Time For A Gingrich Boomlet?

Is Newt Gingrich on the verge of a rise in the polls?

Andy Rooney Dead at 92

Andy Rooney, best known to recent generations as the cranky old man at the end of “60 Minutes,” has died at 92.

Herman Cain Plays The Race Card

A cynical racial play by Herman Cain.

Defense and State Reining in CIA Drone War

The CIA’s drone war in Pakistan has gotten so out of hand that the Pentagon and State Department are reigning it in.

Wars and Rumors Of Wars

It’s time for another round of speculation about Iran and its nuclear program.

Obama’s Poll Rebound: Almost As Many Approve as Disapprove!

By popular demand: An assessment of the latest polling numbers.

The Truth About All Those Plans From Presidential Candidates

For the most part, all those plans the candidates release are barely worth the paper they’re written on.

Romney Enthusiasm Gap

Can Mitt Romney get Republicans to turn out next November?

Taxing The Rich Won’t Alleviate Income Inequality

Increasing taxes on the rich may be a fiscal policy worth talking about, but it won’t make the poor richer.

George Will Slams Mitt Romney, And The Right

George Will reminds conservatives to look in the mirror if the prospect of a President Romney dismays them.

Obama Approval Up! Or Not!

Don’t confuse modest bumps in a polling trend with actual changes in the thing being polled.

State Department Bought $70,000 Worth of Obama Biographies

Barack Obama wrote two bestselling memoirs before becoming president. Both of them are hot items at Foggy Bottom.

Stop Looking For The Next Ronald Reagan

If Republicans keep looking for the next Ronald Reagan, they’re going to be disappointed for many reasons.

Rick Perry: Talking About The President’s Birth Certificate Is “Fun”

On the day his campaign is set to make a major economic roll out, Rick Perry went the birther route again.

2012 Between Meh and Meh?

Previewing an Obama-Romney general election.

Mitt Romney Still The Inevitable Nominee

As of now, there’s no reason to believe that Mitt Romney won’t be the Republican nominee in 2012.

Republicans Bash Obama For Doing What Bush Wanted To Do In Iraq

President Obama is being attacking from the right for following through on a policy decision made by his Republican predecessor.

Obama’s Teleprompter Has, Ridiculously, Become A Republican Campaign Issue

Barack Obama uses a teleprompter. This is not a big deal.

Killing Gaddafi Doesn’t Make President Obama’s Actions In Libya Legal Or Justified

Gaddafi is dead, but it was still wrong for the United States to get involved in Libya.

Time To Manage America’s Decline?

Is it time to just admit that the good old days are over?

Occupy Wall Street Outside The Mainstream?

Does “Occupy Wall Street” really represent the people they claim to be speaking for?

Media Coverage of the Candidates

Rick Perry has gotten the most and best coverage thus far in the campaign. President Obama has gotten mostly negative coverage.

Obama Embraces Occupy Wall Street

President Obama says he’ll fight for the 99 percent.

Herman Cain’s Bizarre Immigration Plan: Electrify The Border Fence

Like his tax plan, Herman Cain’s immigration plan is not serious.

Think Before Running For President

Byron York argues that the lesson of Rick Perry’s candidacy is “Think before you run.”

Obama Sending Troops to Fight Lord’s Resistance Army

Obama is trying to get into Guinness under “US President with Most Simultaneous Wars”

The Tea Party Surrender On Corporate Welfare

The Tea Party flame was lit by the battle over TARP, but they quickly forgot about those bailouts that supposedly upset them so much.

Explaining Obama’s Medical Marijuana Crackdown

Obama’s Justice Department continues its crackdown on medical marijuana, despite campaign promises to the contrary.

Romney Consolidates Frontrunner Status in Economic Debate

Romney consolidated his position as the presumptive nominee, Perry continued his disintegration, Cain discovered what it was like to be a serious candidate, and Bachmann doubled down on crazy.

Super Committee Super Deadlocked

Not surprisingly, the “Super Committee” to deal with the deficit isn’t making much progress.

Economic Crisis: What Could Government Have Done Better?

With the advantage of hindsight, it’s clear that more creative strategies were needed. But they probably couldn’t have been passed.

Afghanistan War at Ten

Ten years ago tomorrow, President Bush announced that “the United States military has begun strikes against al Qaeda terrorist training camps and military installations of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan.”

There Really Is A Death Panel

We’re learning more about the Obama Administration’s decision to kill Anwar al-Awlaki

Sarah Palin Is Not Running For President

Sarah Palin is out for 2012

Obama’s Populism At Odds With His Path To Re-Election

The partisan crowds like President Obama’s populist rhetoric but it seems ill-suited for his re-election strategy.

DOD Won’t Fund Promising PTSD Treatment

Anesthesiologist Eugene Lipov thinks he has found a cheap, effective treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder. The Army won’t fund it.

Obama Answers Reagan’s Question

In an interview, President Obama says that Americans are worse off than they were four years ago.