Are Republicans Facing A Backlash Over Ryan Plan And Medicare Changes?

There are signs that the Ryan Plan isn’t playing well with the public.

Southerners Not Happy to Have Lost Civil War

So, some bright people are surprised at new polling showing that a significant minority of Southerners have not enthusiastically embraced their ancestors’ loss in the Civil War.

More Poll Numbers (None of Them Especially Happy)

The new CBS/NYT poll is out and the numbers are not exactly happy, no matter whom you support.

More Cautionary Poll Tales

It is waaay too early to be putting much stock in polling for 2012 (either in terms of X v. Obama or GOP v. GOP).

Americans Oppose Entitlement Cuts, Support Raising Taxes On “The Rich”

According to a new poll, the American public still isn’t sold on the idea of cutting entitlements to cut the budget deficit.

Obama’s Approval Numbers Down, But He Still Leads All GOP Rivals

President Obama is vulnerable, but he’s facing a GOP field that is underwhelming even for Republicans.

Obama Hits All-Time Job Approval Low In Gallup Poll

We’re approaching the point where those job approval numbers start to matter, and President Obama’s are heading down again.

Early Primary Polls: Better Than You Think?

Nate Silver argues today’s polls “have a reasonable amount of predictive power in informing us as to the identity of the eventual nominee.”

Obama’s Approval Numbers Back In The Basement

The President’s winter polling bounce is gone, and he’s looking vulnerable again.

Nearly 2/3 Of Americans Say Afghan War No Longer Worth Fighting

Public support for the war in Afghanistan continues to plummet, but will that hurt the President when 2012 rolls around?

3% Say Ivy League Produces Better Workers

79% do not think Ivy League students make better workers. 18% are undecided.

Public Acceptance Of Same-Sex Marriage At All-Time High

Two new polls reflect the extent to which public attitudes on same-sex marriage have changed dramatically over the past twenty years, and it’s only a matter of time before that’s reflected in the law.

Have Republicans Lost The Public Relations War Over Public Sector Unions?

As the standoff in Wisconsin drags on, there is no sign that the public accepts the argument being made about public sector unions by Governor Scott Walker and other Republicans.

Poll: Majority Opposes Laws Restricting Public Employee Unions

A new national poll suggests that moves to restrict the collective bargaining rights of public sector unions are not popular with the public at large:

Latinos Aren’t Pro-Democrat So Much As They’re Anti-Republican, New Poll Finds

A new poll finds that Republican policies on immigration are chasing Latino voters straight into the arms of the Democratic Party.

Stupid Poll Tricks

Polls matching President Obama against potential Republican contenders are entertaining but not informative.

Egypt and Obama’s Approval Numbers

President Obama’s approval numbers have dropped 9 points since the Egypt crisis broke out.

SOTU Instant Polls Show Success For Obama

The initial instant reaction to the President’s speech last night was largely positive, but does it really matter?

Rasmussen: Obama Job Approval At Highest Level In 15 Months

The night before the State Of The Union Address, Barack Obama is in a far better position than many people thought he’d be after November’s election results.

Sarah Palin Unfavorables Reach Critical Mass

Sarah Palin’s unfavorability ratings continue to climb. And there’s very little room for her recovery.

Poll: Obama Gets High Marks For Arizona Response, Sarah Palin Bombs With The Public

The first poll assessing the political impact of last week’s events is out, and it has good news for President Obama, and bad news for Sarah Palin.

Americans Hate Taxes And The National Debt, Don’t Know What They Want To Cut

The American public still has a totally unrealistic view of what it will take to get the Federal Government’s fiscal house in order.