Trump Guts RNC

A purge of the professional staff for, well, reasons.

US-Iran Tensions Escalate

The war in Israel is in danger of expanding.

Political Polarization and Marriage

Young Americans are increasingly ruling out those of the other party.

Japan’s Shift to Robust Military Ally

A more dangerous world is changing the relationship.

The Media Rage Machine

Shockingly, when the most-watched news outlet is built on divisiveness, the country becomes divided.

Biden Continuing Trump Foreign Policy?

Normalcy is not a bad thing.

More Thoughts on Teixeira’s Move to AEI

Sometimes people just change jobs.

photo of working, person, military, construction, cutting, team, helmet, build, labor, job, workers, laborer, task, construction worker, sledge hammer photo of working, person, military, construction, cutting, team, helmet, build, labor, job, workers, laborer, task, construction worker, sledge hammer

The Coming Democratic Majority Isn’t Guaranteed

Ruy Teixeira finds that Hispanics aren’t yet woke.

Time for a New Generation to Lead?

The Silents and Boomers have been in charge too long.

Russia Sanctions Itself in Retaliation for Western Sanctions

Vladimir Putin is banning commodity exports.

Talk to Trump Voters!

We’re hurting the feelings of those trying to destroy the country.

Romney’s Child Welfare Plan

An opportunity for unity and a restoration of normal order.

Republican Leadership Face Tests with Cheney and Greene

Mitch McConnell is testing out his spine again.

The Truth Is Paywalled But The Lies Are Free

It’s much easier to fund bad information than good.

Coronavirus Bailout Both Reparations and Stimulus

This is no ordinary recession.

In Attacking Iran, Trump Is Losing Iraq (Again)

The assassination of a top Iranian official on a visit to Baghdad is having the expected negative impact on our relationship with Iraq and the fight against ISIS.

The Rising Blue Tide

A conservative columnist explains how once-Republican states are switching sides.

Trump Goes Full Dictator

Donald Trump isn’t just admiring dictators now, he’s acting like one.

Trump Has Few Options In Latest Iran Crisis

Realistically, President Trump has very few options when it comes to dealing with Iran and its nuclear program.

Six Months Without a SECDEF

The Pentagon has been headed by Acting Secretaries for an unprecedented period. Does it really matter?

Trump’s Intellectuals?

A WaPo writer takes a round-about path to demonstrate the obvious.

Patrick Caddell, Carter Political Adviser During 1976 Campaign, Dies At 68

Patrick Caddell, who helped Jimmy Carter win the Democratic nomination and White House in 1976, has died at the age of 68.

G.D.P. Growth In Third Quarter Was Healthy, But Many Caveats Remain

The economy appears to have grown strongly in the third quarter, but concerns about long-term growth remain.

Feds Make 32 Percent Less than Private Sector Counterparts (Or 17 Percent More)

Dueling data on civil service compensation belie the adage that you can’t choose your own facts.

Pence Leaves Colts Game Over Anthem Protest In Obviously Pre-Planned Stunt

Vice-President Pence left an Indianapolis Colts game early in what was obviously a cynical pre-planned publicity stunt.

Jim DeMint Out At Heritage

There’s been a palace coup at The Heritage Foundation.

The Trump Administration and the G20

More stepping back from free trade and the established global economic order.

Republicans Cower In Fear In The Face Of Trump And His Supporters

Republicans are afraid to oppose Donald Trump for fear that his supporters will come after them.

John Bolton Reportedly In Line For Number Two Spot At State Department

A controversial member of George W. Bush’s foreign policy team is up for a post in Donald Trump’s State Department.

The End Of Paul Ryan’s Honeymoon?

Five months after becoming Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan seems to be running into some of the same difficulties that John Boehner did.

The Quixotic Quest for the Radical Center

Americans don’t trust their government or each other. There’s no reason to hope it’ll get better.

Strong October Jobs Report Implicates Fed Policy, Role Of The Economy In 2016 Election

A much stronger than expected October Jobs Report suggests that the Federal Reserve is likely to move on interest rates, and raises questions about how economic issues will play out politically in 2016.

ISIS Has Arrived In Libya, Just How Big A War Are We Looking At?

ISIS apparently now has a foothold in Libya, and is making inroads in Yemen.

Russian Government Projects Sanctions, Declining Oil Prices, Will Lead To Recession In 2015

Russia’s own government is projecting that its economy will slip into recession next year. How that will impact Putin’s current belligerence remains to be seen.

Can Rick Perry Overcome The Disaster Of 2012 With A 2016 Reboot?

After a disastrous campaign in 2012, Texas Governor Rick Perry appears to be gearing up for a new run for the White House in 2016, but questions remain.

Republicans Dismiss Impeachment As A Democratic Ploy, But May Still Face A Dilemma

Republicans are dismissing talk of impeachment as a Democratic fundraising ploy, but it may be they are protesting just a bit too much.

What Will The GOP Do If It Wins The Senate?

It might not be pretty.

A Conservative Argues For Extending Unemployment Benefits

In an ordinary post-recession world, we wouldn’t need to talk about extended unemployment benefits, but times are far from ordinary.

Employment Numbers Rigged Prior To 2012 Election? The Evidence Doesn’t Show It

Was the Jobs Report released one month before Election Day 2012 rigged? Despite a new report, there’s no evidence to suggest that it was.

Do You Live in a Bubble?

PBS NewsHour quiz “Do You Live in a Bubble?”

Negotiating Over The Debt Ceiling Is Not Unprecedented

Contrary to the White House’s arguments, negotiating over the debt ceiling is not at all historically unprecedented.

Military Leaders Fighting Military Pay Raises Congress Forcing on Military

Congress really, really wants to give soldiers a 1.8 percent pay raise. Generals are begging them to hold it to 1 percent.

Ten Years After McCain-Feingold, More Money In Politics Than Ever

The 10th anniversary of McCain-Feingold teaches a lesson we should already have learned.

A New Conspiracy Theory: IRS Tea Party Targeting Helped Win The Election For Obama

A new theory circulating on the right asserts that IRS targeting of Tea Party groups had an impact on the 2012 elections by diminish the Tea Party’s effectiveness. It’s mostly nonsense.

The Unfortunate State of the Congressional GOP

If one is going to be in government, one ought to take governing seriously.

DC Politics and the Myth of Scheming

The Chinese are hacking Washington institutions to unearth the secret plan under which the town operates.

Polls Find Majority Support For Path To Citizenship For Illegal Immigrants

A positive political climate for immigration reform.