Jeb Bush Loses Three Top Fundraisers; Signs Of Trouble Ahead?

Jeb Bush’s campaign has been in a rough patch for several weeks at least, and now he’s lost three top fundraisers.

Clinton’s Democratic Opponents Upset With Parsimonious Debate Schedule

Some of Hillary Clinton’s Democratic opponents are complaining about the DNC’s parsimonious debate schedule.

Senate Democrats May Be Able To Filibuster The Vote To Block The Iran Nuclear Deal

If the Administration gets its way, efforts to block the Iran nuclear deal may come to a quick end in the Senate.

Majority Of Americans Oppose Iran Nuclear Deal, But It Will Likely Go Into Effect Anyway

Another poll shows that a majority of Americans oppose the Iranian nuclear deal, but the effort to defeat it in Congress is still likely to fail.

Democratic Donors Not Eager For Biden To Get Into The Race

Top Democratic donors don’t really seem very eager for Vice-President Biden to enter the race for President.

Joe Biden Casually Mulling a Sketchy, Preliminary Plan for a Tentative White House Run, Some Speculate

The POLITICO gang report that a “Joe Biden strategy for [a] White House run [is] taking shape.”

Time To Take Trump Seriously?

The buffoonish billionaire is tapping into something real.

Bernie Sanders Pulls Ahead Of Clinton In New Hampshire Poll

A new poll shows Bernie Sanders ahead of Hillary Clinton, but within the margin of error, in New Hampshire. But a deeper examination suggests that Bernie-mentum is a mile wide and an inch deep.

The Trump Hurricane Hits The First GOP Debate

It’s a Donald Trump debate, where the facts are made up and the truth doesn’t matter.

Mitch McConnell: No Immigration Reform While Obama Is President

The Senate Majority Leader says there will be no immigration reform while Obama is President. This is unlikely to help the GOP’s already serious problems with Latino voters.

Obama’s Rhetoric On The Iran Nuclear Deal Is Needlessly Confrontational

President Obama’s confrontational approach to opponents of the Iran Nuclear Deal ignores legitimate questions.

Donald Trump’s Substance Free Campaign For President

Donald’s Trump’s campaign is the logical conclusion of more than a decade of emotion-drive, substance-free politics.

American Public Turning Against Iran Nuclear Deal According To New Polls

Recent polling has shown the American public to be highly skeptical, at beast, of the Iran Nuclear Deal. That may not be enough to kill it in Congress, though.

Drop In Hillary Clinton’s Favorability Numbers May Not Be A Big Deal

Hillary Clinton has suffered drops in her favorability numbers lately, but that may not mean much for 2016.

Chris Christie Still Has Reefer Madness

Chris Christie says he would ignore states that have legalized marijuana if he became President. Fortunately, he will most likely never be President.

Jonathan Pollard To Be Released November 21st

After 30 years in prison, Jonathan Pollard will be released later this year.

Mike Huckabee’s Offensive, Idiotic Holocaust Rhetoric On Iran

In bringing Holocaust imagery into the debate over the Iran nuclear deal, Mike Huckabee has displayed the intellectual bankruptcy of his position.

U.S. Considering Releasing Jonathan Pollard?

Reports are circulating that the Obama Administration is considering releasing Jonathan Pollard, and many are seeing it as an effort to placate Israel in the wake of the Iran deal.

Trump Refuses To Rule Out Running As A Third-Party Candidate

Donald Trump won’t rule out running against the eventual Republican nominee. Will the RNC use this as an excuse to try to force him out of the race?

Can Congress Stop The Iran Nuclear Deal?

In the end, the odds that Congress can actually stop the new deal regarding Iran’s nuclear program are pretty low.

Iran Nuclear Deal Struck, Reactions Pretty Much What You’d Expect

Depending on who you listen to, it’s either peace in our time or an epic catastrophe.

The Money Race

It’s all about the Benjamins.

Donald Trump Is Still A Birther, But He Doesn’t Want To Talk About That Anymore

Donald Trump says he still doesn’t know where the President was born, but he’d rather not talk about that anymore.

U.S. And Cuba To Reopen Embassies After 54 Years

For the first time since 1961, there will soon be an American Embassy in Havana, and a Cuban Embassy in Washington. It’s well past time that this happened.

Chelsea Clinton And Privilege

When you’re being paid $65,000 to speak for less than an hour, you’re pretty much the poster child for privilege.

The Politics Of Obamacare After King v. Burwell

In the wake of the latest Supreme Court decision, the Affordable Care Act seems to have become even more firmly established than it was before last week, and the prospect of repeal has become even less likely.

A Look At The Remaining Legal Challenges To Obamacare

There are still legal challenges to the Affordable Care Act pending after King v. Burwell, but they aren’t quite as substantial as what we’ve seen over the last five years.

Andrew Sullivan on Gay Marriage Ruling

Andrew Sullivan, perhaps the man most responsible for putting the notion of marriage equality into the national debate, has come out of his blogging retirement to weigh in on yesterday’s historic ruling.

From Loving, To Windsor, To Obergefell, Liberty And Equality Prevail At The Supreme Court

The Supreme Court has issued a ruling whose roots can be found in case law going back half a century.

Supreme Court Rules Constitution Guarantees Gay Marriage

The US Supreme Court has ruled 5-4 that the U.S. Constitution contains a right to same-sex marriage.

How Seriously Should We Take The Polls Showing Bernie Sanders Surging?

Bernie Sanders is closing in the polls, but it still seems as though it doesn’t mean as much as some political pundits will try to tell you it does.

Jim Webb Defends The Confederate Flag

If Jim Webb runs for President, he will be the only candidate in either party who is on record defending the Confederate Battle Flag. And he’s thinking of running as a Democrat.

Supreme Court Upholds Obamacare Subsidies In 6-3 Vote

The era of legal challenges to the Affordable Care Act is over.

Changes To U.S. Hostage Policies Are Less Than Meets The Eye

The Administration announced changes to the way the government handles hostage situations, but it really doesn’t amount to much.

Hillary Clinton Remains Untouchable In The Polls

A new poll shows that Hillary Clinton remains largely unstoppable on her quest for the Democratic Presidential Nomination, and she has a pretty clear path to the White House as well.

Obama Talks About Race Relations In The Wake Of Charleston, Media Concentrates On One Word

President Obama gave an interesting and somewhat unusual interview to a podcaster late last week, but the media is obsessed over a single word.

The Return of the Liberals

More Democrats are calling themselves “liberal” than they have in years. Republicans, too.

U.S. Poised To Store Military Equipment In Eastern Europe, Baltics

In what seems to be a clear signal to Russia, the U.S. is considering pre-positioning military equipment in nation’s very close to Russian borders.

Mitt Romney: Kingmaker?

Mitt Romney decided not to run in 2016 but he’s very much in the race.

George W. Bush Wants To Send Combat Troops To Iraq Again

Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice, shame on us.

Congress Rebukes Obama On Trade, And Thus The Lame Duck Era Begins

House Democrats defied President Obama on an important trade deal today, thus arguably marking the official beginning of his lame duck status.

Obama And Republicans Battle As Both Sides Await Another Obamacare Decision

Before the end of the month, the Supreme Court could issue a ruling that ends subsidies for the vast majority of people who bought insurance under the PPACA, and the political battles are already starting.

Americans Say Civil Liberties Trump Terror Threats, Politicians Don’t Care

The American people don’t believe that liberty should be sacrificed in the name of security, but their leaders largely don’t care.

Supreme Court Slaps Back Congress In Jerusalem Passport Case

In a case that took seven months to decide, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Presidency’s broad authority in foreign affairs, and inserted itself just a little bit in the thorny politics of the Middle East.

Reports Of Hillary Clinton’s Impending Political Demise Are Mostly Just Wishful Thinking

Even with a recent negative downturn in the polls, the reports of Hillary Clinton’s impending political demise are largely wishful thinking on the part of conservatives.