US Poverty at Record High

A record 46 million Americans are living in poverty.

Obama Jobs Plan To Include $447 Billion In Tax Increases

The “how to pay for it” part of the President’s jobs plan seems destined to be rejected by the GOP. Which may be exactly what the President wants.

Republicans Need To Tread Carefully In Response To Jobs Bill

With the economy at the forefront of the public’s mind, the GOP needs to be careful in its response to President Obama’s new jobs bill.

Perry Widens Lead, Bachmann Plummets, In New Republican Poll

Rick Perry’s month in the GOP race for the White House has sent Michele Bachmann’s poll numbers into the basement.

Democrats Starting To Worry About Obama’s Re-Election Prospects

Top Democrats are starting to voice public concerns about 2012.

Obama Jobs Speech Tough On Rhetoric, Light On Substance

Not surprisingly, there was very little about the President’s jobs speech to write home about.

The “Green Jobs” Boondoggle

America is discovering that throwing money at an industry in the hope it will create jobs doesn’t work.

Obama White, Hispanic Approval Plummets

President Obama’s approval ratings are at an all-time low. Only 33% of whites and 48% of Hispanics approve. He’s still at 84% among blacks.

Have Conservatives Finally Had Enough Of Sarah Palin?

The Sarah Palin bloom seems to be off the rose.

Democrats Fear Obama’s Jobs Plan Will Be Too Little, Too Late

Democrats are fearing the President’s jobs plan will be underwhelming. Based on initial reports, it looks like their fears are well-placed.

Obama Losing Rich Liberals

Richard Cohen reports that people like Richard Cohen have lost their enthusiasm for Barack Obama.

Will Obama’s Perceived Weakness Cause Republicans To Overreach?

Assuming that the President is easy to beat could cause Republicans to move too far to the right.

President Obama’s Job Ratings Sink Amid Economic Pessimism

With most of the public looking at the future and not seeing anything good, the President is suffering

Acting BATF Director Reassigned In Wake Of Gunrunning Scandal

Why was the ATF allowing thousands of weapons to be smuggled to Mexican drug gangs?

Rick Perry Holds Commanding Lead In GOP Race, But Obama Still Competitive In General Election

Is the GOP race really down to just two men at this point?

Betting With The Public’s Money: The Lessons Of The Solyndra Bankruptcy

The Solyndra case is a classic example of what’s wrong with “government investment.”

Political Fantasy World

It never ceases to amaze me how many smart people manage to believe, against all evidence to the contrary, that their political philosophy has massive support.

Can A President Become Irrelevant?

No matter how weak he becomes, no President will ever be completely irrelevant to the political process.

The “Responsibility To Protect” Doctrine After Libya

What does the apparent outcome of the war in Libya mean for the so-called “Responsibility To Protect” doctrine?

When You’ve Lost Maureen Dowd And Frank Rich……….

The bloom is off the rose for some of the President’s most ardent 2008 supporters.

Sarah Palin Continues To Tease Supporters In Largely Pointless Speech

Sarah Palin’s much-anticipated Tea Party speech in Iowa was, in the end, much ado about nothing.

Obama Adminsitration Backtracking On Smog Rules Angers Environmentalists

Environmentalists are upset by President Obama’s decision to abandon stringent new smog regulations, but he made the right decision.

Black Unemployment Highest Since 1984

The last time black unemployment was this high Barack Obama was fresh out of college. Now, he’s in the White House.

Report: Obama White House Intervened To Get Loan For Questionable Solar Energy Firm

The connections between the White House and failed solar energy company Solyndra deepen.

Obama Should Listen to Small Businesses, Not Conservatives

Obama’s economic policies are failing because he’s listening to conservatives – not small businesses.

We Have a President, Not a King

Did Speaker Boehner insult President Obama by snubbing his speech request? If so, so what?

August Jobs Report Reveals Zero Net Jobs Created For The First Time Since 1945

Another bad report from the Labor Department.

White House Officials Upset That Republicans Playing Politics Interfered With Their Attempt To Play Politics

The White House is still smarting over the fact that they got burned by John Boehner, again.

The Great Speech Kerfuffle Of 2011 Reveals The Weakness Of The Obama Presidency

How a six hour long dispute over scheduling demonstrates yet again that Barack Obama isn’t up for the fight.

Solar Energy Firm’s Bankruptcy Calls Obama’s “Green Jobs” Program Into Question

The failure of a solar energy firm in California is raising questions about a centerpiece of the Administration’s economic policy.

Obama Re-Election Keys

A political scientist whose formula has correctly picked every presidential winner since 1984 says Barack Obama will be re-elected.

Obama’s Jobs Plan: Deja Vu All Over Again?

Details of the President’s jobs plan are starting to leak out, and they’re not looking impressive.

Romney’s Plan Of Attack On Perry

The Romney campaign may be finally starting to pay attention to Rick Perry.

When Is A Candidate’s Religious Faith A Political Issue?

Is it every appropriate to ask candidates about their religious faith? In some cases, yes it is.