Democracy will Win

Regardless of one’s preferences in terms of endgame in Wisconsin, democracy will win out.

Obama Fills Out His Bracket While World Collapses

President Obama is once again catching flak for his leisure activities.

Nixon Center Becomes Center for the National Interest

The Nixon Center has gone from one of the most controversially named think tanks in Washington to yet another blandly named one: Center for the National Interest.

Demonstrators converge once again on the Capitol after the state Senate abruptly voted Wednesday night to eliminate collective bargaining provisions. The Assembly is expected to vote on the issue Thursday. Demonstrators converge once again on the Capitol after the state Senate abruptly voted Wednesday night to eliminate collective bargaining provisions. The Assembly is expected to vote on the issue Thursday.

The GOP’s WI Maneuver

Was the GOP’s maneuver legit? And what’s next?

Demonstrators converge once again on the Capitol after the state Senate abruptly voted Wednesday night to eliminate collective bargaining provisions. The Assembly is expected to vote on the issue Thursday. Demonstrators converge once again on the Capitol after the state Senate abruptly voted Wednesday night to eliminate collective bargaining provisions. The Assembly is expected to vote on the issue Thursday.

Wisconsin Passes Anti-Collective Bargaining Bill

Wisconsin Republicans stripped state employees of collective bargaining rights without the Democratic senators who fled the state to prevent a quorum.

In Defense of Bureaucracy

Yes, bureaucracies can be annoying, but they are also vital for modern society.

Quorum Busting v. Filibustering

The funny thing is that the quorum-busting in WI is more like a filibuster ought to be: a true delaying tactic that eventually has to give way to a democratic outcome.

Mitt Romney at Daytona 500 Mitt Romney at Daytona 500

Mitt Romney, Republican Frontrunner, Cipher

Mitt Romney starts his 2012 run as the frontrunner for the Republican nomination. But, in reinventing himself yet again, the “authenticity” issue that troubled many of us in 2008 looms again.

Wisconsin and Practical Politics (Not to Mention Compromise)

Why can’t the Wisconsin Stand-off end in compromise?

Unfit For Liberty?

The uprisings in the Arab world have led some to suggest that the Middle East isn’t “ready” to be free. They’re wrong.

Egyptian Army Accepts Constitutional Amendments

Egypt takes another step towards constitutional reform.

What Should The U.S. Do About Libya? Most Americans Say Nothing

Calls are coming from both sides of the aisle for the U.S. to do “something” about the situation in Libya. It would be better if we didn’t get involved.

Wisconsin Protesters Bizarro Tea Party?

Is Jon Stewart a useful idiot?

Disaggregating the Conversation about Wisconsin

There are a lot of issues on the table, so to speak, in the WI situation. Here I try to entangle them a bit.

Obama Derangement Syndrome And The American Right

The American right has become infected with the notion that Barack Obama isn’t just wrong, but evil. That won’t be healthy in the long run.

The Case Against Public Sector Unions

It’s time to end the ability of public sector labor unions to hold taxpayers hostage.

Quorum Rules

A commenter asks, “Why does Wisconsin have a quorum rule if not for situations like this?”

Elections Have Consequences

Republicans won the right to govern Wisconsin. What does that mean for Democrats?

Wisconsin’s Hemlock Revolution

In the Middle East, protesters are marching for democracy. In the Midwest, they’re protesting against it.

Ten Days to a New Egyptian Constitution?

Ten days is not a lot of time for constitutional reform.

Iraqi Defector Admits To Lying About Saddam’s WMD Program

It turns out the Iraq War was indeed based, in part at least, on a lie.

The Politics of Language

What people (or transitional governments) say isn’t ultimately the issue. What they do is.

A Trip Down Memory Lane (Militaries and Democracy Edition)

A few thoughts/historical examples, as to why I am guarded in my optimism on Egypt.

Mubarak’s Last Act: Hiding Stolen Wealth

Knowing his downfall was imminent, the former Egyptian dictator moved vast wealth out of rich of Western governments.

Obama: We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Warrants

The Obama Justice Department says it can look at phone records without warrants or judicial oversight.

The Military in Egyptian Politics

Ellis Goldberg, a Professor of Political Science at the University of Washington and an expert on Egyptian politics, has a pessimistic view about the likelihood that the military is interested in democratization.

Mubarak Resigns, Military Now Runs Egypt

Hosni Mubarak has stepped down — for reals this time.

Report: Hosni Mubarak To Step Down Today

Egypt’s President Hosni Mubarak is expected to step down after 17 days of pro-democracy protests.

Mubarak Out? Yes, But Not Necessarily Right Away

Hosni Mubarak may hang on to some semblance of power longer than many expected in the middle of last weeks chaos, mostly because there are few other alternatives right now.

Blogging Liberty and Tyranny, Chapter Four

Examining Levin’s examination of the Constitution, jurisprudence, and property rights.

Revolutions are Rare

If Mubarak is driven from power, will that make Egypt a case of “revolution”?

Sarah Palin Puts Some Words Together About Egypt

Sarah Palin said something about the crisis in Egypt, but it’s not at all clear what she meant.

Who’s A Conservative?

While most Americans consider themselves “conservatives,” some conservatives exclude most Americans from the definition.

An Intelligence Failure In The Middle East?

Some in Washington are claiming the intelligence community missed the warning signs of unrest in Tunisia and Egypt in what looks like little more than an effort to create scapegoats if things go wrong.

Rand Paul Is Right: End Welfare To Israel, And The Rest Of The World

The debate over Senator Rand Paul’s proposed $500 billion spending cut plan has focused almost exclusively on one issue, and one nation.

Violence Continues To Rage In Cairo

Egypt entered a second day of chaos with all signs pointing to things getting worse before they get better.

Egypt Balancing Act

Egyptians Upset With U.S. Response To Crisis

The United States is facing a serious public relations problem among the Egyptian people.