Rand Paul, Dick Cheney, And The Foreign Policy Battle Inside The GOP

The Kentucky Senator and former Vice-President are at the front of a battle that will unfold inside the GOP as we head toward 2016.

George Will Has A Question For Republicans About Iraq, And So Do I

Some questions for the Republicans who would be President about the actions of the last Republican President.

Is The Iraq War To Blame For Iraq’s Current Crisis?

Recent events in Iraq have opened up old domestic political arguments in the United States.

Obama Hits New Job Approval Lows

Some bad news for the President.

Obama Is Not To Blame For The Deterioration Of Iraq, And The U.S. Can’t Fix It

Iraq is falling apart for reasons that have nothing to do with President Obama or his policies.

Why It Matters That Obama Didn’t Follow The Law In The Bergdahl Release Deal

Good intentions and good results aside, the President’s disrespect for the Rule Of Law should concern everyone.

Does The World Really Think Less Of The U.S. Due To Obama’s Foreign Policy?

There’s little evidence for the conservative contention that the President has damaged America’s position in the world.

Did Obama Violate The Law With The Bergdahl Release? It Sure Seems Like It

Good intentions aren’t an excuse for failure to follow the law.

House Votes To Protect States That Legalize Marijuana From Federal Raids

A victory for Federalism and sanity in the War On Drugs.

Should We Eliminate The Vice-Presidency?

Does the office of Vice-President serve any useful purpose anymore?

Eric Shinseki Out As Secretary Of Veterans Affairs

Eric Shinseki resigned as Secretary of Veterans Affairs this morning, to the surprise of absolutely nobody.

Obama Outlines Realist Policy, Rejects Realist Label

The President’s second speech to the Corps of Cadets is a vast improvement over the first.

Obama’s Cloudy Foreign Policy Vision

Once again, President Obama’s attempt to communicate a foreign policy vision falls short.

Ideological Purism Is Making American Politics Stupid

The latest chapter in an all too familiar story.

Fort Hood vs Benghazi?

James Oliphant asks, “Why Hasn’t the GOP Treated Fort Hood Like Benghazi?”

Anti-War Republican Beats Back Bush Era Challenger

Congressman Walter Jones beat back a primary challenge from a former Bush aide who attacked him over his foreign policy views.

Condoleeza Rice Backs Out As Rutgers Commencement Speaker After Protests

The right decision, or the triumph of mob rule?

Americans To Their Leaders: Stop Intervening Overseas

A new poll indicates that most Americans don’t want to see the United States intervening overseas.

Republican Candidates Behind In Key Senate Races

It’s a bit too early for Republicans to be celebrating that Senate majority that so many people are predicting.

Top Republicans Looking To Jeb Bush In 2016

Top Republican donors are starting to look at the former Governor of Florida as their candidate in 2016.

Rand Paul The GOP Frontrunner?

Calling anyone a front-runner in a race where we’re still two years away from anyone casting votes is silly. Nonetheless, Rand Paul is an interesting guy to watch for those wondering if the GOP has actually changed.

Rand Paul’s N.S.A. Lawsuit: Campaign Stunt Or Real Legal Threat? Does It Matter?

If something is going to be done about an out of control National Security State, it’ll be because the American people demand it.

Most Americans Now See Iraq And Afghanistan Wars As Failures

Most Americans now see America’s decade of war as a failure.

Robert Gates: Invading Iraq Diverted Attention From The War On Terror

Former SecDef Robert Gates is among those who believes that the Iraq War unduly diverted attention from fighting the War On Terror.

Robert Gates Hits Obama, Biden, Clinton In New Book, But Will Americans Care?

A new book by former SecDef Robert Gates is making political waves in Washington power circles, but will it matter to ordinary Americans?

Would N.S.A. Data Mining Have Been Able To Stop 9/11?

.Many have tried to justify N.S.A. data mining on the theory that it could have prevented 9/11. Is that true?

Poll: Obamacare Woes Lead To Doubts About Obama’s Leadership

More bad poll numbers for the President and his party.

ObamaCare Problems Put Obama’s Poll Numbers In A Tailspin

The trends in President Obama’s approval numbers are not moving in the direction he ought to want them to go.

Michelle Obama Went to School With Woman That Works at Company That Built ObamaCare Website

The faux scandal of today comes to us courtesy of The Daily Caller: “Michelle Obama’s Princeton classmate is executive at company that built Obamacare website.”

Time For A GOP/Tea Party Divorce? No, Time To Re-Open The ‘Big Tent’

Much like the Tea Party, David Frum wants to make the GOP tent smaller.

Despite Gridlock, Americans Prefer Divided Government To One-Party Rule

Divided government is the worst political system ever, except for all the others.

Ted Cruz and the Fight for the Soul of the Republican Party

With key conservatives pushing for sanity, the grown-ups have a chance to take back the GOP.

Obama Didn’t Try To Scare Americans Over Syria, Except When He Did

:Like his predecessors, President Obama’s speech last night exaggerated the threat that Syria poses in order to sell his plan to American voters.

Syria And The “Isolationist” Smear

Opposing interventionism and unnecessary and unwise military engagements is not isolationism.

Obama Administration vs Bush Administration on Syria

Score one for Team Bush?

Syria: What Now?

As President Obama’s red line has been crossed more brazenly, he continues to sound reluctant to intervene in Syria while positioning forces to do just that.

Guantanamo Detainees Will Get Parole-Style Hearings—Eventually

A late-night announcement that Gitmo detainees will get hearings raises more questions than it answers.

Harry Reid Backs Away From The Nuclear Option, Filibuster Alive And Well

Once again, the threat of the “nuclear option” appears to have had less megatonnage than some expected and others hoped.

North Korea Nukes Here To Stay

North Korea’s nuclear weapons aren’t going anywhere.

Frustration With Karzai Pushing Obama Toward “Zero Option” In Afghanistan

Frustrations with the mercurial leader of Afghanistan may increase the pace of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Joyner Unfair to Krugman

A decade ago. a certain New York Times columnist was more right than your humble host.