Filibuster

It creates a veto gate that they are almost guaranteed to control when they need it.

‘COVID Parties’ are Bullshit

Some incredibly thin reporting about a story that is almost certainly made up.

The Filibuster is Going Away

The writing is on the wall for simple-majority voting in the Senate.

Interpreting Interpretation

A too-long discourse on how courts should function.

Book Recommendation

Lee Drutman’s Breaking the Two-Party Doom Loop

Cancel Cancel Culture

The state of American debate is not strong.

After the Protests: What Then?

How to translate understandable frustration at injustice into tangible reform?

Thinking about the Injustice that Feeds the Flame

The evidence is clear. Injustice feeds rage and rage sometimes boils over.

Trump vs Biden on the Protests

The contrast could not be more clear.

What the Oregon Senate Primary Tells us about our Party System

This is more about structural conditions than it is about the GOP.

Is Partisanship a “What” or a “Why”?

The conversation continues. (Warning: it is over 3000 words).

A Simple Question about Partisanship

A further attempt to explain how party is such a key variable.

The Simplest Post on Partisanship I Can Write

An attempt at getting the point across.

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Political Dialog in the Age of Trump

It’s difficulty to have have a conversation with an albatross hanging over it.

Another Blow to Accountability in Government

Trump fires another Inspector General.

Are Electors Free to Choose?

SCOTUS and “faithless electors.”

Biden and Tara Reade

These are serious allegations.

Obama the Elder Statesman

The 58-year-old may have a post-presidency unmatched in history.

Virginia’s Stunning Transformation

A disgraced governor is signing a wave of progressive legislation

Wisconsin Voting Results Won’t Be Known for a Week

An irrelevant judicial order is being enforced for no apparent reason.

Pressuring Venezuela?

In recent weeks the US has ramped-up pressure on Maduro.

Hungary Goes Full Authoritarian

Orban has used Covid-19 to kill whatever vestiges of democracy remained.

Where is Joe?

Some on Twitter (yes, I know) seem concerned, but is this even a good question?

American Gerontocracy

Is being ruled by the elderly a bad thing?

Bernie Sanders’ Soviet Sister City

There’s nothing to see here, folks.

Warren Can’t Win

96 percent of the delegates have yet to be awarded. How can the race be down to two?

On the Act of Voting

A discussion of what #NeverTrump means, on Sanders v. Trump, and some about the philosophy of voting.

Dictatorships and the Democrats

Bloomberg waffles on China while Sanders has a soft spot for Castro.

A Quote to Ponder

On presidents

The Problematic Acting DNI

Only the best people.

On the Issue of (d)emocratic Nominations

Primaries are not all they are cracked up to be.

Democracy is Hurting Democrats

The wrong people are choosing the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee.

Bloomberg to Sell Business if Elected

The mega-billionaire commits to a path quite different from the fake billionaire currently in office.

West Point Why We’re Losing Wars Says West Point Prof

A book out today makes an odd case.

The US’ Nonhierarchical Parties

Lack of control of label is lack of control, ultimately, of a party.

Deval Patrick Drops Out

The Democratic nominee will be white.

Young Pete Buttigieg’s Ode to Bernie Sanders

An amusing discovery.

Is Presidential Impeachment Constitutional Dead Letter?

(At least the removal part)

Trump’s Acquittal and American Democracy

Has this precedent permanently damaged the country? Or is it just politics as usual?

Our Constitutional Crisis

To defang impeachment is an invitation for presidents to ignore the rule of law.